Crest Family Aura

Seeing that Erik no longer had a sword, the wolf felt a bit relieved knowing that if Erik didn't have a weapon to assist him, he wouldn't be able to defend against its attacks properly. With that in mind, the wolf wasn't as fearful as it was before. It was more confident at being able to land attacks.

Erik, however, wasn't worried about not having a weapon. He was more concerned about how he was going to deal with the wolf now.

Erik specialized in more melee combat rather than ranged attacks, but he was still capable of using ranged attacks. However, his range attacks aren't nearly as strong as his melee ones.

When he attacked the wolf earlier with the rain of needles, Erik knew he wouldn't be able to kill it. All that attack did was be a distraction for Erik. The attack may have been able to pierce the wolf's skin but it was also easily blocked by the wolf's shield.

Erik knew his ranged attacks would be able to do some damage but that didn't matter if wasn't able to land a hit. He needed to find an opening or else he'd be at a huge disadvantage.

The wolf wasn't going to wait for Erik to make a move. It didn't have to worry as much as it used to so it launched itself towards Erik. The lightning around its body crackled as it ran leaving a trail behind it.

Erik watched closely as the wolf ran towards him. He could let it get close to him so he quickly decided to run from it. As soon as he started to run he also began to summon ice spikes from the ground.

The wolf was able to dodge the spikes but it wasn't able to get close to Erik. It tried to use lightning to hit Erik but he was still able to block the attacks while still summoning ice spikes. It seemed like Erik could summon more obstacles than before. However, the wolf was able to notice that everything Erik threw at it was weaker than before.

The water pillars he summoned to block the wolf's lightning weren't able to neutralize the attack completely. The pillar would absorb some of the lightning before breaking, letting the lightning continue on its path. Even so, the pillar would absorb enough lightning to allow Erik to move away from its path.

The wolf kept sending more bolts of lightning while dodging and breaking Erik's ice spikes. At the same time, Erik kept blocking the wolf's lightning while still keeping his distance from it.

After a few minutes, the wolf got tired of chasing Erik and decided to stand still. When Erik saw this, he too chose to stop running.

The wolf stared angrily at Erik knowing that it wouldn't be able to catch him if this kept up. So the wolf decided to do one last thing to try and get Erik.

It began to charge up an attack, lightning crackled rapidly around its body, and soon it launched a large bolt of lightning into the sky.

Erik had a bad feeling about this. He knew that the wolf was going to attack him with a powerful lightning bolt, but he had no idea when it was going to come. He watched as lightning flew through the clouds trying to see where it was going to come from.

The next second, the wolf howled to the sky, notifying Erik of its attack. Erik raised his arms to summon a larger pillar of water to block the incoming attack. However, as soon as the pillar was about to form the ground around Erik began to shift.

Erik was not able to react in time to move out of the way of whatever was coming. The ground opened up as three large roots rose up to wrap around Erik.

Two of the roots grabbed onto his arms to stop him from summoning the pillar of water while the other one wrapped around his lower half. As this happened he was also being lifted up into the air. Erik struggled to try and get out but without a sword, it would be much harder for him to escape.

Within a few seconds, Erik was able to break through one of the roots. However, before he could rip one of the other roots, Erik heard a loud rumble coming from above him. He turned to the sky only to see a bright light flash towards him.

In the next moment, a large bolt of lightning struck Erik. He yelled out in pain as he felt the electricity run through his body, burn his skin, and mess up his insides. The strike lasted a few seconds but for Erik, it felt like a few minutes. By the time the attack finished, Erik would be close to passing out.

Once the wolf finished its attack on Erik, it used the roots around Erik to throw him away. Erik was sent flying into town breaking through multiple buildings. When he came to a stop he tried to get up but he had trouble moving his body.

After an attack like that most people would be out and unable to battle. However, Erik has gone through similar attacks in the past so he would be fine in a few seconds. But even if he was able to move some of his skin was burnt causing him an immense amount of pain. Battling against the wolf in this state would be impossible for him so he knew he had to take care of his wounds first.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to use my aura if I want to continue fighting," Erik thought. He took deep breaths as he tried to gain control of his body again.

"Even if It is weak against a foe like this, there is no other option," Erik thought as he started to get up.

Once he stood up he began to focus. He felt the rain around him touch his burnt skin bringing pain but that mattered little to him. He ignored the pain and continued his focus on the water around him. Soon a slightly blue glow began to appear on the center of his chest. The glow looked like a ball of water that grew bigger. Eventually, the glowing water ball began to spread across Erik's body. It brought more pain to his wounds but that pain would soon disappear.

Once his body was fully covered in the blue glow, he began to absorb it into his body. A cool feeling began to cover his body replacing his pain. Soon his body began to emit a mist as frost started to appear on his skin. His pain and fatigue were now being replaced by a cool and relaxing feeling. He was no longer tired but instead was filled with new energy. With this Erik knew he would be able to continue his fight with the wolf.

It had been a few minutes since the wolf sent Erik crashing through the village. It thought that may have killed him so it walked through the rubble looking for him. Once it arrived at where Erik had landed it saw that he was no longer there. It looked around to see where he was but was unable to see anything.

Thinking that Erik must have gone somewhere to take care of his wound, the wolf decided to make its way towards the testing hall. When it struck the village with lightning it saw that the testing hall was able to withstand the attacks. Seeing that, the wolf thought that the villagers must have gone there to hide. The wolf slowly made its way towards the testing hall, making sure to keep an eye out for Erik.

In the testing hall, people were wondering why the fighting had stopped. Throughout the entire fight, everyone listened to the thundering blasts and the quaking impacts but the sudden stop got everyone worried.

However, the people who were worried the most were the Crest family. Emmett, Ellie, and Ian were wondering if their dad had managed to defeat his foe. The fact that he hadn't shown up yet made them think that something went wrong.

Suddenly someone in the testing hall said, "I see something approaching the testing hall."

Many people turned to see what was approaching, waiting for the dust to clear. But as soon as the dust cleared, everyone's face filled with terror. What was making its way to the testing hall was not Erik but instead the three-tailed wolf.

Everyone was filled with fear. People started to think that Erik had fallen to this creature. They all watched as the wolf walked slowly towards them covered in electricity.

Anyone who could fight it was badly wounded and unable to fight. There was one other crystal rank person around but he was not a fighter. He would never stand a chance against it.

Though everyone was stricken with fear, the Crest family was also feeling a great amount of sadness. The thought of Erik being dead was too much for them. But Ellie felt the worst amount of heartache.

She would spend most of her time training with Erik or practicing the skills he taught her. She has always been attached to her father so this was the greatest sadness she had ever felt. However, that sadness would not last.

When the wolf was only a few meters away, a flash of blue light appeared from a nearby building. It tackled the wolf into another building with a loud crash.

Everyone turned to see what had attacked the wolf. When the dust settled, everyone's face lit up with hope and happiness.

From the rubble of the destroyed building, Erik stood facing the wolf once more. His body was covered in patches of frost and a thin frosty mist swirled around him.

Many people knew that Erik had activated his aura but only a select few have seen it and know what it does. To those who have never seen it, they could only imagine what it can do.

But for two people, they had a deeper understanding of Erik's aura. Erik's wife, Crystal, and Liam were the only two who knew what Erik did. But they also knew that if Erik was using his aura then that meant he had taken a good amount of damage.

The Crest Family Aura is an aura that has been passed down for generations. It is an aura that can only be gained after learning and practicing the Frost Crest Skin skill. The Frost Crest Skin skill keeps the user's body cool, preventing them from overheating. Once someone trains with this skill and reaches gold rank, then they'll gain the Crest Family Aura. However, this skill can only be used with the water element.

The Crest Family Aura, once gained, will be able to not only keep the user from overheating but will be able to lessen the pain from most damage received. The user also will be filled with more and new energy, almost like a second wind.

However, the aura does have its limitations. Once the user takes too much damage, the pain negation will no longer work. If the user also pushes themself too far, then they will run out of energy quickly. Also, if the opponent uses fire or anything similar, then the cooling effect will lessen.

When everyone saw that Erik had activated his aura, they all understood that the threat before them was far more dangerous than they thought. However, many people started to wonder why he wasn't using his elemental item.

A few people went up to Crystal and Liam to ask about their concerns since they'd known Erik the longest. Both Crystal and Liam understood their concerns so they quickly explained.

They told everyone that Erik wouldn't use his elemental item in town due to how destructive it can be. Too many buildings have been destroyed so he was trying to prevent more damage from befalling the village.

Crystal and Liam were going to say more but they were interrupted by a loud explosion. Everyone turned to see what had happened only to see Erik throwing a flurry of punches at the wolf. But the people also saw that while he did this he was also being zapped. Many people understood that this must have been the wolf's aura ability.

As everyone watched the fight unfold, Erik was trying to find a way to get the wolf away from the testing hall. Regardless of how strong Erik's punches were, he wasn't able to send it flying. The wolf used its wind power to keep itself from flying out of the village.

Eventually, Erik got too frustrated with the situation. He quickly moved behind the wolf and grabbed one of its tails. The wolf saw him move behind it but wasn't able to react in time to dodge. As soon as Erik grabbed the wolf's tail, he began to spin it around. Soon after, Erik launched the wolf and himself out of the village.

The wolf landed far from the village near the forest while Erik landed at the edge of the village. With both of them out of the village, Erik was now able to summon his elemental item but before he could he saw the wolf running towards him. If he wanted to summon his elemental item then he would need to get rid of the wolf for a moment.