New Direction

Even though the building was quite empty, I still felt excited as I let Ace lead me by the hand along the hallway in the building. I could tell even without the decoration and furniture that the building was supposed to be an office.

“This is one of my favorite areas in this place. This large area here is an open co-working space where people can gather to work together and share ideas freely,” Ace said while sounding excited.

The area was indeed open and quite spacious. Thankfully, there was electricity in the building and that meant that we could turn on the lights.

“It’s quite big…” I murmured as I looked around.

“Come look over here,” Ace said as he tugged on my hand for me to follow him.

To my surprise, Ace took out some paper that had been stapled together. When he showed it to me, my eyes widened in pleasant surprise.