Secretive Destination

“How’s work?” he asked the moment that I got in his car.

“Busy. Super busy but I guess that just means that the business is doing well,” I replied.

“Guess Elizabeth is doing a good job. It’s high season now for our industry so the tough part will come around in three or four months from now. We’ll really see how she does then,” Ace replied with a chuckle before he started driving.

“How was your trip?” I asked brightly.

“It was alright…” he replied without providing any details.

“What did you do with your friends?” I asked curiously.

“This and that…” Ace replied vaguely.

“You’re really not going to tell me anything?” I asked while trying to keep my tone teasing and light.

By that time, I thought that I had been patient enough in waiting for his answers. I gave him the time away that he seemed to need without asking any questions because I didn’t want to nag him.