chapter 12

Alpha Aiden and Alpha Oliver

''Do you think she liked the room that I had any prepare for her?'' Aiden asked his brother who could not stop shifting now asleep in his carseat from stop the journey has been long. way longer than the expected. they couldn't understand why it was so difficult to get back to their home on time. the both of them were not only excited but also anxious. they couldn't wait to see their mate. to talk to her. to have a full-on conversation with her.

''For the last time Aiden,'' Oliver said in boredom, ''We can only know once we get there. now why don't you quit whining like a little child and let's just have a quiet journey.''

His tone was filled with irritation. He hated having to repeat the same thing over and over again. Both of them know what over the edge question mark it was strange. It was weird and likely to watch these two men become anxious about one specific woman. but there's nothing they could do. She was the woman that the moon goddess created for them. there is no way that they could overcome their fear or anxiousness.

''So you find my company repulsive ? is that what you're saying?'' Aiden asked with the scoff. it wasn't the first thing that they were going to have that conversation and it wasn't going to be the last. Oliver was the brother that was much more distant to his emotions. He would rather fight them then let them take over him and control his actions. He believes that there are weaknesses.

'' How many times do we have to keep talking about this? You know me very well Oliver and I think that you should just relax and wait for us to get there. whether or not she is going to love us is not my problem.''

'' she's all f****** made. the moon goddess has create..''

'' Created her for us? Does that sound anything believable to you? We have worked this earth for 273 years and we haven't found a soul mate. And then today? how to open a? Why should we just stop everything you're doing for her? where should we start changing her ways?'' His voice is not filled with anger but hidden emotion. He wasn't disappointed. He didn't hit her. He hated the perception that she brought. the new things that would come with her arrival.

'' change. that is what you're so afraid of.'' His statement holds power in confidence. Oliver could never deny it. he was a big and my love change. he didn't like it. I didn't like anything that came with it. he loved things exactly the way they were. at his own comfort zone. where he was used to being. something changing was more than his worst nightmare. are they not undergoing enough change?

'' I'm not afraid of anything.'' The car is stopped at the lodge traffic that builds up along the road. Unlike all other days, traffic today has seemed to be too much. Whenever the great answers wow on the way to and from their Park, the road had all been cleared up. traffic wasn't sounding that confident or are the only one who used to encounter it. Today however unlike all the other days that they would have spoken up, their minds were occupied with something different. they didn't notice the unfamiliar behavior of their driver or his anxiousness and nervous disposition.

Silence falls in the car once again. Aiden did not see the need to argue with his brother's statement. Oliver would always find a reason to prove himself. They had been raised like that and in this situation even though the both of them were four of the same exact age and they didn't give anyone the status of becoming an Elder brother or so, they both carried the same amount of responsibility. that whoever didn't mean that alpha Oliver had not faced the Wrath of their mother over and over again. He was forced to grow up earlier than his brother. He was forced to mature. to make tough decisions while his brother on the other hand was forced to become a monster. they all have their perks but even with those comes the shortcomings that the both of them bare.

'' I'm sorry my masters.'' the driver shouted right before exiting the car in a hurry. Aiden was confused. He looked back at all over who was now already evaluating the situation. they were left in a miasma of confusion.

''What do you think he means by that? and why the hell would he leave us without anyone? something isn't right.'' Aiden spoke once again, glancing at his brother who was now prepared to leave.

'' do you hear that?'' he asked attracting his brothers attention as the both of them shut their eyes and heightened their werewolf hearing senses. it was faint but it was there. the noise. the beeping noise coming from under.

they didn't need to tell each other anything. they didn't need any other confirmation school stuff they had heard that sound over and over again. it wasn't the first time that they had come close to that Encounter. Aiden opened the car and in that direction Oliver followed him outside. they jumped over the stupid grass and a few seconds later the loud explosion was heard. the car that they had been sitting was set with a bomb and a route. whether or not the bomb is attached to the car or that specific area on the road that the traffic is being built up is what still confused them.

it had been a setup. a perfectly good sentence. someone knew about the route that they took. Someone knew who they were and someone wanted them dead. They had a lot of enemies but this time it would seem that whoever was after them was much more determined to do away with them.

How's my day ever going to get back to their mate who they believed was being taken care of that the princess she was?

" mother could never do that.'' alpha Aiden in obscure realization.