Jason playing with his drinking tin. While looking at Dylan who seem busy trying his newly bought weapon. Where the money come from? Well even though they in the run, Jason still have a bit of a money. They didn't have to worry about financial actually. Right know they in small hidden village, a little bit far from the main city. Not many people know this place. Even so, they need to be careful. That 'man' people is everywhere, who knows among the villagers there are that 'man' people.

There have been a few week since their meeting with Phoenix and still there is no sign from Phoenix. If it continue like this. They eventually will be caught in no time. They need a second plan to continue live and be able to expose that 'man' ugly side. He chest felt tight thinking waiting is not what they should do. They need to do something, digging some information. What he want Phoenix to get is not someone can get it easily. If it that easy to get he would have his friend to get it for him but the problem is only Phoenix can get it without being suspected.

Unconsciously, he throw the empty can towards Dylan, he didn't mean to but that what it called 'action without thinking'. As usual all his attack is useless when it come to Dylan, maybe because his attack never meant to harm Dylan. Before the can reach and touch Dylan skin, he catch it even without looking.

Hmm….show off. Jason snicker. And then he turn his body facing the sky. The baby blue sky warm his heart. Sadly, he enjoy the moment just for only a second when a huge body cover his eyes from the beauty of the clear sky. He look at the person that annoy him. Before he can say anything Dylan smack his head gently.

"Ouch…why did you hit me?"

"Hmm…over reacting" He then sit beside Jason who still lay on his back. Still holding the gun, he finished checking the gun and seem to satisfied him.

"Why do you need a gun anyway? You have your extra strength and hard skin. I bet the bullet won't go through here"

Jason pointing his finger on Dylan's hard steel mechanical arm. Dylan just watch Jason's movement without much complaint. Dylan then pull Jason's hand and put the gun on his palm. Jason make a confuse look. He look at the gun and then Dylan's face one after another. He raise his brow asking for an answer.

Jason take a deep breath. He laying down on his back same as Jason who following his movement like a hawk stalking for his prey. He put his hand on the back of his head, making it as a pillow. Still no answer from him.

Jason still waiting patiently for this handsome man to open his seal tight lip. Well, if Dylan keep on silent he will shoot this guy with the gun on his palm. Sometime Dylan can be stubborn. Or at least hit him with the gun, Jason wouldn't go as far as killing Dylan, the only person he had right know. Even so, Jason bet it will take forever to hurt Dylan even for a tiny cut especially coming from the man who never strike a punch before.

"The gun is for you actually. For defense." Dylan turn his head to look at Jason whose eyes still fix on him.

"I don't need it. I can protect myself even without a gun."

"Really? Without a gun.."

Dylan's snicker comes into Jason ear, making his hand itchy to use the gun. And the lucky one how have his first bullet would be Dylan.

"No, you need when I'm not around. What if someday I gone? There is no one can protect you"

"Nonsense, I'm a grown up man, I can at least protect my own self even is no one around me. What carp are you talking about? What are you? My father? My protector?"

Dylan chuckled when he heard Jason answer. This kid is never want to lose in word. Dylan has an urge to pat Jason's head and make a messy with his hair.

"Anyway, whose the one who saving you? What if I never found you? I'm the one who should be your protector…"

Dylan turn his head back to the beautiful blue sky. Smile. What a funny kid he thought. He then close his eyes to enhance his sharpness ability, to detect some unusual movement.

"Hye? Why are you close yours eyes. Are you listening to me?" Jason make a pouting face.


Jason goes back to his laying position again when Dylan didn't give any response.

"You need to learn it somehow any way. Maybe not today but for the future. What if I'm the one whose in trouble. Captured by bad man and became bait for them to escape. What will you do then, when their point out a gun on my forehead? You need to aim better for me to at least survive." Still closing his eyes, he give along nagging speech to Jason.

This time, it Jason turn to not utter a single word. He want to reply but couldn't find a right word.

"Geeze…what ever!" he turn his body backing Dylan.

"Okay, I'll learn it tomorrow." Not satisfied but still follow Dylan advice. Jason said in the tiny voice.

"Shhhh….someone coming. Just lay still and pretend to sleep" Jason automatically put his straw hat on top of Dylan face. Covering all his face, indicate that Dylan sleeping soundly.

He, him self stand up and start to walk towards the barn. Pretending to do some job. This is to avoid any unnecessary doubting.

From afar, a running feet can be heard. In a moment later, a skinny figure come to picture. He running toward them happily while hugging a medium size box. Wrapped in plain craft paper. When the boy seeing Jason is laying still, he thought he's sleeping so he continue to move forward leaving Jason behind and start looking Dylan.

He reach to the barn entrance and look around. Hoping to find the person. He want to call but with the loud machine sound, he bet his voice wouldn't be heard at all. Then he look back at the person who he think is sleeping. How can he sleep with this loud machine sound? He thought.

Ah never mind. He look back inside the barn. He is about to give up searching when suddenly a familiar shadow figure show up at the back of the machine.

Ah he found him. With a smile he dash forward to the working person. He stand behind Dylan. This person haven't notice him yet. So he take an action to announce his existence.

"Ehemmm….hello Mr Wright…." he level up his voice matching the sound o the machine. Pray that his voice would be heard.

First try. No response. Dylan still continue his job. Like he is the only one here. Without realized there are person with him in this barn. That skinny boy clenched his teeth. Second attempt to call this man.

"Hello!!! Mr.Wright!!!…" His voice is one volume louder than the first. And he smile when he manage to made the man realize his existence.

Dylan pretend to suddenly hear the boy's voice. In fact he already know the skinny boy existence. But to hide his real identity he feign ignorance for the first call. He turn to the boy just to see the boy grin from ear to ear while holding a medium size wrapped box.

He stopped what his doing just to give attention to the boy. "Jimmy? What are you doing here?"

"This is for Mr.Anderson but I saw him sleeping. So I go to you"

Jimmy hand over the box to Dylan. Wow, quite heavy. He thought. He saw Jimmy grinning. He then move toward the bench nearby. After putting the box down. He grab a leather pouch and take out a few dollar and hand it to Jimmy.

Jimmy accept it with big smile. Seeing a few notes that given by Dylan.

"Thank You Mr. Wright" with that he then walk away from there with big smile.

Not long after the boy called 'Jimmy' vanish from Dylan side. Jason whom just assumed sleeping, in no time stand beside Dylan whose about to open up the box. Looking all excited.

"You want to open it?" Dylan offering the knife he was holding.

"Uh..uh…na.. what if this a bomb? For a safety precaution. I'll stand behind you." With that Jason move slightly to Dylan back.

Dylan utter a small 'hmmpphh'. This Jason sometime or maybe most of a time act like a childish. Joking in wrong place and time. Even if this contain bomb, hiding behind him wouldn't change the the fact that they gonna take heavily blow together. Even cause them death.

He open it without hesitant, they actually not waiting any parcel, certainly not a small or medium size box. What they waiting is a person. But maybe because of the eye of the black suit man is everywhere. It is unsafe to go and meet them directly and eventually reveal they hidden nest.

Tadaa….what inside the box mostly a junk equipment as well as a mere useful thing for both of them not even a shadow of thing that he wanted the most. Even so, Jason can still use the junk equipment to build something useful for them both. What a brilliant genius way of thinking Phoenix.

Dylan examine the entire box. Up and down, outside and inside. No note. But he does find something interesting. A small scribble writing under one of the box cover side. If he didn't examine the box thoroughly , he wouldn't see it. An address. He and Jason look at each other.


Jason tossed a ball in the air and catch it. Repeating the same movement. Throw and catch. While thinking hard. Whether to go or not. It was clearly an invitation. But at the same time it might be a trap. Why give them an address instead meeting them face to face. It isn't the same like what they did?

Ah Phoenix!!!!! Is she playing that black suit man or playing them? She clearly aware the meeting place is in the bar at the center of the city. What was she thinking? You're crazy psycho girl. Jason swearing in his heart. But he always know how crazy the girl called Phoenix can be. Don't fooled by her innocent cute lollipop type of face.

From laying to sitting position. He close his eyes. Want to calm his stormy mind. Calm my ass. Jason thought. When a cold hard metal surface meet his delicate sensitive white skin. He startled a bit. He open his eyes only to meet a grinning handsome face that belong to none other than Dylan aka psycho-assassin. Why all people he closed with is a psycho? He wondered. He offer Jason a soda. The soda can feel cold against his skin.

"It is clearly a trap. Would you take the risk to get catch? What if Phoenix has turn from us and choose the other party?" Jason grunt.

Dylan look at Jason who making dissatisfied face. Grumpy like an old nanny. He knocked Jason forehead lightly. Well it clearly doesn't ease Jason grumpy feeling rather it added a10% of his feeling from before.

"We can disguise. If you not confident with our escape ability." he said it lightly.

Disguise? Be what? No time to search for a mask. And, who goes to bar wearing a mask? Or they can try to dress like a women?

Jason then turn to look Dylan who is smoothly drink the carbonate drink. He look at Dylan up and down. Imagine him wearing a skirt. How could this big muscular man can fit into the sexy type clothes that a girl would wear if they went to bar. Should they pick a granny type of clothe or a housewife type of clothe? Eiwww….that would be horrible sight to look at.