Side Story 4. Endless Journey - 60

When Byul opened his eyes, he was back on his own bed, in the first floor's bedroom. Snugged with a blanket around him, he could feel his clean body. What he couldn't feel was the presence of his beloved hyung.

Getting up slowly, Byul tried to remember what happened the night before. He recalled the first round, and then the second he curiously accepted because he wanted to know his limit. On the third, he just couldn't say no, and...were they going until a fourth one? Byul had no idea.

That being said, he didn't feel any pain or extreme exhaustion like he feared. Perhaps Kar gave him a rejuvenating potion, but if his memory wasn't impaired, the esper didn't do anything he would consider as painful.

If anything, he probably passed our from overstimulation. The barrage of pleasure was just...