Part II

Dylan open his eyes and see his surrounding is different from the last night. How could that be? It's so chaotic here with the sound of gun and the sound of explosive here and there. He look around just to see people run for their life, there is dead body hovering on the ground. Not just man, women .. child dead body also include, a very sad scenery.

Jason couldn't help and without realize a tears coming down to his cheeks. He look down on his hands. Shockingly, what he saw is that his hand holding a gun. What's that suppose to mean? Is he the one who cause this horrible death scenery. Because right know the only he saw is surveillance. Not an enemy that look threaten enough to him.

He stood there, in the middle of chaotic, unmoving. He had a mixed feeling right now, regret? Sadness? Confuse? Anger? All of it mixed unmelodious. He scared to move, this is the first time he felt scared. This also first time he had this vision ever since he wake up from mind control.

"Hey Chief… what are you doing stood there not moving? Come on need to move forward now. When I said now, I mean right now."

Dylan turn around to see whose voice that shout at him belong to. He see a man holding a long rifle, wearing some black suit covering his all body towards the half of his face running towards him. When that person reach out to him, he grab Dylan shoulder in ordering manner to run with him.

Dylan just about to take a step and moving when suddenly he heard a loud gunshot and the person beside him had thrown away just a few mile from him. He can see that half of the person body vanish. He himself had been blown a few feet because of the loud force. He can felt the blood in his face. But it's not his blood rather the blood from the unfortunate man who had been shot death.

Dylan try to get up but his vision became somehow blurry and he felt his head a little dizzy from being blown. Within the blurry vision he can see a few people. Human? Soldier? Or mechanical human? But for sure it come and surrounded him.

Subconsciously, he grab an item that hang on his left thigh and activate it. He don't know why he do that but all he know that thing is some kind of defense item to fight an enemy or at least to protect himself.

He sense someone grab he shoulder from behind and in a light action he turned around and grab the man's neck thinking he is the enemy who try to kill him.

"Dy….lan……..u…p?" Jason can't say it properly when his neck is about to be broken by Dylan.

Jason as strong as he could, try to break free. He tap on Dylan shoulder, not that kind of soft tapping rather the heavy tap to awaken Dylan. If Dylan not gonna wake up any soon, he might actually died in Dylan hand.

His tapping not actually working, he try to move his head to see his surrounding, search for anything that can help him release from Dylan tight grip. He neck feel hurt like hell, he had difficult to breath. He just about to give up and waiting for his death when the corner of his eyes caught a glimpse of glass bottle on the table.

He hurriedly try to reach the bottle. He struggling to reach it with the last strength he had, he success in taking the bottle and smack it to Dylan head. He really didn't mean to hurt Dylan but that all he can do. Dylan right now seem like an evil person. His eyes is empty, no liveliness in it. That scare Jason to hell seeing Dylan like that. What if Dylan be like this forever? Dylan right now really seem like an assassin he knew and way more frighten.

The smack eventually success in making Dylan losses his grip. Jason flop down to the floor as his strength goes out. Jason look at Dylan who bend down his head. Holding to his injured head. There are blood run down from the wound. Jason wish to help but he scare that Jason still not awake because he can't see Dylan eyes. Is it normal or not? Did Dylan come to sense or still lost in some far away dream? The land of dream that Jason couldn't reach.


Jason try to approach Dylan who just sit on the couch. Carefully Jason approach Dylan and extend his arm to touch Dylan shoulder. Jason is afraid. He wanted to leave this place, leave Dylan alone. What if Dylan couldn't back to this present day. Still trap in some unknown place. Dylan he knew who once break free from mind control became the feared assassin he once before?

But Jason's legs won't move, won't even listen to his mind's order to just run away. It just stuck there like the root tree that buried deep under the ground keeping the tree stand still.

Even Dylan is making him scare, he need to check Dylan condition, he must be here to be ensure that this is the Dylan who offered him chocolate last night.

But before his hand landed safely on Dylan exposed shoulder, his hand get caught by Dylan mechanical arm. Jason gasp, thinking either his arm will be torn to pieces or his life blown away from his body.

But the grip didn't cause him pain, it tight and he can't release the grip but he didn't feel like it gonna break just like he felt when his neck being choke to death.

Dylan raised his head. Their stare collide. Jason can't interpret what he saw in Dylan eyes. He try to search the liveliness in those blue ocean eyes. Right now Jason is gambling with his life, if he success he will live to breath another fresh air tomorrow, if not then Dylan handsome face will be last thing he see in this land of life.

A few drop of sweat running down from Jason hairline, his heart beating faster, a few moment of silent making the time seem stop from ticking. Dylan then close his eyes. Jason stunned there like a stupid person who doesn't know what to do.

"I'm dizzy from your hit, is there none other thing you had in mind? rather to hit me with the bottle just to make me conscious…" Dylan half complaining.

Jason take a relief breath. Today the death collector haven't success in obtaining his soul. Jason feel the heavy feeling inside him vanish with the wind.

And once again he flop down on the ground but this time it because of relieve feeling that come out from his heart.

"Can you let me go already? You scare me to death."

Dylan eventually release his grip. Jason shrink his hand back to his body. The person who still sit on the couch still hold his injured head. To stop the bleeding may be or to ease the dizzy feeling.

He should take Dylan to the nearest hospital actually, but with their condition right now, he couldn't afford to that. Afraid to expose the whereabouts, he couldn't risk their safety.

Instead he stand up with his unsteady leg, to search for something. He looked around, ah he found it. He bring out the small white box from the cabinet and sit next to dizzy head Dylan.

"What are you doing?" With his eyes closed Dylan can still feel that Jason sit next to his.

Jason carefully shoos away Dylan's hand which covered the injury. The man just let Jason do what he want to without saying anything. Gently, with cotton that he wet with anti bacterial solution, he dab the wound, put some antiseptic solution and covered it with medical plaster. The wound is quite big and deep but the blood had stopped a moment ago so it didn't need any suturing. But it gonna leave a little scar on this handsome face anyhow.

"'s done. I have cover the wound." He put the left over cotton and medicine back into the small white box.

"Hey…are you pass out or sleep?" Jason ask the person who didn't respond to what he said just know. Dylan still not answering.

He not satisfied when he question is not answered. He bring his face closer to Dylan face who look like sleeping yet not. He closely look at the handsome face just to ensure that the person still breathing fine. Dylan look pale. Is he lost so much blood? Why he is so pale than usual? Jason thought.

Dylan sudden act in opening his eyes make Jason jolting. Without realize he had push Dylan face a few meter away making the man laying down in the couch. Jason unconsciously shut his eyes close.

"Why are you pushing me?" Dylan get up from his laying position.

"You…why you suddenly open your eyes?" Jason open half of his eyes to see Dylan had sit back to his position earlier, instead answering Dylan question he asking a very awkward question.

What kind of question is that? Dylan thought.

"Why?… can't I open my eyes? I should be the one asking you what are you trying to do getting close to me like that? Are try to poke my eyes open or hmm kiss me maybe?"

Hearing that statement, Jason eyes open up widely. What nonsense is that? There is really something wrong with Dylan head.

"Crazy… why would I do that?"

"Do which one exactly? Kiss or poking the eye?" Dylan haven't finish teasing Jason.

Jason rolled his eyes and stand up, taking the small white box with him and put it back to where it belong. He then walk toward the bathroom leaving Dylan behind. Don't feel like to play a joke with that psycho man after battling for his life from him.

Jason stand in front of the mirror, looking at his neck. There a bruise mark on his neck. He touch that slightly. Ouch… it hurt. He turn around to see Dylan stand there with one shoulder against the open door bathroom frame while crossing arm in cool manner.

Dylan walk toward him.

"Let me look" He push Jason chin up so he can see the bruise mark.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do this. Is it hurt?" Dylan asking.

Really? You just asking now? Of course it freaking hurt. Let's see if I the one who choking your, is it hurt or not? Dylan just say that in his mind. Doesn't intend to let it out.

He is angry but at the same time understand, he know Dylan never meant harm. Something may have happen for Dylan to actually didn't realize what he was doing.

In the midst of Jason chaotic thinking, suddenly he felt something cold touches his skin. From the mirror he could see Dylan apply some gel to his bruised neck. The man who tried to kill him just a moment ago now is treating his hurting neck.

"What are the thing you putting on my neck?"

Dylan turning the ointment back and forth. "He said here for easing pain cause by laceration and for a bruise".

"Where do you even get that?"

"In the same box you used to treat my wound."

"Really? I don't see that earlier."

Dylan throw him a questionable look.

"What? It just a question"

"Stay still I'll be finish in no time.."

"Hmm…" Jason answer shortly. But again he open his mouth to fill the emptiness. He really don't like the quietness because it can create awkward atmosphere between them.

"Wanna talk about what happen?" Jason look at Dylan curiosity.

At the time the question been thrown out from Jason mouth, Dylan had finish applying the ointment. He take the deep breath.

"I'll tell you when we get there. I'll go get my clothe change first. Then we talk."

Jason nodding, he won't force if Dylan didn't want to talk right now. He know Dylan will somehow tell him. Dylan get out from the bathroom and walk towards the other room. Jason turn back to face himself again on the mirror. Yeah, right now he need to change his clothes too, there some place they need to go.