Harvest Competition

Once the group arrived at the fields they split into their assigned groups. Ellie went with a group to go pick vegetables while Emmett and Ian went to grain fields to cut and stack them.

Ellie was in a group filled with her friends who all got along and chatted while working. Emmett and Ian were also in a group of their friends but instead of taking it easy and chatting, they decided to make the harvesting into a competition every time. No matter what it was that they were doing they all would turn it into a contest.

Most of the people there were at least silver tier which made it difficult for those who are copper to compete. Most of the silvers used their abilities to cut the grain, but only those who controlled wind, water, and earth could use their powers. Those who use fire or lightning or any other element couldn't use them to help.

Some of the silvers use a combination of two elements from the three that are allowed to be used. But there are two silvers who can use three elements, however only one of them can use the three elements allowed to be used. The other one can only use earth since the other two elements he controls aren't allowed or can't be used to harvest.

A big middle-aged man walked out of the group and stepped onto a wagon. He cleared his throat to try and get everyone's attention, but no one turned to him. He tried clearing his throat louder to quiet everyone, but still, everyone continued to talk. Starting to get frustrated he took a deep breath and let out a loud whistle.

Everyone immediately stopped chatting and turned to face the man.

"Alright fellas, today we're going to collect all of the grain in the biggest harvest area. You guys know the rules of how we do things around here, but for those who don't remember, just know that the loser has to pay for the winner's meal."

Everyone started to look at each other as the man said this. Some of them began to crack their knuckles and do stretches.

The man went on to say, "We have four more days to harvest the crops so that we meet our quota for the year. Thankfully we have more help this year and many more slivers. If we're lucky we can finish in two days."

As the man continued with the group's agenda for the day, everyone else was going to a cart to grab their crop scythe. While Emmett and Ian were getting their scythes another guy walked up to them for a quick chat,

The guy who came to them had dirty blond hair with Emerald green eyes. He put himself in between them, wrapping his arms around their necks, and pulled them off to the side of the group.

"So who do you two think is going to lose today?" Whispering at Emmett and Ian. "Last time it was almost you Ian, but you barely got more than Nick. Why don't you use your power in the competition so you don't come close to losing again?"

Ian looked annoyed as the man talked to him. "You know why I don't use it, Kevin, if I did I wouldn't have enough energy to continue working."

"If that's your only issue then why don't you use it at the end of the competition to ensure you don't lose?"

Ian started to look more annoyed. "I like to be able to walk so I think I'll pass"

"YA! And I don't want to carry him back home. You know we live on the opposite side of town."

"Fine, if that's your concern, then instead of trying not to use all of your energy, why don't you try using your energy, but instead of holding it all back try to hold on to enough energy so that you're not completely tired?"

Ian was about to say something to Kevin, but before he could they were interrupted by a loud shout.

"Ian, Kevin, Emmett, what are you doing over there? Get into your positions."

The three of them turned to look at the man who was yelling. At the same time, Kevin yelled back, "Sure thing boss" as he walked to his position alongside Emmett and Ian.

Everyone was lined up on one side of the field waiting for the signal to begin today's contest on who can harvest the most. The boss of the group had a ball of water in his hand ready to throw it to initiate the start of the event. He took a moment and looked at everyone who was waiting for him to throw it into the air. The next moment he launched the ball up and as soon as it reached its peak it exploded into small droplets.

All of the workers rushed to cut as much as they could. Some dropped their scythes and decided to use their abilities instead. Only three of the fifteen didn't use any power, Ian was one of them.

Seven of them were copper tier or could not use their element to harvest. Because of this, they used their energy to increase their speed and power so they could keep up with the rest of the group.

Everyone else was silver and they used one of the three elements that were allowed to. The one who could use all three of them, known as Darren, was ahead of everyone else except the boss.

Darren is a guy who looked like the same age as Ian and Emmett. He had brown hair with crimson eyes. He was slightly taller than everyone else and had a more fit build.

The boss of the group was a gold rank with a lifeforce that was three times stronger than Darren's. He didn't use his elements to cut the crops but was increasing his power and speed. With a scythe in his hand, he was slicing through rows of grain in just a few seconds. Even though he was in front of everyone he was not competing.

While the rest of the group was ahead competing for first, the three in the back were having their own competition. The three of them raced each other so that they were not the ones that would be last.

The race went on like this until lunchtime during which everyone was given an hour break to do as they pleased.

Emmett, Kevin, and Ian decided to go to a small family-owned restaurant to eat. Along the way, they met up with Ellie and a few of her friends who were also going to the same restaurant.

Kevin walks up to the group with a creepy smile on his face. "Good afternoon ladies. How are we all doing today?"

"Hello Kevin, it has been a while and I see you haven't changed yet." Ellie did not look happy to see him with her brothers.

Kevin, now in front of Ellie and her group, decided to go and put his arm over Ellie's shoulder and said. "Oh come on don't be like that. I haven't done anything wrong so what's with the attitude? I mean if you'd just give me a...."

Before he could finish the sentence, two hands grabbed onto his shoulder. Kevin felt danger coming from behind him as if a giant beast were ready to attack him at any moment.

"I think that's enough Kevin. None of us wants to do something that we'll regret later." Both Ian and Emmett's grip tighten as they pull him back.

"Anyways, I take it you girls are going to Zoey's too, Right?" Emmett asked.

"There's no point in fighting you three about it, so let's all go as a group before lunch is over." Everyone agreed, not wanting to spend any more time on the subject.


"So Ian, I wanted to continue what I was trying to tell you before Charlie told us to get back to work." Stuffing the rest of his rice into his mouth.

"Listen I told you that I won't use my power until it's under control so don't bother trying to help."

Kevin, looking unfazed, chugged the rest of his drink with a huge smile. "Look, you don't need to take my advice, but at least listen to what I have to say. Try to not hold as much of your power back, instead try to save a small amount of energy so you're not completely drained."

"You think I haven't tried that, It's too unstable for me to use. Plus you saw what happens to me when I use it, I can barely walk afterward."

Ellie, thinking that it was almost time to leave, looked at the clock on the wall to check the time. Everyone else did the same and prepared to leave. Kevin and Ian were the first to go outside and wait for everyone.

"If it's true that you would use all of your energy when using it then you'd be dead. Your body instinctively saves just enough of it so you don't die."

The rest of the group started walking out at this point so they did not bother to stop and wait for Kevin and Ian.

"But hey, what do I know about what you're going through, right." Not wanting to be left behind, Kevin runs over to the others. "Hey wait for me!"

Ian stayed behind, annoyed with what Kevin told him. He didn't think about it for long and went on to catch up with the group.