Tempting Invitation

“What kind of work are you planning to do here?” I asked.

I did take note that the building was far too big for it to act as Ace’s personal office and that meant that soon he wouldn’t be working alone.

“Creative and impactful things,” he replied with a confident smile.

“Such as?” I prompted him to explain further.

“Something similar to Project Alpha but without the other non-impactful and just for the money type of work. No more making advertisements purely for the sake of selling toothpaste...” Ace replied with a small chuckle.

Project Alpha…

“But don’t all the commercials we make for philanthropic funds and organizations free work? As in, we don’t get paid for those or even if we do then, not so much…” I pointed out.

“You’re right but that doesn’t mean that we cannot find sponsors to pay for both the production of the campaigns and the advertisement of it,” Ace replied.

“I see…” I murmured.