Alpha Oliver.

Silence rented the atmosphere as we watched our convoy of cars appear from a distance. That honestly did not go as bad as I expected. Taking this journey, however, wasn't in my best interest. I hated it. I hated leaving my kingdom especially after finding our mate. Oliver on the other hand had been excited to bring that news to her. He had wanted to see how proud she would be that the both of us had found our soul mate. he was always optimistic. hoping for goodness even went all that could be seen was negativity and evil. We should have known that that will be a response. It will always be. she sees us as a threat and not family. as a claim against what she had always wanted all her life. Did it not pain her? To be further away from the people that she loved just for the cause of Greed and hunger for power?

I had almost regretted embarking on that journey. She wasn't my favorite person in the world even though our connection was strong. She was like the mall I could never get rid of. My twin brother on the other hand loved her despite everything she has done. Just to play with that relationship between the two of them without realizing that the only thing she would do is manipulate me into thinking that she had changed the only people that we could trust in the entire Kingdom are ourselves.

I watch as Oliver enters the car and I proceed to the other side of the passenger seat. he gave the order for the driver to start a car and as he coughed the engine, I couldn't help but sigh. Finally, we were going back home and to our mate. I hope that our beta Jeremiah had given her the best hospitality possible. I wanted her to feel at home.

The journey has been strenuous and long. I didn't expect it to last all that time. We had so much to do especially the Welcome of our mate. Oliver couldn't stop talking about all the things that he had wanted to do to make her happy. We had researched enough about her during this journey to know that her parents had been killed by alpha Lucius when he was taking over the park. She was more of a Warrior. the only woman who dared stand against him when the slave trade was at its peak. Her Pack was the only one that had maintained its own independence during the leadership of Alpha Darren. It was the only part that did not indulge in the slave trade.

"Do you think she will accept us?'' Oliver asked, displaying concern and worry as he turned his attention towards the racing horses on the other side of the road. Of course,he would be worried about that. He was an over-thinker and he tended to overanalyze every situation before walking into it.

''Of course, she will. We are the most powerful alphas and we rule a very big Kingdom, beside that we are handsome and our reputation precedes us. We are going to take care of her and make her feel like the Queen she is. Only then can we determine whether she has accepted us. That is going to be her decision.'' I respond watching as he nods but still shows some doubt.

"What are we going to do about the she-devil?'' he finally asks, displaying his dissatisfaction in our meeting.

"We need to hire spies. Someone who can gain her trust and watch her every move on the inside," I suggest. The idea had crossed my mind several times, it could be the perfect alibi.

"You know that finding a person for the job is the real hassle right. We may have a lot of volunteering loyal men to us but sending them to spy on her is as good as a suicide mission. She will see them coming a mile away. She will kill them before they can even utter a word. You know how skeptical she is. You know that she is intelligent and very careful about her plans and the people that she associates herself with." oliver reasons.

"You know that we need to keep our mate safe. we need to make sure that she cannot get anywhere near her. the best way to do that is to keep her occupied with a distraction. something that is going to consume her and take all her attention."

"The woman just tried to kill us Aiden, and yet we're her flesh and blood. Straight from her womb. What do you think she will do to any outsider. Anyone who tries striking a conversation.

"She has weaknesses, Oliver, we all do,'' I answer. The way he looks at me shows that he sees no sense in that statement. That he felt it would not work, it was not necessary. Of course, that is what he would feel. He had a soft spot for her. The bond between the both of them was stronger than it was with me. But we had to stand for each other. To look out for each other. The biggest threat we had as the great twin Alphas was our crazy psychotic mother.

"The only weakness she ever had was dad,'' Oliver answers with a shrug, fist clenched as his mind comes clouded with thoughts. He was worried. Worried for our girl. Would she be safe? Of course, she would be. The last time mother set foot into the pack was one hundred and thirty-two years ago, she was going to be perfectly safe. With us, protecting her.

"Then we will use that,'' I speak up.

"But how, dad is dead.'' he counters in confusion, looking up at me. He reads my expression, the corner of his lips twitching in realization as he shakes his head.

"That's dangerous Oliver, he is the only person close to father that we still have sane. How can you think of sending her to the lion's den.'

"Because he alone, can keep her sane.''