Chapter 2

Still Percy's POV

I was dumbfounded. Shocked. Flabbergasted. Bamboozled. And (ironically enough) thunderstruck. Zeus, the same Zeus that has called for my death because I was too powerful hundreds of time, is allowing me to attempt to take one of the deadliest weapons in the history of the gods. I half expected him to just start laughing and throw his master bolt at me while saying 'April Fools'.

Zeus coughed and I realized I've been staring at him with my mouth wide open for the past few minutes. When I looked to Hestia she just had a smile on her face, as if she knew something I didn't.

I had my doubts about this whole ordeal. For one the scythe is in the Hearth, those flames can be pretty damn hot when Hestia wants them to be. Two, it's a scythe. I have no idea how to use one, I've only ever bothered training with Riptide and or sparring spear on spear with Thalia when the hunters visit camp every now and then. Usually I would win, somehow, most of the time it's probably due to luck or me having more field experience than her, but in pure skill? Thalia would win hands down. I might give her a run for her money but she literally sleeps with her spear in hand.

Ugh stupid ADHD. Get the scythe first, mentally debate about spears later. Looking back to the Hearth, I finally realized, nothing could go wrong. Hestia is a peaceful goddess, she wouldn't suggest this if she thought I would get hurt. Calming my nerves, I walked towards the Hearth, away from Zeus' throne and towards the center of the throne room.

I reached the Hearth and suddenly all doubts of this ever going bad cleared my mind - thank you Hearth magic. I got down onto a knee and look into the fire, and there it was, under a bunch of coals and burning logs. I took a deep breath, thrust my hand into the flames and...

Nothing happened. Well that was anti-climatic. I could hear Hestia snickering in the back; damn goddess. She knew it wouldn't burn me. Feeling a lot more confident, I reached in deeper and grabbed the scythe, in all of it's terrifying, half adamantine half celestial bronze glory.

When I pulled the scythe out, it started glowing so brightly I couldn't look at it. When the glow died down, I let out a small gasp. Instead of the terrifying scythe that Kronos once wielded, there was now a slightly less terrifying spear that apparently I will wield. Huh. How convienient.

I was still staring at it in awe when Hestia spoke up, " As you can see Perseus, we decided that a scythe wasn't really your style," so that's why it changed, " instead, we've decided that a spear would be a better choice, as you already have a sword. The spear will have all the same properties at the scythe once did, being able to 'rip ones' soul out of their body', pierce nearly anything, and kill immortals."

A sound that sounded strangely between a choke and a cat coughing up a hair ball erupted from Zeus' throat at the mention of the last part, "It can do what!? Sister this cannot be allowed!"

Hestia for her part kept her cool and replied, "Oh hush Zeus, you know how the rule works, you have to kill them three times before there's even a chance of them fading."

Zeus just humphed, and looked like he was going to argue more until he saw the stern look Hestia was giving him. Reluctantly he nodded his head in acceptance. Meanwhile I've been shocked for what seemed like the millionth time today. I think Tyche decided to repay me for helping her kid get to camp on the way back from my quest for Apollo two months ago. Maybe I should go and buy a lottery ticket and push however far this luck is going. I was getting ready to leave when Zeus stopped me, "One last thing Perseus."

I just nodded and looked on as he threw a lightning bolt into the sky, no doubt summoning someone. Not two minutes later, a silver flash appeared in the room with Artemis in company. Now I was really confused, is my reward to be castrated? I looked to Hestia for any type of support of what's going on but she just looked at me and winked from her throne. Great. Real helpful.

Zeus and Artemis for the matter looked to be going through some mental conversation. Artemis' face, didn't help with my confusion one bit. She looked angry, confused, passive, back to angry, confused again, and a whole bunch of emotions that I couldn't describe until she finally nodded.

Without saying a word or even doing anything that would acknowledge that she saw me besides a simple nod, she raised her bow and chanted in a language older than Ancient Greek, until a soft silver glow descended upon me.

If you asked me again to describe what I felt like, I would never be able to tell you again. It was like someone had crammed every single piece of knowledge about hunting, wilderness, and survival into my head at once, then I felt as if time around me seemed to stop.

I recalled what Thalia had said when she first became a hunter, is this what she felt like? Good gods I will never doubt that lady again, that was pretty spot on. Unfortunately Thalia also mentioned some knowledge on using a bow that I apparently missed out on, but I couldn't complain. I was just given a spear that could reap someone's soul, partial immortality, and Artemis's blessing, I don't think improving my physics breaking archery skills was a top priority for the gods.

After a quick bow to the gods, I left before Zeus decided to change his mind. I was walking towards the elevator to get off Olympus and finally go home when I passed a fountain and an idea came to me. I should probably use this as an excuse to talk to my dad. When my wish for Demigods to be able to talk to their parents was granted, the first thing Poseidon did was take me down to Atlantis for two weeks for some Father/Son bonding. During those weeks we talked nonstop, learning everything there was to learn about each other and giving him the paternal role he always wanted to my life.

I quickly made a mist in the fountain and tossed two drachmas in, one for Fleecy and one for Iris, "O' Fleecy do me a solid, show me Poseidon, probably in Atlantis," my dad soon appeared with a confused look on his face.

"Perseus? Is that you?"

I was completely confused as to why he didn't recognize me until I remembered; the Nemean Lion pelt. I should probably take that off before I get in a cab. I quickly took the hood off and responded, " yeah it is. You would never guess what happened when I got back from my quest for Aphrodite."

Poseidon for his part just frowned, "I thought that quest was a joke. Did she seriously make you kill it with your hands?" I nodded and he made a motion for me to continue, so I did. I explained to him the events of the day, with Aphrodite letting me keep the pelt, Zeus letting me take Kronos' Scythe, which apparently is called Ο χρόνος είναι ο Μάρτιος, or 'Time's March', according to the engraving on the shaft of the weapon. During my explanation I finally got a better look at the weapon, it was a basic war spear, with the mix of adamantine and celestial bronze mostly in the spear head, the shaft of the spear was made up of a dark wood, further reinforced by the two metals.

When I finished with the details of my day, Poseidon looked deep in thought before he smiled, "Well my boy, I would say I'm suprised but I don't think anything you do could surprise me anymore. Meet me by the elevator on Olympus, I would like to take your spear to Briares so he could make some improvements."

I just nodded and agreed to talk later and started off in the direction of the elevator. While going there I started wondering, what could he possibly do to improve the spear? Give it a laser gun mode like George and Martha? A trident mode? All different kinds of possibilities were running through my head while I walked towards the elevators. I was snapped out of my thoughts my dad whistled and started walking towards me.

"Alright son, off to Atlantis."

Atlantis, June 17th, 1:32 PM

Today was the day. Today was the day Briares said he would be done making improvements to my spear. I don't know what he was planning, but I remember seeing Hecate every now and then, walking in and out of Briares' forge, which made me even more curious.

Oh how I wish to be able to I.M Annabeth. The only reason I haven't by now was because my father 'doesn't want his waters tainted by Athena or her spawn.' It doesn't help that Athena sends me on more quests than anybody, which hasn't made my father any happier with her. Thankfully though he doesn't mind me dating Annabeth because in his words, 'if you're happy then I'm happy.'

Over the years, my relationship with Triton and Amphirite has increased exponentially, with both of them welcoming me in Atlantis with open arms. Triton became my regular sparring partner, while Amphirite became like a mother to me, treating me the same way she treats Triton.

I was walking through my father's palace, trying to find where his game room was when I heard the inmistakable swishing sound of a dolphin moving. I turned around to see my Father's messenger and lieutenant , Delphin, god of dolphins.

"Ah there you are Perseus, I was looking for you, your father said that Briares has finished your weapon and is waiting for you in his forge." I thanked the god of dolphins and went on my way to the forge, my curiosity and excitement making me half sprint there.

When I arrived I was greeted by Briares, who insisted I shake all of his hundred hands and my father who gave me a hug.

Briares, who looked just as excited as me, said, " With the help of Hecate, we were able to further upgrade the spear. The spear will only rip out one's soul if you will it to, leaving you to still be to use it without injuring anyone on accident. Hecate enchanted it so the shaft of the spear will be near unbreakable, she further enchanted it so it will come to your hand with barely a thought. There's only one small step left."

Apparently I looked as confused as I felt because Briares gave out a small chuckle, "Nothing to fear my friend, we just need your blood to bind it to you and you only, can have just anyone running around with the Titan Lord's former weapon can we?" Nothing to worry about, just a blood binding, nothing weird or demonic about that. Nope. Not at all. Good gods let this be fast.

Atlantis, June 17, 9:41 PM

By all of the gods, major and minor, if Briares doesn't finish soon I'll take all of his hundred hands shove them wher-

"Good news Perseus! I was able to finish the bonding early. Come test it out," an elated Briares screamed across the room.

I grumbled a little and walked out of the forge to where we had set up a few dummies and targets. Briares was waiting by some of the dummies, using four hands to lean on the spear while six were being used to keep it upright. When he saw me he beckoned me over and walked towards the targets.

"Now Perseus, we shall test the spear's ability to come back to the user," he said while handing me the spear. When I first grabbed the spear again, it made a humming sound, as if it was satisfied with who was wielding it and I felt an energy rush, as if somebody injected 5-hour energy directly into my veins.

I spent the rest of the night testing the new and old enchantments, though Briares wouldn't let me test the ability to activate searing someone's soul, which I probably won't use anyways - unless he makes me wait eight hours again. At that point I might have to give it a test run.

Tomorrow is the day I'd be returning to camp, hopefully Annabeth wouldn't kill me for being gone so long