After washing up and getting dressed in a red and black hanfu, Wu Jian met up with Wu Meiying and Hou Jingshu by the dining hall and entered. A lot of people were already present. The buzzing of conversation was a dull sound in his ears as they found a place to sit. It wasn’t long after they sat down that a maidservant, the same one who always attended to them, arrived with some congee, a bowl of fruit and nuts, and a side of honey.
Wu Jian was aware of the eyes on him as he sat between the two girls. He could feel the stares drilling holes into the back of his head. Maybe it was just his imagination, but he could have sworn people were glaring at him more than usual today.
I must be imagining things. People stare at me all the time. Hmm. I’m sure they’re glaring no more than usual. That must be it. I’m just being paranoid.