Everyone Knew

“I didn’t have to do that, but those people shouldn’t be talking like that,” he said as he glared after them.

“You’re right but let’s not turn this into a big fuss. I already have enough to worry about at work as it is,” I said before letting out a soft laugh.

“How are you doing?” he asked, and I knew that he wasn’t asking about my work.

“Fine. Don’t worry,” I replied before showing him a brave smile.

Richard’s reaction surprised me. I knew that out of everyone in the CEO’s office, he was the one that was strictest and worried most about the rules. That was why his reaction surprised me the most.

“Were you shocked to hear that Ace and I are dating?” I asked before I could stop myself.

“Not really…” he replied emotionlessly.

“Really? You were not surprised or shock at all?” I asked in disbelief.

“Why do I need to be shocked?” he asked in return.

“Well, it’s Ace and me…you know…” I replied before shrugging my shoulders.