Arnold Rivas Pack

"I'm Arnold Rivas, this is my pack. We have some unfinished work on this covenant, but thank you; they have been resolved," he smiled.

“I’m sorry I stabbed you in the back, I thought you were going to kill me. Plus it's kind of my blood to kill you mixed blood, "I explained.

“You are probably the most skilled shadow hunter I have ever encountered, but don't worry I recovered quickly. It won't even leave a scar."

"All right, thank you for rescuing me. I've just had the weirdest night of my life, so I have to go home first before they can find me."

I turned around and walked away, but when I started to move I felt severe pain in my arm. My body automatically stiffened and my muscles tightened, and the pain increased with a burning sensation. I held back a bit of crying when I realized I had been bitten by Arnold Rivas' colleague.