A Journey Filled with Danger, Part II

Wu Jian inhaled the crisp morning air, held it, then exhaled. The sun was still not risen. He could just barely see hints of golden light peeking from the east. The cold air was sharp and filled his lungs like tiny needles, when he exhaled, soft mist emerged.

While the outside observer might have assumed he was not paying attention--his eyes were closed, after all--Wu Jian was using his understanding of the Dao of Space to search the area for any potential dangers. This served as both keeping watch and training.

No danger had presented itself. Wu Jian had seen a few bird type magical beasts flying above them earlier. They had looked like gigantic owls. He wasn’t able to see them clearly because they had been so high up, but he had judged them to be at least the same size as an adult human male. There had been several. He thought they were going to attack him in a pack, but they’d actually started fighting each other.