Stone Giant

The wolf ran towards Erik to prevent him from launching an attack. Erik saw this and readied himself for another round with the wolf.

The wolf swiped at Erik multiple times while Erik threw a flurry of punches. Both of them were landing hits on each other but none of their attacks were fatal. While fighting, Erik was trying to find a way to get rid of the wolf. But he was having trouble doing so since the wolf was slowly pushing him back.

The trade of blows between them had been going on for a few minutes and they were only a couple of meters away from the village. No matter what Erik tried the wolf would always be back in a few seconds to continue the fight. 

It wasn't long before Erik found himself cornered against a wall. With nowhere else for Erik to go, the wolf was able to blast him with a wind attack, sending him through multiple buildings. However, this time the wolf went right after him. It didn't want to give Erik a chance to recover.

However, when the wolf reached the end of the trail, it wasn't able to find Erik. The trail seemed to stop after going through a fourth building and didn't even seem to damage the next building over. The wolf tried to look for him around the area but was absolutely clue about where Erik had gone.

Not far from where the wolf was, Erik was trying to find a place to hide. He needs at least a minute to summon his elemental item but with the wolf constantly following him he won't be able to. The only reason he was able to get away from the wolf again was because he used the momentum from the wolf's attack to send himself in a different direction. He just needed enough distance from the wolf to do such a thing.

While he was trying to find a place to hide, the wolf managed to find where he had gone. It tried to launch a sneak attack on Erik but he was able to spot it before it could. However, that didn't stop it from launching an attack on Erik.

The wolf jumped out from the building it was in to try and land a strike on him. But Erik was ready for it. He grabbed a nearby tree, uprooted it, and proceeded to swing it at the wolf like a bat.

Since the wolf was mid-air it wasn't able to dodge the attack in time. Erik landed a massive blow on the wolf which sent it flying through the air towards the forest. As soon as Erik noticed how far the wolf was going he began to summon his elemental item. But before he began, the wolf was able to take a look at what Erik was doing.

Now with no wolf to worry about, Erik began to focus his energy into his hands. The frosty aura around him began to swirl as a blue energy began to gather in his hands. The frost on his hands also began to thicken, turning them dark blue. 

Once his hands were cold enough, he brought them together. Slowly the frost on his hands moved into his palms forming a five-inch-long ice handle. Afterwards, he grabbed onto the handle with one hand and slowly pulled out a meter-long katana.

The air around both Erik and the blade seemed to get colder as the frosty mist became thicker. The rain around him started to freeze as well. It even became difficult to see Erik through the mist. All anyone could see was a shadow standing in the center of the mist.

Outside of the village in the forest, the wolf was slowly making its way back towards Erik. As it did so, it too started to summon its elemental item. The electricity around it crackled loudly and violently as it moved towards its front paws.

It wrapped around its paws and began to solidify, turning into a glass-like material. After a few seconds, the electricity fully solidifies into what appears to be a pair of razor-sharp, glowing, glass-like claws.

With those claws, the wolf looked more threatening. All of its hair stood on end as the electricity moved more violently across its body. Its body looked like it was made out of pure light, making it difficult to not able to see where the wolf was.

With the wolf's new pair of claws and Erik's newly formed ice katana, both of them race in the direction of the other. Each one of them planning the land a critical blow on the other.

As each one of them raced towards each other, both of them emitted a terrifying amount of power. The wolf looked like a lightning bolt as it ran, while Erik looked like an icy spear. Both of them left a trail of their frightening which was strong enough to damage some of the weaker-tier people

The two of them ran out of their respective areas heading for the original battlefield. Erik raised his sword once he saw the wolf. And the wolf lifted its left claw, ready to strike Erik.

Within a moment the two of them were right in front of the other. Both of them launched an attack at the other with their weapons. However, instead of landing a hit on the other, the two weapons ended up colliding, releasing a devastating amount of power.

A large explosion could be heard across the entire area creating a massive earthquake. People in the testing hall were screaming in fear as they heard the explosion and felt the quake. 

However, instead of being pushed back by the impact, both Erik and the wolf kept pushing against the other's weapon. Neither one of them was going to fall back. One of them was going to land a hit but neither of them knew who.

The two of them kept pushing against each other as sparks went flying from the collision point. 

Erik put all of his strength into his attack, not wanting to give up. But he failed to notice something crucial. The wolf had two claws. He was so focused on the wolf's main attack that he didn't notice when the wolf raised its other claw to strike.

The wolf quickly slashed at Erik leaving a massive claw mark on his left arm. The cuts were too deep and wide for Erik's aura to fully negate the pain or stop the bleeding.

As soon as Erik was hit, a feeling of pain rushed through him making him lose strength in his attack. At that moment the wolf poured more power into its attack, sending Erik crashing into the ground with great force.

The impact of Erik left a massive crater on the battleground. The attack may have sent him into the ground but at least the claw didn't make contact with his body. Even so, his arm had been badly damaged. He could barely move it. But that wasn't going to stop him. 

He quickly got up, seeing that the wolf was already launching another attack, and got out of the way. Erik spent no time reacting to the wolf. Upon seeing the wolf land on the ground, Erik sent multiple water blades at it.

Each one of them was at least three meters high and was cutting through the ground as they moved forward.

The wolf, with its lightning-fast reflexes, dodged most of the water blades and made its way closer to Erik. However, Erik wasn't going to let that happen.

He stopped his onslaught on the wolf and rushed towards it. The two of them met up once more and began launching a flurry of attacks at each other.

As they fought they also released waves of elemental power. With the number of waves being sent flying everywhere, both the wolf and Erik were slowly taking damage.

Little by little they both gained cuts and scratches all over their body, but Erik was gaining more. After a few minutes, Erik was covered with cuts and blood. The wolf also had multiple cuts and was dripping blood but nowhere near as bad.

Even though Erik's attacks were more powerful than the wolf's, it didn't matter so long as it was faster than him.

Erik was getting more and more annoyed as the fight went on. He was pushing himself almost to his absolute limit and was getting nowhere. He was taking more damage and losing more energy than the wolf. If this kept on for too long he would lose. Thankfully he had one last trick up his sleeve. Erik managed to push himself and the wolf away from each other and began to send out more water blades.

The wolf began to dodge them but there were too many. Eventually one of the blades hit the wolf which left another cut. However, this blade was different from the other ones. When this one made contact, the wolf let out a painful whimper.

It turned to look at the cut and saw that the area the blade hit was red and blistering. The pain it felt was due to a burning sensation.

Erik stopped his attacks and watched the wolf understand what was happening.

"I guess you understand what I did. I combined my water element with some fire. I've been practicing with the fire element for many years but only recently was I able to bring it up to a high silver rank," Erik said, grinning evilly at the wolf.

The wolf understood what Erik was talking about and knew now that it would have to dodge all of Erik's attacks.

After a brief pause, Erik continued to send out more boiling water blades. The wolf did everything it could to dodge the blades but some still managed to land a hit. The pain it felt was worse than any of the other attacks it had endured.

Even with the pain it felt it still moved closer to Erik. the closer it got the more blades would hit it. After it got close enough though, one of the blades hit the wolf in the face. The pain it felt was unbearable but it didn't stop it.

It kept pushing forward until it was only a few meters away. At that point, Erik stopped attacking and jumped away, but as soon as he stopped, the wolf jumped towards him as well.

Erik saw the wolf jump at him so he tried to send out more boiling water blades but he unfortunately tripped. He tried to stabilize himself in time but before he could the wolf landed on top of him.

As soon as the wolf landed on Erik it tried to bite his face. Erik reacted quickly and placed his sword in the wolf's mouth. The wolf bit down on the sword stopping it from going any further.

The wolf used as much strength as it could to break Erik's sword but it couldn't. The ice that made up the sword was tougher than any metal weapon it had encountered. Soon though, it began to notice something wrong.

The icy powers from the sword were starting to flow into its mouth. It tried using its lightning powers to push the ice power back, but it was too strong. The icy power kept moving up its mouth pushing back its lightning power. 

It wanted to let go of Erik's sword but soon found out that it couldn't. Its teeth and tongue had frozen onto the blade. If it held onto the blade any longer, then the ice powers would flow into its head, freezing its brain.

The wolf knew it had to act fast if it wanted to live. If it stayed any longer then it would die. The wolf mustered up as much strength as it could and began to pull away from the sword.

A moment later, both Erik and the wolf heard the sound of tearing flesh. Erik took a closer look at where the wolf's mouth and his sword met and saw something terrifying. Every part of the wolf's mouth that touched the sword was slowly ripping off. Soon blood began to flow from where the flesh was ripping, and started to trickle down onto Erik.

Erik was mortified at the sight. He never thought that the wolf would destroy its mouth to escape. He almost wanted to deactivate his power to stop the wolf, but understood that any damage was better than no damage.

It took a few seconds but the wolf managed to get away, leaving behind its tongue and many of its teeth with pieces of gum still attached to them. 

Blood was streaming out of its mouth as it fought through the pain. After a second it used some of its lightning to seer its wounds and stop the bleeding.

After it was done, it turned to Erik and prepared to continue the fight. Erik stood up, cleaned his sword of the teeth and tongue, and prepared to fight some more.

However, Erik wasn't feeling too good. Erik slowly began to feel light-headed and his vision started to blur. He tried to figure out what was going on but couldn't think straight.

The wolf watched as Erik started to stumble around and took the opportunity to strike. It jumped towards Erik and slapped him away with its tails. Erik was sent skipping across the battlefield until he hit a tree near the edge of the village.

Erik tried standing up but as soon as he did he fell to his knees. His head felt like it was spinning. 

The wolf felt joy watching Erik stumble around. Seeing that his enemy was becoming less of a threat, it decided to approach slowly. It wanted to enjoy what it thought would soon be a victory.

Erik, while still trying to get up, focused his mind to figure out what was wrong with him. It took a moment but then he noticed that his skin was turning pale. He turned to his left arm and saw that it was covered with blood.

He thought he had slowed down the bleeding with his aura but it seems that he put too much stress on it, leading to him making it worse.

He knew he would have to take care of his arm first if he wanted to continue fighting, but the wolf wasn't going to let him. He would have to end this quickly, even if it meant taking himself out alongside the wolf.

Erik quickly tore his shirt and haphazardly wrapped up his arm. He was on a time limit.

He pulled himself up, raising his sword at the wolf. His breathing was heavy and he looked tired. The wolf grinned seeing Erik stand up to fight again. This was going to be the last round and they both knew it. One if not both of them was going to die.

Erik took a defensive stance, waiting for the wolf to attack so he could counter it. The wolf watched as he did so and began to charge an attack. 

It pumped loads of energy into its thunder claws wanting to end this in one final blow. The wolf's claws slowly grew brighter as more lightning flowed into them. The dark rainy battlefield soon lit up as if it were a normal sunny day.

After a few seconds, it seemed like the wolf had finished charging up. Erik braced himself for what may be the last time. As he did, he saw memories flashing before him. Sadness filled his heart as he thought, "I'm sorry Crystal, I wasn't able to protect our family."

Soon after, the wolf lept towards Erik, wanting to annihilate him. Erik readied himself for the incoming attack, mustering as much strength as he could. But right as the wolf was about to strike Erik, a massive stone-like object came crashing into the wolf's side, sending it crashing into the forest.

Erik turned to see where the object had come from and what he saw shocked him.