Jason and Dylan hide in the alley… watching, hide from the crowd because almost every corner they saw a black suit blended in the crowd waiting for them to make an appearance.

From the across of the street, they waited for that person to appear. So they can plan their next moves.

Jason offered Dylan some hamburger, he took and eat it. Then he move toward behind Jason and lean on the wall while enjoying the food. Jason now on the front still in the hiding position. They took time to stand guard over the group of black suit people. In case they being discover, they can runaway to avoid getting caught.

"I've dream of something or vision…I don't know.." Dylan open up his mouth.

Jason stop slurping his water and turn his head toward Dylan who leaning against the wall. Interesting enough he thought. What kind of dream until it made him lost in his conscious self.

"What about it? Your past? This is the first time I've heard you said you had one."

"I don't know. Maybe but it's horrible sight. I'm in the middle of war there are gunshot everywhere. I even saw my teammate I suppose, got blown to death. Is it really my memories?"

"Well, it can be accepted since you are in special team force, right?"

Dylan silent. No word from him. Thinking maybe, he can't read Dylan expression. No, there is no expression at all on Dylan face. That the great thing about Dylan. No one can read what's in his mind.

"Hey..she's here…" Dylan said after a moment of silent.

"How you know? You didn't even look at the crossroad" Jason hurriedly look back at the building across them.

Seriously, you ask? Dylan thought. If he can sense an enemy within few block, it only like a flick of finger to sense the women appearance.

"Owh, crap…I totally forget you are the psycho assassin.."

Dylan elbowing Jason arm. 'Psycho assassin'..that a new nick name Jason give him after a many before this. Jason just shrugged his shoulder smiling.

"Come, let's move" Dylan suggest.

Jason node and then their disappear in the blink of eyes.

Phoenix walk casually into her apartment. She is well aware that there a some people watching her closely in case someone they wish to capture is around her sneaking.

She reach her apartment. Carefully she open her apartment door and walk into it. She close it and behind the door, after pretending to be calm, at last her leg give in. She put all her belonging on the table and sat. She take a relief breath. After a few moment she gain her strength and walk toward her bathroom to wash her face.

She step in into her bathroom close the door. When she turn around toward her bathroom mirror she see a unfamiliar figure. Because of the shock, unconsciously she jump of fright and start to shout. But no sound came out from her mouth as there are big hand cover it.

"Shhh….it's me…Jason"

Phoenix nodding her head.

"I'll let you go but don't shout okay. If you do shout I'll don't have a choice but to pass you out. Got it?"

"Hmmm…." Nodding her head again in annoying manner.

Jason slowly remove his hand from Phoenix mouth. Thank God she didn't shout.

"Fuck Jason, you scared me to death. What are doing here and what's with the guy." Phoenix swearing.

"Shh…don't be so loud, they gonna hear you."

"What do mean by that? No one here, only you and that guy." Phoenix point out at Dylan who still not moving from where he is.

"I mean why are you in here not in the living room. You like a stalker. Do mean to stalk me when I taking bath?" She added.

Jason hit Phoenix forehead gently with his finger.

"Stop joking, we really don't have time with you joke. Are you dumb or not? Didn't you realize that they plant a hidden camera throughout your apartment? "

"What? How? I never allowed anyone come here?"

"Hmm.. they are pro of course they didn't do when you around. Is not like they go knocking your door and tell you they want to a install a camera in your house and politely ask for you corporation. Be careful when you do something. They can see what you doing."

Phoenix rolled her eyes up but at the same time feel a chill come through her veins. All the activities that she done this past few week come across her mind. And among it of course there a private moment of her like wearing only bra and pantie. Owh.. how embarrassing, she thought. Subconsciously, she put her hand on her arm somehow trying to cover her exposed body.

"You had been absent for a long time. The lecturer told us you are sick and need a long time to recover but we know it all lies. All of us thought you have been captured by a bad guy that you're investigated. How could you haven't contact any of us all this time." Phoenix half angry half worry.

"We'll talk about it later. Right now, I want you to read this and memorize all the thing. I'm asking you to get it for me." Jason give her a paper to read it then for about a minute he take it back and give it to Dylan to destroy it. For safety.

Phoenix try to put it into her mind what all the thing that has been listed. Thank God she had a very excellent memory. Then again Jason give her another paper to read and after a minute he do the same just like the first.

It's an address actually, the place they should meet after gathering all the thing. She want to continue asking Jason but been interrupted by a knocking sound on her door. Jason give him a 'shhh' signal.

He grab the bathrobe that had been place earlier by Dylan. Backup plan if something happen. And their are right. He ordered Phoenix to remove her clothes and wear this bathrobe to open the door.

At first, Phoenix decline it but Jason insisted and she doesn't have a choice when Jason threaten to do it himself if she keep say no. This is crazy thing to do, getting undress with two man with her right now. She know they didn't look while she getting undress but she is a women. Still feel shy to undress in front of them even they claimed to close their eyes.

The knocking continued and each time the sound of knocking become louder and louder, it seem like they want to push the one who inside to open it faster.

Phoenix was about to open the door when her door suddenly open up by force. She literary take a step back and shock with what happen. Unable to utter a single word when a few people intrude in her apartment. All of them are in black suit. Well, it suit with their job and attitude, mystery and heartless.

From behind, someone step up and move forward, his walk is elegant, he wore a gray suit and wear a sun glasses, one of his ear there a earplug attached to it. For communication maybe. He smirk but in it no warm feeling only evilness. Made Phoenix chilling to her bone. Her bathrobe almost loose from the chill and make her naked. Well, literary not naked because she still had her pantie and bra inside.

The man come closer to Phoenix. Stand closely in front of Phoenix and casually with his black gloved right hand he pushed Phoenix chin so her face lift up and they gaze collude with each other. Even though the man wearing a sunglasses but Phoenix can sense there are darkness in this man gaze.

"Where are they?" A deep sexy voice break the silences. Still holding Phoenix chin.

"I don't know what you mean sir? "Whose" exactly do you mean?"

Even though she a little afraid but she not gonna back down without a fight. Yes, this man whose stand in front of her now is someone she should be afraid to but as Jason said before, they are not careless to kill a surveillance in a board day light. At least not by their own hand.

The man seem want to say a few word to her yet he remain silence. His squeezing Phoenix chin become a bit rough but then he let her go roughly. Making Phoenix back a few feet, she stumble a little bit.

"Search this entire condo'" a simple command but able to move all his subordinate to follow exactly his words. Without looking back at Phoenix, he just step out from Phoenix house like a wind. Phoenix heart still pumping heavily and her leg almost give in. Either because she shocked and afraid or because the man overwhelm evildoer demeanor making her legs get away. She clearly know which one the reason. Or maybe both.