Chapter 3

3rd POV, near Firework Beach 10:37 AM

Percy was nearing the beach, riding on Rainbow, Tyson's ever so faithful hippocampus. Nearing the surface, Percy got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He knew something was wrong, but as far as he could tell, it wasn't a monster. He knew to always trust his instincts so he prepared himself for anything, or at least, he thought he did.

Walking out of the water, Nemean Lion pelt over his back, he immediately noticed the lack of people at the beach. He walked to the cabins, still nobody in sight, he started to become concerned. Where was everyone? He looked up at the sun, his new blessing of Artemis telling him it was around midday. Vlakas. It was lunch time, everyone was in the dining pavillion. Even though this realization helped, it did nothing to ease the feeling in his stomach.

Trying to shake off his uneasiness, he put a smile on his face and walked into the dining pavilion. Upon walking into the pavilion, that same smile vanished. While taking in his surroundings he immediately noted two things: the grim atmosphere and the lack of Annabeth. The atmosphere was so sad it was as if someone died. Percy realized this and assumed the worst, "Hey guys what's got everyone so down? Where's Annabeth?"

Upon hearing his voice, everyone's head shot up, many looking as if they've seen a ghost. Travis and Connor Stoll were the first to snap out of their shock, talking in complete unison, "Percy! We thought you died man!" Percy, was soon greeted with hugs and greetings by nearly the whole camp, but he noticed one person wasn't here yet: Annabeth.

"Hey guys where's Annabeth?" Instead of a response, all he got was an eerie silence. Connor, who looked serious for the first time in his life decided to speak up first, "Perce, you should check the woods. Be prepared for the worst, we all tried to stop it."

Percy looked Conner in the eyes, trying to detect any mischeviousness or bit of humor lying in them. When he was satisfied, he put a blank expression on his face, nodded in thanks, and set off for the woods without a word. The whole time he kept fiddling with the shaft of Time's March in it's smaller three foot form, compared to it's regular six and a half feet.

Upon reaching the woods, he heard two people kissing, fearing the worst, he followed the sound. While walking, he composes himself, if this was what he thought it was, he'd never give Annabeth the satisfaction of seeing any emotion on his face. Upon reaching the source of the sound, he took the surroundings, it was a small clearing with a pond and two people sitting next to it, their backs facing him. One was a boy with short trimmed brown hair while the other was a girl with princess curls. Blonde princess curls. At seeing her, he nearly snapped, but still kept his face blank. The pond however, seemed to be reacting to Percy's true emotions, swirling into a whirlpool, startling the two lovers. Annabeth started looking around frantically, trying to find the source of the change in the water. What she found made her blood run cold.

Annabeth's POV (3rd)

Percy Jackson. The Hero of Olympus. The man who has killed nearly every monster in Greek mythology twice. The man who walked through hell with a smile on his face. The same guy who looked Gaea in the eyes and laughed, just caught her cheating on him, and he looked pissed. You wouldn't be able to tell it by looking at his face, but his eyes told a different story. His usual mirth filled eyes, now literally swirled with anger, resembling the pond next to her. Without a word, he pulled a three foot spear off his back which soon extended to its full length, and slammed the butt of the shaft on the ground, where did he get that from? She opened her mouth to talk to him, maybe try and reason before he did anything rash, but before she could, an earthquake hit, immediately knocking her, Darren, and multiple trees next to her to the ground. The earth was shaking so badly that it could be mistaken for Poseidon himself causing it. Percy however, seemed unaffected, and walked towards the camp borders, each step he took sending another tremor into the Earth. After about 40 seconds, the earthquakes seemed to stop, and Annabeth could only look towards the camp borders -where small tremors could be felt- in shock, awe, and slight fear. Annabeth Chase has made an enemy today, and she didn't think it could be anyone worse