Chapter 9 - Hide & seek

My Dad was sitting in the living room with Kevin Taylor!!!!

Like Peter's Dad, he is close with Kevin too. I must say my life is like a rollercoaster ride with up and down tracks. I drank the water myself instead of giving it to Dad, I was so stressed out that my mind was going against me!

As I was standing in the kitchen with fear, Kevin walked in with anger in his eyes "why did you drink the water, crazy mask maid?" He asked with a lower but scary tone. I was just looking at him instead of replying to him, and that pissed him more.

"Don't humiliate me in front of him, he is very important to me!" Having said that he left.

I took a deep breath and somehow calmed myself down. There was now only one way out of this, avoiding Dad at any cost and acting natural as a maid, So I took another glass of water, and this time holding the glass I directly walked towards him in the living room, standing beside him I faced the opposite direction and served him water. He was trying to take a look at my face as my face was in the other direction, the more his eyes were looking at me the more I was turning my back towards him making everything awkward for Kevin!

"She is my new maid!" Kevin said to my Dad with a smile on his face. I rushed to the kitchen as soon as Dad finished drinking water.

"Your maid is quite different," Dad said to Kevin with a curious look on his face maybe he was doubting me and that made me more conscious of hiding myself. My eyes were the only visible part to him but what if he recognises me through them, so I decided to hide my whole face.

I was looking for something to hide my face, but there was nothing and on the other hand, Kevin ordered me to serve dinner on the table. My heart was racing, I was afraid to go in front of my Dad again, if he finds out I'm here then it's over for me!!!

As I was deep in my thoughts suddenly, I found it, the thing that would be perfect to hide my face. There was a small bucket in the kitchen, so I put it on my head and it turned out well, my face was now completely hidden though the only problem was I couldn't see through it.

Kevin called out to me from the living room, and without wasting any time, I prepared the food and started walking towards the living room again holding a food tray in one hand. I was having difficulty with walking as my face was hidden with a bucket, so I started taking slow steps but slow steps were not making it either, I was hitting pillars and every other piece of furniture on my way.

Upon reaching the living room somehow, I heard two screams, Kevin and my Dad.

"Are you on your right mind?" Kevin asked me with a strange tone and now it was important for me to reply to him but in a different voice or else my father would recognize me "It's so hot today, I wanted something on my head to calm myself down!" I said with a deep heavy voice making Kevin speechless.

He didn't ask me any questions rather he took the food tray from me and arranged the table by himself.

I was standing a little far from them but enough to listen to their conversation, As usual, the food wasn't that great but they both were still chewing it maybe to avoid the awkwardness at the table!!

There was complete silence, they both must be thinking 'what are we eating?' but no one dare to say anything. I tried something new but it was a massive failure which I could tell judging from their face!

Suddenly Dad broke the silence in the room "I want you to look for my daughter" he said to Kevin with a concerned voice and a sad look on his face, but I was surprised to hear this, my soul left my body for a moment 'why Kevin????'

And in return, Kevin promised Dad that he will find me no matter what. Did I just walk into a lion's den? Probably yes, because Kevin seemed determined to find me and now it became more important to hide from him, that means hiding my face forever and ever!

As they both finished dinner, Dad came to me. I could feel his strong presence all over my right side, he wasn't saying anything and my feet started trembling from fear, as I was about to say some words he cut me off and said "this handkerchief in your hand seems familiar to our servant ladies, they all use this same handkerchief design!" hearing this I got scared, really scared and so I ran away!!!!!

I was running at full speed with the bucket on my head, Suddenly I hit myself against a pillar and fell to the ground hearing two voices from behind "are you okay?"