
After finishing his meal, Ian left the house and went straight to the fields. Along with Ellie and Emmett, the three made their way to the other side of the village to where the farmlands are.

The village that the family lives in is a fairly small one, with a population of around 200. Due to how small the village is there isn't a lord to rule over the land. The person who manages the affairs of the village is known as the Chief since they never got approved to become the lord but was still placed in charge of the area.

Chief Liam was originally a commoner with a thirst for knowledge. Due to his high intellect, he was allowed to study at the kingdom's top academy and he would go on to be at the top of his class.

After graduating he moved to the area to conduct research on the local plants and on new runes that could help the kingdom. He was given a small unit to help him with the research, but instead of staying for the time they were supposed to, they decided to settle there.

With the team settled there and a path made through the settlement, more people started to travel through and move into the settlement

Over the years more and more people moved into the settlement which eventually turned into a fairly sized town. The town is still small enough that everyone practically knows each other.

The farm fields take up a large portion of the outer village and are one of the main forms of food and money for the village. Many different crops are grown in these fields to ensure there is a variety for everyone.

There are multiple small businesses in the village that help with the village's economy and provide services for any traveler that may pass by.

After many years of being chief of the village, and after many years of helping the kingdom by creating many inventions, Liam has not given up on becoming a lord and/or noble by the king so that he can have proper authority in the village and keep them safe from any unwanted noble who may try to throw their weight around.

On their way to the fields, the group came across Liam and stopped to have a quick chat

Chief Liam, while carrying three fairly large boxes, said, "Morning everyone, how are you today?"

"Good morning chief, we're doing fine, my brothers and I were just on our way to the fields"

"I guess the harvest season has started, hasn't it? Well besides that how is everyone's training coming along? I know Ellie is just waiting till she's old enough to take the ranking test."

"My birthday is in a week so after that passes I'm going straight to the test hall, but I don't think that I'll get a good score on it. My training is going good, I'm just not that strong"

Putting down his box, Liam continued, "That's good to hear, how about you Emmett, I heard that You plan on applying to the academy once its remodeling is complete."

"You heard correctly, I do plan on doing that, especially since I reached silver tier, but I should at least retake the test to see what my lifeforce score is now. I haven't checked since I became silver."

"That's great to know, I'll be waiting for you two to come to the testing hall. What about you Ian, I know that you haven't wanted to take the test till you have learned to control your lifeforce, but don't you want to at least know what your score and proficiency is?"

"I know I should take the test but I need to learn how to control my energy. Every time I try to use my strength I end up using too much and it leaves me feeling drained. I have to be able to control my energy before I take the test and before I can even think of applying to the academy."

Ian looked upset and frustrated while saying this but after a moment he took a deep breath and calmed down. He then looked up at everyone and with a smile continued, "But don't worry too much about me, I know that I can do it, it's just going to take some time."

"Well at the very least your spirits are still high, but I shouldn't keep you three any longer so I will talk to you all at a later date." Picking up his boxes, Liam readied himself to leave.

The other three at this point had started to walk away after saying their goodbyes, heading towards the fields once more.

However, right before the group was too far to catch up with, Liam ran up to them while calling out to them. When he reached them he turned to Ian trying to catch his breath. "I almost forgot to tell you that I might be able to help with your problem. I've been working on a side project during my free time that could help you either control or lessen the amount of energy you use. However, I haven't tested it and I was wondering if you could come by my workshop in like two weeks to try out the prototype?"

Ian looked surprised not knowing what to say, but after a pause, he shook his head and agreed to meet Liam in his shop when the time comes.

Both parties said their farewells once more before going their separate ways again.