Master Wong Jiu had told Wu Jian they should not fly under any circumstances, but since they were already being targeted by an enemy, he believed the point was now moot. Wu Jian cut the rope tying himself to Zhou Lihua and Master Wong Jiu.
“I’ll deal with this thing! You keep climbing!” he shouted to Zhou Lihua.
“Okay! Be careful!”
Wu Jian did not want to risk damage the cliff and causing it to break apart while Zhou Lihua was busy climbing. She had to also carry Master Wong Jiu’s weight. He needed to bring this bird away from them. That was why he flew right up to it at his top speed. It cawed in what sounded like anger--or maybe it was hungry?--and then it shouted.
“Blasted humans! How dare you kill my flock! I will feast upon your corpses!”
Right. Magical beasts at the Human Limit Realm can speak…