Part I

Jason staring at the moon from the round window rail. The light of the moon beaming, lighten half of the apartment. The longer his staring at the beautiful shining moon the farrier his thought wanderer. Thinking about the future that still cloudy and uncertain. What could happen, what should happen and what will happen, nobody can decide it. Not him too, even as much he planning it in the most organized way. There will be a flaw and unintended event. Still the life must be continue as tomorrow will come no matter what happen.

The sound of floor being step on shattered his thought every corner. He take a deep sigh. Not to worry who coming because his always know who. This place only he and the person who making his thought of life and uncertain tomorrow go away, knew. And the reason why the two of them only know because their on the hiding.

Because they guilty? No, they being chase by big influence bad company which disguise as the most angelic company out there but the truth is far scarier if only the public know. Jason turn around just to see Dylan smiling sweetly with both hand full of groceries and food either fresh veggie and food and some junk snack to refill their stomach. He look dashing with hoodie black jacket that gracefully hugging his nice build body. This man ah, he prefer the slim tight body hoodie rather than loose. Just to much showing. And he enjoy it, Jason know.

"What with the smile?" Jason stare Dylan while tilted his right brow just to tease the happy man.

Dylan just continue smile while shake his head.

"What are you? A Kid? Are you saying you're jealous of me in this sexy outfit?" Dylan winking.

Jason make a face. It just too reveling. Aren't they in hiding? Which mean they need to stay low. But looking at Dylan just now, Jason wondering are they really a runway person? Hiding away from the eyes who targeted them? And then he see a small cushion seat on his left corner. He grab it and throw it to Dylan who just finish putting the shopping bag.

But before the flying pillow hit Dylan handsome face, he grab it gently with his left hand. And hugging it in a love-able manner. He giggling.

Jason sat comfortably on the couch watching Dylan playing with the cushion. His lips curled into smile showing his cute dimples on both cheeks.

Dylan walking towards him carrying a large handful of junk snack to fill their half empty stomach. It 10.30 pm, a little past of their mealtime already and Jason doesn't have the appetite to eat a heavy meal thinking how to handle their situation carefully. He had a lot on his mind.

Dylan sat next to Jason, instead of giving him a snack he showing some picture first. It show how important to discuss about it first. Food come second.

Jason took it and stare the handsome man in the picture. His take a deep breath.

"As expected… I've always had a unsettling feeling towards him" As he said that he lean his head to backside and facing the ceiling.

"He pretend like a wise man with a kind heart but sometime his gaze full of something that I can't even describe."

Jason sighed again and shut his eyes tight. He only opened his eyes when he felt a little heavy thing landed on his laps. He see a metal hand placed comfortably on his lap. He know Dylan want to give comfort to him.

This is unusual behavior for someone that claimed himself as an assassin. Giving comfort he meant. Isn't it usually cold blood and death stare for assassin. They giving the kind of vibe. It just so different from the man who sat next to him while enjoying snack so much. Or is he watch so much drama that give an impression that the assassin should act like this or like that but actually vise versa. Hmmm…. anyway he only know one assassin. Can't judge it with only one person, can we?

"We gonna be through this, don't worry to much don't think too deep. Your forehead gonna get wrinkle easily if you do so?" Jason give encourage smile.

"As if!!" Jason snitch the junk food from Dylan hand and eat it. How dare he eat it while I'm here thinking hard how to get out from this situation.

Dylan laugh with how Jason react. Both the action and the laugh actually lessen the heavy tense situation they facing right know. A good strategy come from a clear mind. They both know. A mind that full of stress can only produce a plan that is unsafe and rush. They don't want that if they still want to see a sunrise everyday.

"Are you really an assassin? How could you be so carefree? Aren't you worried about forgotten past? Don't you want to know who are you?"

Jason break the silence that starting to engulf them both. He just randomly throw a question to fill the silent. Dylan didn't answer. Either he thinking the best answer or don't want to discuss his personal matter. Jason didn't know. 1 sec…2 sec… 3 sec…. still no answer.

"Chocolate?…." Dylan offer after a few moment of silent.

Jason : ...….

Dylan laughing seeing Jason blank face. Jason give him an elbow.

"Its not that I don't want to know, i dying to know but if I rush thing, I'll end up nothing. I need carefully analysis which fact is true which is not. That information can easily manipulated."

There are truth in Dylan words. Need to patience to get the right answer. He couldn't arguing more on that.

"And why are asking me whether I'm assassin or not when you the one who discovered me." Dylan give a little soft smack on Jason forehead.

"It just you acting different from other assassin I saw." He mumbling while cares his own forehead.

"You know other assassin?" Dylan turned his head facing Jason.

Dylan face so close to Jason's until he need to back a little to have a decent apart between them. But the man just continue following him.

"It……jusss….jusst assassin I saw on television. Portrayed by actor." He stutter in his answer and struggling in pushing Dylan face away from him.

"Hmmmm….." Dylan humming. "What are you expected then, I slay everyone that come close to me just to show that I'm assassin. Or that I carry some powerful weapon on my hand.?"

But the truth is, Dylan really carry a immense power on his mechanical arm that can be turn to any weapon he wish for when in battle. Jason knew it as well. He have seen him using it before this but under the control of that organization. He also can be consider as super half artificial human assassin with his increased ability on his all senses. Who could over power him? For now maybe no one but in future? He couldn't be sure.

In fact, Dylan is a deadly assassin when he first saw him. He had witnessed Dylan killed a person before. A very terrified viewing. It just Jason somehow lucky the moment he found out by Dylan, that man actually had a major bugging issue. The Monarch suddenly lost control in controlling Dylan mind and that the starting point of their plan actually.

Jason with all he could do, fixed the bugging issue and release Dylan from being programmed back to assassin mode.

"No…what I mean is….ah whatever…. I'm not gonna answer you." Jason give him a little push after he get his strength back then readjust his breath to be calm and steady.

"Right now we need to contact my friend to get something for me so that I can start our plan." he continue. "but we need to use some untraceable phone so we can stay hidden" Jason speak almost to himself.

Dylan just nodding listening to Jason soft tiny voice while chipping his chocolate. Within this period of time he spent with Jason, he obtain a few information about his background.

But the important one still hidden under the blanket. They just so close to know about him when they discovered by the organization.

Apparently, all he know the 'he' before is a soldier for some kind of elite team. The best among the best they said but in what position he's in, he couldn't read it the part because they been cut out by the security or firewall or whatever name Jason had mentioned. The file are set to self destructive when someone success in hacking it.

Right know, all he can rely to find out who is he really are is his own memory. Either he can recalled his wash away memory or not it's all depend on himself. But for know even a flash or a tiny spark of his memory won't show up.

He is suppose to die or rather announced by some medical expert as brain death and so because of his special circumstances as a soldier his body cannot be send back to his family, thus his body donated to some big influence company known as a 'Monarch' for medical purpose as the experimental material because the company is based on medical. Their motto is 'science is for better health world' they state.

Little did the public know, that this company actually had a hidden agenda, a black secret lab to do a dirty thing. One of it is to create an assassin that serve the company without question. And their target is of course whoever try to against them in conquering the world. How ambitious.

Dylan was so lost in his own thought that he not realize that the chocolate he was holding was taken by Jason. The culprit giggling when he finish all the chocolate without leaving none to Dylan. Seeing Dylan unmoved and seem to lost in unending realm of memories then he took the chance.

When Dylan was back to reality and about to eat the unfinished chocolate, he realize that the chocolate snack has moved to another man's hand and emptied. He gave Jason a puzzled look and then a second away throw another annoying gaze to the person who responsible to finish off his remaining chocolate.

"You….come here" Dylan said to Jason.

His hurriedly lock Jason neck with his human arm so that he can give that man a little lesson for what he did. It just really a small punishment by lightly give a soft smack over Jason head.

But Jason give a dramatic reaction.

"Ouch….ouch…hurt…"he said. Like hell Dylan want to believe such a definite lie but he release Jason head anyway.

After a short teasing time. They back to the serious conversation again. How to escape from this ultimate chase of the influence organization across the nation.

After a few serious chit chat, they come into some conclusion. The wrap their plan carefully so then it can be implemented according to their will. It may not work as they wish to but they may have a plenty time to create plan B or C as a backup.

The night drag into almost midnight. Time to rest their either exhausted body or mind. Jason stand up and start walking to bedroom leaving Dylan alone in the couch.

Dylan look at Jason who walking away until the man figure lost behind the wall, apparently Jason didn't close the bedroom door, for safety and alertness in case they being ambush. Who know? When Jason silhouette disappeared, his eyes focus back to the untidy table. He just let it like that without feeling to throw all the garbage that scattered on the table. He lays down on the couch his sitting on.

Tonight he sleeping on the couch, his eyes close but his mind not. Being modified as an assassin, they had make his ears can listen any sound for a few block of building when he activated his assassin skill. Not just ears, his five sense had been awaken to higher level from normal person. This ability of his is making his enemy had a hard time to defeat him.

It just that the soft wind that came through the open window making him in comfortable and with Jason being around him make him felt calm. His mind that alert just now started to melt and wash him away to the sea of memories.