Jason slowly open his eyes. All he can think before he lost his conscious is he being targeted by a group of black suit man. He actually had follow their plan. Moving separately. He pretty sure he can escape from that annoying black suit man. He's running on one of the back alley a few meter away from the bar. But when he encounter with Phoenix, he'd never imagine Phoenix lead him straight to the enemy den.

He try to fight to escape but with his normal strength as young man with less workup and didn't have a basic in fighting. He easily beaten. He take a few punch from the black suit man. He could feel his right stomach hurt and bruise, his lips hurt and his face a bit swollen from punches. He can still taste blood in his mouth. Damn you Phoenix.

He try to move but can't. His hand tied behind the chair. He can't see clearly in this dark room but he can felt the room bit chilly. He squinted his eyes to adjust with the dark room. Maybe he can find something that useful to help in escape.

Jason can feel that he is not alone in this room. There someone else with him here. And his instinct is always right.

"Ah…you're awake?" a husky deep voice come into his ear.

Suddenly the room become bright and it hurt Jason eyes quite a bit. He close his eyes so his eyes can adjust with the suddenly bright light.

"Are you okay, little brother?" Jason could feel the man breath close to his ear. Spoken in spooky tone.

Hell with 'are you okay'. Why capture me and tie me if you gonna ask if I'm okay or not. Nonsense. Jason curse in anger within his heart. He turn his head to look at the man whose grin evilly. No words come from his mouth.

Seeing Jason silences. He drag a chair and sit in front of Jason. Smiling warmly to his illegal beloved brother. This brother of him really make him headache. Very rebellious. And can be threat to what they building right know. To have power and control over the entire city. He can never let that happen.

"You know, I never intend to lock you up if you behave. But now that you know what behind this. I can never let you free. My beloved brother" He smile evilly while sitting leisurely.

Jason just look at him with annoying expression. Who want to admit this person is his brother. He rather called Dylan as his family than the beast in front of him. Jason keep quiet, feeling not worthy to speak and exhaust his energy for this wicked guy.

The silences making Ilionis impatient. He hated when the person whom his talking to didn't reply. He come closer to Jason and pinch his chin so Jason look at him.

"If you want me to let you go, you need to beg!" he said slowly and almost like whispering.

Jason just stare at him in hateful feeling. He then without warning, bite Ilionis hand that grab his face until it bleeding. Because of the pain, he had to let Jason face go. Feeling angry he punch Jason on stomach. Making him grunt in pain. But that doesn't stop Jason from smiling.

Ilionis than grab Jason hair until his face lift to look Ilionis.

"You!! wait for the punishment." he release Jason hair in a rough way and stomp out from the place in anger. The door slammed and Jason could hear a loud voice more to screaming ordering something with someone outside who waiting all along. Jason smirk. What a lousy brat.

He needn't wait to long when someone enter the dark room. Slowly toward him. Jason couldn't see clearly because that person wearing a black clothes. Whether an enemy or friend, he couldn't be sure.

But when he feel that the knot on his hand become lossy, he 95% pretty sure who is it. 5% he keep on guard. Who know maybe loosening the knot is a tact to deceive him. Prank on him maybe.

"Shhh….don't move. People outside will suspicious for a single movement." A soft voice resonated in his ear.

With that voice, Jason 100% who is it. Its time for them to save them self. When he had been release from his tied. He's in no rush to break free. To avoid a little sudden movement thus alert the people outside. They have an eye like a hawk. Monitor him for every minute.

But there a gap time when the bodyguard monitor him and he uses the time gap efficiently to escape the room without anyone notice. He had prepare it well, the plan and the backup plan.

They reach at their hidden safe space. Within this building, there a few spot that can be used as the hiding place and they use it wisely.

"Damn you Phoenix! Why did you hit me harshly?" He curse.

Phoenix just grin stupidly. "You ask me to act well, I do exactly as you told or you just want me to just hit you lovingly and blow up everything."

Jason look at her annoyingly. They need to hide and moves faster before the guard notice his absence and everything become a mess. He better search where they put Dylan, he is sure Dylan will be put in main lab but he not 100% convince.

"Did you see where they take Dylan?" Jason ask Phoenix in case she happen to be with them when they brought Dylan to somewhere other than the man lab.

"I'm not really sure where but seem they have taken him to wings E, but I don't know which section." She answered it while changing to more comfortable and convenient clothes.

Seeing Phoenix just casually take her clothes off, automatically he turn around to avoid watching half naked Phoenix. That girl just smirk and throw a clothes to Jason so he can change he's clothes to.

"Why are you shy? We practically a twin even we get out from different womb but we do born in same month, even our mother is different, the one who donated the sperm is the same." she tease him and continue. "You have seen me take off my clothes before why act like a teenagers who experience puberty?"

Jason just grumble in annoyance. He take the clothes and put it on, he then put some device on his left eye that connect to his left ear and open it. The device immediately shown a data. Jason then activate the infra-red visual so that he can easily locate Dylan.

"I'm sorry…. It must been hurt"

When Jason suddenly asking for apologize, Phoenix make a puzzle look. Jason then point at his own neck. He had a little glimpse over the bruise mark on Phoenix's neck when she change her clothe just know.

Phoenix just smile.

"This?" she show her bruise's neck before continue. "it is nothing compare to what he did that to me and my family."

In the battlefield, getting hurt is inevitable. Hurt a little bit it's okay if one's want to have a glory winning. A bit sacrifice needed to achieve a good result isn't it. Phoenix know that well. She give him 'I'm fine and don't worry' gesture.

Both of them move faster and avoid many hindrance that can delay Dylan rescuing plan by searching the safest way to the Wings E. And within a few minutes they have reach Wing E.

Phoenix suggest to split up so it save time but Jason didn't think it a good idea so the two of them stick together and in case they encounter any enemy, they can face easily and chances to survival is increase.

They have been searching secretly for any door in Wing E but could not find a single clue. The longer the time they taken the risk Dylan could be danger increase. To get out from here, they need Dylan. If Dylan couldn't make it, they chances to win fall to 1%.

Jason have checked the entire Wing E building but still the layout doesn't show any hidden place. How could they miss it.

"Why can't I find anyone walk in here? Are you sure they went here?" Jason have throw the same question for almost 10th time. Because this building literally empty. No one come and out. Even the guard? If there is secret lab, people eventually in and out several time.

Oh gosh, this man are really annoying. Phoenix really want to punch the one who is talking. Phoenix look at him, shrug her shoulder in annoyance. They stop at the alley with no camera and start to plan something. They need some plan and they needed it now.

They were lost direction when they heard a foot step walk toward them. Jason and Phoenix look each other and automatically hide in somewhere but not too far away with each other.

A man wearing a white lab coat walking leisurely. Singing while holding and spinning some card in his hand. Jason recognize this man. The youngest head research at Syntex Researching Facility. The rare genius over the century. Are they join hand in hand, the 2 enemy company? Or is this guy betray the company he work now? Double faces?

And when he put the card in the wall, the wall change it shape and reveal some automatic glass door. The genius are about to step into the space behind the door when he suddenly stagger and lose his balance. Before his body flop to the floor Phoenix had caught him in her hand. She had shot him some tranquilizer to put him to sleep.

Phoenix giving Jason a signal to come out from his hiding. Jason awake from his reverie and move toward Phoenix. That girl elbowing him hard. She saw Jason mind drifted away. Lost in the sea of thought. She really need this man to stay focus if they want to quickly find Dylan..

"What are you thinking? Do you want to slip this opportunity to sneak in?" Phoenix widen her eyes. "How could you daydreaming in this situation?"

"Sorry, he just to handsome until I forget where we are?" Jason make a sorry gesture and jokingly answer her.

"Handsome my foot!" Phoenix rolled her eyes up.

When they finish tied him and close his eyes and and cover his mouth so that he can't screaming, they put him at the side. Jason explore the secret base in hoping this would be the right place Dylan being put.

And voila he found it. Thank God. But it hurt him when he saw Dylan was being held in some large tube contained strange liquid. Mouth connected with device for breathing. Enough for Dylan alive but not awake.

He touch the tube and put his forehead on the glass, close his eyes. Pity with Dylan situation with many wire been put on his head and being top naked inside a cold liquid, Dylan must feel miserable.

"What have they done to you?" he sighed in dismay.

Should have cross in his mind, thing gonna be like this. But this the risk they need to face if they want the plan to be success. Yet it still break his heart a million pieces. Damn you Monarch.

Phoenix really done with this man and his gloomy. He hit Jason hard until that man turn his head looking at her with an eyes that demand for explanation.

"Until when you want to mourn. He's not even dead yet and here you are mourning! Cut the crap!" She then again smack Jason head.

"You want to save him or you want to wait here until they catch us? Place you bet." She then continue. Cross her arm and stand with her left shoulder against the tube, while lift her eyebrow.

"Are we even a family? I can't even believe you are my distant twin" she murmur while thinking about Jason with his never ending gloomy.

Jason pouting. He know he shouldn't act childish here. But he couldn't help it. But what Phoenix said it's true. There no point of being sad and all gloomy when he had a chance to break Dylan free.

"Okay..okay…" He answered while run to the control system nearby. Start working with his magic touch. This is the basic system. All he need to do is type a few word on the computer to overpass the security and anything that going on right now on Dylan.

Ah and he successful to stop it. And the water begin to drain while the glass begin to move downwards. Jason ready to caught Dylan who still unconscious. And when he can reach Dylan, he careful remove all the device and wire that connected to Dylan.

But as soon the connected device remove, the red light start to spinning and alarming sound can be heard loudly across the facility. Uh oh… not a good sign. Jason look at Phoenix and she look at him back. Time to run.