Dark Beginnings

Everyone would complain to a certain degree when we had to go through a move because of the hassle of moving our things. Ace looked around and I could tell that he must be recalling some old memories that he had of this place.

“This used to be my table,” he said as he reached out a hand and tapped softly on the desk in front of us.

“I see. This must bring back some very good memories for you,” I said with a smile.

“Not really…” he replied softly.

Did he just say ‘not really’?

“Oh…” I murmured when I realized that I might have said something inappropriate without thinking.

Ace turned to grin at me and for a moment he had a sad faraway look in his eyes. I had always thought that Ace’s career must have been all rosy and smooth sailing given his family background. Apparently, I couldn’t have been more wrong.