Chapter 10 - Fake love confession

As my head hit the pillar I passed out on the floor.

I woke up to find myself laying on the bed and the bucket was still on my head covering my face!!!

"How did I end up here?" I murmured myself in the room afraid of removing the bucket from my head as I was embarrassed because of all chaos I created. Suddenly, someone came inside opening the door and taking slow footsteps in my direction, and then a voice echoed in the entire room, that voice was the devil himself "you're awake, crazy mask maid!" Kevin said with sarcasm in his voice.

I took a deep breath, and asked him about his guest with my dry throat instead of replying to me straight away, he started laughing but for some reason, his laugh sounded like the laugh of a cry!!!!

"You ruined everything in front of him and now got the nerve to ask me about him!" Kevin said with anger, so I was right he was laughing out of sadness. The room was again silent, he wasn't saying anything, and neither I dared to speak a word in a front of him.

"Peter said, you're brilliant in your work, he is gone insane!" Having said that he left the room as I heard his boots sound going distant. I took out the bucket from my head and was finally able to breathe properly, I didn't know how far I have to go to hide my face especially now that I saw the close bonding of Kevin with my Dad.

But there was something more important than this, why out of everyone he chose Kevin to look for me????

A question bothered me the best, and to find out my answer I decided to stick to Kevin like glue.

The next day, Kevin was at home he probably took the day off and the right opportunity for me to spy on him!

He was sleeping in his room, and I decided to search his room for clues, so without making any noise I opened his room door with the spare key and slowly entered the room covering my face with the same handkerchief but to my surprise, he wasn't there, I looked around the whole room and it was empty, Kevin was gone!!!!

Well, that's what I thought.

As I was standing at the window looking outside through it, I felt a strong presence on my back. And that presence was enough to make me realize who it was, but I didn't dare to move my body as if my body was frozen in that spot for good.

"Is my room a tourist spot?" Kevin whispered in my ear with his deep and sexy voice throwing chills all over my body!

Still, I was fixed on my position and didn't react to any of it, he became angry, very angry!!!!

"Turn around now!" The next thing he said to me, now left with no choice I turned my face slowly towards him but wasn't looking at him instead my eyes were fixed on the floor.

"Look me in the eye" was another command from him, but I was too afraid to listen to him as if my senses were all gone. Suddenly, he put his finger on my chin and slowly lifted it making me look in his eyes straight whereas his eyes were already throwing sharp blades at my body!!

And the most surprising thing was 'he wasn't wearing a shirt, he was standing in front of me in his towel' I wanted to turn around or scream but was obliged by him at that moment, admiring his amazing body I realized he was sure controlling me!!!!

Looking me in the eye, he tilted his head slightly to the left while his finger was still holding my chin "were you spying on me?" He said with a curious look on his face and I was shocked, words weren't coming out of my mouth and my wicked idea was caught on the spot.

But then it clicked to me, instead of making excuses why not make him believe in my love, that way my behavior may appear less suspicious to him!!!

With this brilliant idea, the wicked evil inside me was awakened, and like before I lied to him one more time "I am in love with you" words came out of my mouth with confidence looking straight into his eyes, my voice was soft and the look on my face was purely innocent but on the other hand, he was shocked to death.

First I entered his house as a maid then we shared a kiss and now I confessed my fake feelings to him and not to mention hiding my face like some thief in his house, no wonder he thinks I am out of my mind. After hearing my fake love confession his charm was all gone, his feet were trembling and I could see him having difficulty with words maybe he never heard a confession before. All in all, he avoided the situation like before and was again frozen, now the tables turned and I was the one who kept on looking at his face whereas he was avoiding eye contact, waiting for him to say something my heart was beating crazy but surprisingly he ran away from there with his full speed.