Destined Connection

I wished that I could say that I fully understood the struggle that he went through but that would be me overestimating myself and overly simplifying his problems.

“What happened in the end?” I asked.

“In the end, things got so heated between us that we were splitting the team into two, almost literally. There were people who agreed with the manager while there were also many that agreed with what I had in mind. The key problem with the storyline and storyboard that I came up with were two things. Firstly, the concept was very holistic and indirect, which many thought would be hard for the audience to understand. The second issue was that the budget required to produce the commercial that I wanted was over the top expensive,” Ace explained before taking a pause.

I wasn’t sure what commercial he was referring to exactly, but I could see Ace stubbornly pushing for the idea that he truly believed would produce the best outcome regardless of what other people had to say.