Passive Test

At the hall, Emmett and Ian were waiting for Ellie to show up. Liam was setting up all of the different parts of the test.

While setting up the test Liam asked, "Hey Emmett, since we're waiting for Ellie, Would you like to go first?"

Emmett, looking tired, said, "Nah, I told Ellie that I would wait my turn and let her go first."

Liam was going to ask Ian if he wanted to take the test, but Ian had already told him that he wanted to wait before trying to take it.

Not long after Liam was done, Ellie arrived at the testing hall.

"Oh, you're just in time. I just finished setting up the tests." Liam pointed at all of the different items.

"So, which test would you like to take?" Liam asked Ellie.

Ellie turned to Liam and said, "I'll take the passive test. I'm still not ready to take the active test."

Liam thought this would be her answer so he brought over a crystal ball that had a few runic symbols on it. The ball was the size of a bowling ball. He placed it in front of Ellie and stepped back.

Before Ellie started the test, Liam told her to remove her concentration bracelet. This is to make sure the test only measures her natural power.

Ellie did as Liam had asked and took off the bracelet. She had seen Emmett do the passive test before so she knew what to do. She placed her hand on the orb and activated her power.

While she activated her power, the orb would absorb and scan her energy. The ball was clear so everyone present could see what was happening.

In the orb, Ellie's energy slowly entered it. Her energy looked like shiny pale sand as it flowed toward the center of the ball.

When enough energy was absorbed into the ball, the sand-looking energy would liquefy and start to glow a bit more. At the center of the orb, the liquid energy would start to take on a different form.

After a few seconds, the liquid energy took the form of some numbers. The number that was shown in the center of it was 49.

Liam looked at the number and said, "49 is around the average of the town's copper score."

The number that the orb would show is the person's power at max output.

Ellie was hoping that the score would be higher but she was still satisfied with it. A moment later, the energy in the orb flowed back into Ellie's hand and the test was over.

Liam walked up to the crystal ball and flipped it onto the other side. This side had a different symbol than the one that Ellie had just used.

The symbol that Ellie used first was meant to measure the person's power score. The other symbol would tell the person which element they are proficient with.

Ellie had to do the same thing for this side of the orb too. She placed her hand on it and released her energy into it again.

The energy once again flowed into the orb and liquefied in the center. However, this time the energy didn't just change shape. This time it also changed color.

The energy was switching through all of the colors as it was morphing into a different shape. A moment later the energy took the form of a droplet but it was still going through all the colors. Eventually, it stopped on the color blue.

Liam went up to a board on the wall that showed many symbols on it. Next to each symbol, there was the name of the element correlated to it.

Liam found the respected symbol on the board and confirmed that Ellie had a proficiency with the element of water.

Ellie was happy to hear this. She was hoping to have the same proficiency as her father. Her dad had a proficiency with the water element and was a great swordsman

Ellie had been training with her dad for a few years by now. She had learned a few sword skills from him, but he didn't teach too much. The sword skills he used were attuned to the water element so if Ellie learned them and didn't have a proficiency with water, she would struggle to use them.

However, she had just found out that she shares the same element as her dad. With this info, she could now train more with her father.

Ellie deactivated her power and removed her hand from the orb. This concluded her test.