We Kiss All the Time

Sweat drenched Wu Jian’s back, chest, face, arms, and legs as he balanced most of his body on his arms, which were bent at a forty-five-degree angle. Meanwhile, he had tightened his core and spread his legs wide to form a triangle as he pressed his feet flat against the ground. This had the effect of working both his triceps, chest, and core muscles. Every time he lowered his body, his arms and chest felt like they were on fire, and the constant need to keep his stomach muscles tight caused an intense burning sensation to spread through his torso.

“Eighty-nine… ninety… ninety-one…”

One month had passed since Elder Wu Wei tried to force Wu Meiying into using her power. While the snake had been able to use his silver tongue and authority to get out of trouble, Father and Mother were wary of his antics and told Wu Meiying that she could refuse anyone’s request if they did not bear the family head’s official seal.