They reached at the bar mentioned in the hidden massage by Phoenix. Upon entering, the can see a whole bunch of people dancing rather wildly with the heavy music. With a mixed of strong fume from women perfume and a smell from bar fresh air maybe and a cigarette mostly from a man, Jason can't really stand inside here from dawn to dusk.

He really not a nightclub man. He would enjoying himself alone immersing in book and creating something. Dylan on the other side feel nothing over these nightclub situation. Not excited nor gloomy. Just nothing. Maybe he just like Dylan, enjoying a quiet space.

Lucky for them. This night theme is colorful and art. Meaning to them, they can paint the face with a colourful color and indirectly can become their way of disguise. Jason truly drop the idea of having disguise as a women. Can't bring him to look at Dylan if the were really desperate to change into women outfit as so to be unrecognizable.

Dylan and Jason sat at the corner of the hall. Near the bar table. Easy for them to detect anything that can be threat for them. And be able to find Phoenix.

A women approach them in hope to get close to any of them. A usual thing that happen in bar. A women and a man will try to blend in the crowd to find a mate to hang out for the entire night or just simply find a victim to fraud.

Jason reject the invitation with politeness and Dylan just stand there uninterested. When a second women come closer to them he pushed Dylan to front to deal with the women. Dylan give him a questionable look. Jason just lift his shoulder.This anti social psycho assassin need to learn the way of life. He thought while smiling.

"If you think you can deceive us by looking like this?" Jason look at the women beside him up and down before continue. "You better think twice. That not gonna happen"

"How you can recognize me anyway..I'm totally change 200% so no one know me is me?" Phoenix hug Jason arm with her small right hand.

Jason just let her be. This act seem natural anyway. If he keep on reject any women it will rise a suspicion to the people around them. The least he want that happen.

The 3 of them sat at the bar table with Phoenix sit in between them. Phoenix reach her small purple pink bag and take out a small tablet. Handed it over to Jason.

"Do you even know how hard for me to get this?" half whining half complaining. She took a sip of her rainbow drink.

"Since the day of you absent, there a lot black suit people come and go to our university, and some of them stay at the front and back of our university entrance watching. It so tiring you know?" Phoenix continue talking.

"So, how you get it?"

Phoenix turn her head to look Jason.

"Through intelligence and hardworking." She casually answer it.

Jason : "...."

Dylan couldn't help but smiling. What a funny women. Jason seem so done with her. But the moment of happiness is last only for a second. The evil that lurk within seem jealous with them. Soon after Jason get his things. Dylan could hear a suspicious movement outside of the bar.

"We need to get out from hear. I guess they have arrived."

Jason nodding. He give another shot of the drink before move out from the table and go to the center where most of the people dancing. Jason try to blend with these people so the 'guest' won't easily recognize them.

Dylan pretending went to the toilet. Leaving Phoenix alone at the table bar unconscious with his friend action. Feet boring drinking alone. She move to the crowd. Dancing along with many other who enjoying the pleasure night. She then back at her table but the 2 men is nowhere to be seen. She curse them both for leaving her without notice. With unsettling feeling she get out from the bar using back door. Lazy to go through the crowd once again just to go the entrance, she choose the easy way. Back door.

When she about to reach the door, a big muscular man wearing a black suit block her way. She look up only to see man with a sunglasses and an ear bud stuck one of his ear. She act like she didn't know this man. Try to escape from there, she turn around to be in the crowd. But fail when the man grab her arm forcefully.

"Where are they?" a sexy husky voice come into her ear.

Phoenix bite her lips. She know whose voice belong to. But she will try to act dumb. She turn her head around to find the man.

There at the right. Standing coldly against the wall looking at her with devilish charming smile. He's carry a evildoer aura around him. Slowly walk towards her. The hand that grab Phoenix arm now change to Perish.

That the name of the man. Phoenix named him 'Perish the dictator'. Against her will, she brought to the bar back alley by Perish. He then push Phoenix on the wall facing him, one of his arm blocking a way for escaping, in that case Phoenix can't have a chance to runaway.

"Don't make me repeat myself?" he put his free hand on Phoenix neck. Half choking.

"They? Who?" she try to buying a time. For whom? She didn't even know whether Jason and Dylan already flew away or still inside?

"Hmmm…" Perish put his thumb on Phoenix lips and run it along those plum lips.

"Don't try to lie with this filthy lips." He press the lips quite hard.

"If you don't want this lips to be torn" He then added while parted the lips with his thumb.

Phoenix scare but she don't want to back of. Still want to mess this devil man. At least in her eyes while in the eye of the world , he is the most charming kind heart man, known as devoted man who help the poorer.

The choking become tighter, and Phoenix find herself hard to breath. She struggle to escape from this evil man. But with her strength compare to this man, she's definitely lose. She can't do anything except waiting for her soul leaving her body. Her sight become slowly blurry and darkening. Is it the sign for her that she would not able to see sunrise tomorrow?

Fortunate for her, a sharp flying light arrow almost cut Perish arm if he stay on choking Phoenix. He had to let her go. He smiled without looking at the person who lunch the attack. Because he could somehow guess whom.

From the darkest place, Dylan came out with a metal bow. Looking straight at Perish who still spread the charming deadly smile.

"Ah, at last. Our ultimate subject has shown himself. What a surprise?" Perish smirk naughtily while lift his left eyebrow.

Phoenix without waiting much longer. Run to hide behind Dylan who than give her a signal to runaway from them while he facing this man in front of them. She does what she told to without much question. Who would crazy enough to say no in this death life situation. Certainly not her.

When there are no burden to be worried, Dylan once again giving his full attention to the man that just stand there leisurely arm crossing. And when he see Dylan with annoying expression, he open his arm inviting Dylan to strike.

He does it. He close his palm and a blue lighting start flicker from his palm spread to his arm. He run towards Perish and aim his jab towards Perish. That guy didn't just wait there without doing nothing and receive the strike. He is not stupid enough to do that.

When Dylan's strike almost reach him. He crossing his both arm to block the powerful strike. Dylan blown away back a meter apart when the strike collide with Perish arm. There a big 'crash' sound that could attract people nearby. But it didn't happen. It just like, the only people here is them in this fighting area.

But that can be expected from them. The whole city under their control, vanishing small prey from become a witness is a easy. Just make a few phone call and a bucket of money. Everything can be solve. Or if there a stubborn one, killing a single life is not hard at all.

Dylan who had blown away a few feet, steady himself with one knee touch the ground while in sitting position and his metal palm clench on the ground to stop him form moving further backward. He then stand up.

Perish on the other hand, put his arm on the side. There a some invisible shield that protect Perish from the strike. Dylan scanning that man up and down to find the source of the power. Ah, he found it. The ring on Perish left finger is the source of Perish power. He need to steal it if can't then destroy it.

Perish clutch his hand and than the shield change into the weapon. An electrical flicker can be seen around the weapon. Almost the same as Dylan. It doesn't stir Dylan to look at the weapon. He did the same, clutch his hand and a light spear formed in his clutch before them.

Now it's Dylan time to invite the enemy to strike first with his handsome smirk. His blue ocean eyes glow in excitement. The enemy in front gladly obedient. He move first to land powerful strike. Swing his blade front to cut Dylan or rather hoping to giving him a slight small cut. Let the man bleed.

But Dylan could read the enemy movement, he avoid it by slight move to right put the spear in front him to block the blade and give Perish a little punch on Perish ribs. It hit it straight to Perish, sending him back to where he was standing. A little blood stream down from Perish corner mouth. He wipe it coolly while smiling.

"Not bad! That's prove you are the number one of our assassin." He chuckle before continue. "But you see, I'm here not to beat you, I've got what I want." He then laughed.

A group of black suit appear. Dylan in ready mode to attack. But when he saw the person behind those black suit he could not do anything but to drive back his power.

Jason unconsciously hold as a hostage. Face hurt from beating and arm bleed from cut. His lips can be see bruise. Dylan anger boil. He give those man a deadly stare. But no matter how much he wanted to shed a blood he can risk Jason life.

Perish hug the unconscious Jason. He then put some device on Jason neck and a small watch on his own wrist. A connected device. So when Perish hurt, Jason can be hurt to or worse, can end up his life.

When the group of men start to surround him and put a cuff on him. He had no power to resist for Jason safety. He actually can just fight all this man and win but it will cost Jason life, he could not take the risk.

When he fully detained with all these chain, Perish come forward, what a coward man. Dylan thought. Perish than cup his chain and force Jason to look at his face, Perish smirk evilly handsome. Spread his evildoer aura. Perish bring his face closer to Dylan face.

"I'm sure, we can have plenty of time to test our power in future. But for now you need to come back to you master." He whisper to Dylan ear.

Perish than move to another person standing there gloomy with tears. He than plant a kiss on that women forehead. She seem disgusting.

"Good job girl. I know I can count on you." He said it with proud tone.

Dylan can much guess it but to actually witness it it really hurt his trust to anyone except Jason.

There, Phoenix standing there guilty. She didn't mean it to happen. But she didn't have a choice. What would an ordinary girl like her refuse an order from this man when it can cost her family and people around her.

Dylan stare at her with hateful feeling. Dylan didn't mind if he the one who hurt but when he saw Jason hurt and in pain he couldn't help but held grudge. And the one he will hunt first is the first person who lay his hand on hurting Jason. And that person will sorry for his entire life.