Chapter 13

A dark-haired woman stood beside the burning car in a peculiar fashion. Her lips formed in a thin line, showing nothing but confidence and pride. she had gotten them. she was proud that she had finally gotten the great alpha Oliver and alpha Aiden.

'' please, where is my family.'' a man, in his mid-40s moved forward and fight to his needs posing that question to her. she smiled looking down at him loving the feeling of someone worshipping her. she loves submission. feeling in powerful stop dominating the world.

'' Mr Phillips, your family is safe. as a matter of fact I think that it is time to go see them. they are happy where they are.'' she answers gaining sinister laughter from the man that stood in position around her. she had protection. heavy protection. the court that they were waiting for was genuine. she wouldn't stop until she got what she wanted. until she got all that she wanted. but was it worth it? to come after people she would never Bring down?

Mr Phillips looked up at her with excitement. It has been days since he saw his wife and two daughters. He was anxious. He was nervous. everything that he did was for them. setting the alphas in a trap was for them.

'' Queen Mother, do we stop the fire?'' one of his Men asked bowing his head in respect and then looking back at her fear evident in His Eyes. something wasn't right. something was never going to be right. The kind of submission that she got wasn't sending sinning werewolf history. Perhaps the cause that he was fighting for was indeed right. but with a course that just brings such kind of Fear in a man's eyes?

'' no. I want the fire to go out itself. I'm not going to risk any chances of those two bastards coming out of this alive. and after this. we are going to carry their bodies and we going to make our way back to their Kingdom and we will make a declaration that they are Park has now found a new ruler.'' she says with a smile on her face. She was proud. proud of her plans. He had been working on them for so long. step by step. getting that golden opportunity of having that car exactly where it hurts today was something that she had taken and an approximate of 7 months to build.

'' she is going to be happy about this. all of you are going to be rewarded greatly.'' she says with a sinister smile. but where exactly was you talking about? wasn't she the only boss in this entire nation ? Has there been someone else much more powerful than her ? someone bigger than her? someone who knew their stuff and someone whose identity was much better hidden?

''We are going to come here tonight. and in the morning we are going to pull out their bodies or at least what is left of them. once we do that then remain assured that we have accomplished the first step of this nation and we can move to the second Step.'' ignore the man that was still on his knees and then moved back towards her convoy of cars that I will take at a distance. Mr Phillips was afraid to pose another question instead he was nervous. nervous that he might anger her. but had he not done what they had demanded of him? and he not returned His purpose? Was it not time that he got his reward?

He watched as the woman walked away. She was beautiful. She was so beautiful that he almost fell in love with her. The only difference was that she was almost the age of his daughter. He couldn't have that line around. He knew his sins. He knew his shortcomings. but no matter what the man had done he didn't deserve that kind of treatment that was being given to his own family. and an innocent family that he knew nothing of the power grab that was going on. They were nothing but a normal werewolf family.

''Don't be so scared old man.'' said one of the men in sarcasm. '' soon you're going to see your wife and daughter.''

Even though that statement was supposed to bring joy in his heart, Mr Phillips could not understand why it suddenly made him worry. Why it clouded his heart with judgment and nervousness. Was he really going to be naive? Was he going to suddenly believe the words of men who are obviously not being straight with him? He watched the way they laughed among themselves. the way they weren't even afraid to show it. They were laughing at him. They were laughing about something. something that was obviously about him. the way they constantly pointed at him made his heart race. He hadn't heard that feeling in a long time. Fear.

Now he realized something. that it was much better if he ran to his office. that you should have told them the truth. told them what was happening. He now realizes that Aiden and alpha Oliver would have helped him much better than these people ever could. that telling them about the Threat that stood against the kingdom was much easier than collaborating with this terrorist. Was that what they were? were they really terrorists? What more could be said about people who are willing to kidnap innocent people just to blackmail another into giving them what they wanted?

"Please tell me my wife and daughter are alive. Please tell me that they are okay. but you're going to keep your word. that you are not going to hurt them.'' He Cried Out falling at the seat of one of the men as he held onto his legs. He played. He cried. He cried for something different. a much different fate. He reminded them over and over again that he had done what they demanded. but how many more times did he need to help themselves before it was actually true? had he not learnt? from all the years that he had worked for alpha Aiden and alpha Oliver, that betrayal would never bring yield.