Concentration Bracelet

The day of Ellie's birthday came and everyone was getting ready for her party. Since today was the day that she was finally allowed to take the power test, everyone wanted to treat her better than usual.

On the morning of this day, no one would wake her since no one wanted to disturb her. Ellie's mom was preparing her favorite breakfast while her dad was cleaning the entire house.

The boys, Emmett and Ian, woke up early to meet up with Ellie's friend. They explained to them that they had to keep Ellie busy until late afternoon. They also went to collect all of the presents they were going to give her so they didn't carry them around all day.

Both Ian and Emmett had to carry a large bag filled with gifts back to their house. On the front porch of their house, their dad was waiting for them. He let them know that Ellie was still asleep but that they should still sneak around back to hide the gifts.

The two of them quickly and quietly made their way to the backyard into a shed they had.

In the shed, Emmett uses his earth power to create a large hole in the ground. Ian grabbed a large tarp and placed it in the hole. Both of them then placed all of the gifts in the hole carefully.

Once they were almost done placing them in the hole they heard their father calling them in for breakfast. They quickly placed the rest of them into the hole and then covered it with a large plank of wood before going inside.

At breakfast, their mother made chocolate chip pancakes with banana pieces on them.

After breakfast, Ellie left to go meet up with her friends. and Ian and Emmett went along with her. But they did not to go see her friends. Instead, they were going to meet up with Kevin and a few others.

Once they split from Ellie they went to join their group. They all steered clear of Ellie and her group and made their way to their house to set up for the surprise party.

Ellie and her friends were going around town to their favorite spots. They entered a few stores where they like to shop around. Over the few hours that the group was together, one by one each person would make an excuse for why they had to leave.

When the person manages to leave, they would try to get away from Ellie's line of sight before heading to her house to wait for the party.

The group kept shrinking over the last few hours of them hanging until it was just Ellie and two others.

Ellie felt sad that most of her friends left early. She thought that her birthday wasn't the best since she didn't get to do everything she wanted so she went home with her two other friends.

She didn't think that today was the worst, especially since she knew that her favorite dinner and a cake would be waiting for her at home.

When she got home she noticed that the house had its light off and that someone was waiting outside on the front porch. It was Emmett who was waiting out there.

Emmett saw Ellie and her friends approach so he went up to them. Once in front of them, he said, "Mom's not here at the moment but dad is outback waiting to give you something for your B-day."

Ellie was disappointed with this info and so she went to the back as Emmett told her to do. However, when she made it to the backyard she was greeted with a huge surprise.

In the backyard, there was a large group of people waiting for her. All of her friends that had left earlier were there too. There were tables filled with food and presents.

Ellie was shocked by everything. She joined the party and had a blast.

At the end of the party, they were cutting the cake and getting ready to open presents. Her friends and family gave her all types of clothing, jewelry, and treats. Emmett also gave her some clothing that Zoey helped pick out.

When it was Ian's turn to have his gift open, Ellie was confused by what she saw. Opening the box, she was met with a simple silver ring. It didn't look like anything special but she thanked Ian anyway.

Ian told her to put it on and see if she liked it. Ellie obliged and put it on. The bracelet looked way too big like it could easily fall off. Everyone gave Ian a confused look as if he had done something moronic.

A second later one of the symbols on the bracelet began to glow. Ellie was scared when this happened and was about to remove it but then the bracelet shrunk to fit Ellie's wrist.

After the bracelet was fitted to Ellie, Ian explained what it was. Ellie asked Ian where he got it from and he told her that Liam gave it to him. Everyone didn't expect him to have gotten something from Liam since he doesn't leave his shop that often.

Ellie didn't want to test the bracelet at that moment so she just continued to open all the other gifts. The rest of the party went smoothly with everyone enjoying themselves.

The following morning Ellie woke up early to prepare for her appointment at the testing hall. She had a few hours before she took the test so she went out to use the concentration bracelet that Ian gave her.

In the woods, Ellie held on to a wooden sword. She swung the sword around swiftly but without a lot of power.

She was practicing a combat style that her dad had shown her. It was a fairly basic sword skill that was taught to beginners.

She didn't use any of her power when practicing since she wanted to get good with it first before adding power to it. She has been practicing the skill for a few years now and she still has mastered it. She only trained for a little while before stopping.

Afterward, she walked up to a tree that had a couple of cuts on it. She swung her wood sword at it without using any of her power and the sword just bounced off of it. She tried a few more times but the results were the same.

She gave up on hitting the tree without using her power and decided to use it this time. Before she did, however, she took the bracelet off so it didn't affect her.

She remembered what Ian said to her and pressed on one of the runic symbols. The symbol glowed before that bracelet began to grow. Once it was big enough she removed it and placed it in her pocket.

Now with the bracelet off, she began to activate her power. She closed her eyes and focused on the release and flow of her energy. She felt the energy slowly expand from her core out to the rest of her body.

It only took a moment for her power to fully activate but once she did she opened her eyes. Ellie gripped her sword tightly and swung it at the tree.

A loud crack could be heard as the weapon slashed across the trunk of the tree. Where Ellie had swung at, a new cut mark was left behind. The cut was half an inch deep.

Ellie was happy with the outcome of her attack. This cut was deeper than all the others.

Ellie took a step back to admire her work before looking into her pocket. Ellie pulled out the bracelet and put it on once again.

The Bracelet shrunk once again to fit her.

Ellie held her sword with two hands once more and closed her eyes.

She activated her power for the second time. When she did this, another symbol on her bracelet started to glow. Her power spread throughout her body quicker.

Taking a stance, she lifted her wooden sword over her head. A second later a louder cracking sound was heard.

Ellie opened her eyes and was astonished. In front of her, there was a new cut on the tree. While the other cuts are usually a foot long and half an inch deep, this one was two feet long and an inch deep.

Ellie was quite surprised. She never expected that the bracelet would practically double her power. She thought that the bracelet would only boost her slightly, but this was something else.

Ellie, after admiring the results, packed up the few items she brought and went to the testing hall.