Chapter 3: Training.

It's been a week since I asked mom to enroll me on a kendojo, she and Dad have talked about about it they decided to let me train on a kendojo, I thank them both with a smile and A kiss ' kukuku keikaku doori'.

During this week I decided to do work out such as push ups, Curl ups, and planking to just a custom my body a little and I also practice breathing technique like in the demon slayer and after days of trying I can somehow do it,and after finishing training Dad bought me a good news saying that he found a kendojo just near our place.

And the day after that Me and dad decided to check the place.

And when we arrived i saw,

The dojo itself is wide and big, there are many Students as we walked inside.We asked few Students for direction and led us to the Instructor.

" Hello there how may I help you?" asked the Instructor.

" Hello there I'm here to Enroll my son here is it possible?" asked dad.

" Yes it's possible of course let's talk to my office first" said the instructor.

" okay Tsukasa tour the place first I will talk to the instructor here first" Said dad.

" Yes Kid tour the place and if you want you can use or try some bokken there" The instructor said pointing towards the Spare Bokken barrel.

" Okay thank you" I said and left then and go towards the Bokken. Seeing the Wooden Sword I started to inspect it first and swinging it left and right.

Then I took a stance like in the anime I tried to copy it, at first it's hard but I found a good position and tried the breathing technique *inhale and exhale, inhale* then I swing the bokken in front of me and *exhaling* after that.

Then suddenly I heared a Clap, I looked where's that then I saw that everyone is looking at me. Then i saw mr. Instructor clapping with my dad beside him.

Clap clap clap.

" Well done, Are you really new to this?" asked the Instructor.

" Well it's my first time actually and I just watched everyone and copied it" I said then I saw everyone widen their eyes hearing what I say.

" Wonderful, young man you have a talent for the Sword" said the instructor.

" Well I'm not really it's hard at first and maybe it's just a fluke" I said scratching my Head.

" Well don't be too humble you know its okay to brag a little hahaha your really lucky to have a kid like him Mr, Yuuki.." The instructor said while laughing.

" Well your right I am lucky" my dad said.

After that me and dad headed home as we finished to sign the papers.

" Tsukasa always be humble no matter what and dont be arrogant and overconfident" My dad said.

" Yeah I know dad and I promise you this I will never be Arrogant and Overconfident."

I said to him.

" I'll expect that" he said and continue driving.


It's been a month since I started training at first I easily get tired as I dont have that much stamina and so the instructor said that every morning I must take a jog and I did what they told me.

And my breathing technique also leveled up as I can use it now more efficiently.

Training with bokken is hard as everyday I had to do 500 swings and Everytime I finish I can't move my arms as it hurts and its numb.

Morning jog then School after school training after training Study that's my usual daily routine except Saturday and Sunday as it's my rest day.


{ Time Skip 4 years }

It's been 4 years since then and I'm currently 11 years old and I'm currently a first year middle school and I decided to not stand out so I wear shoulder length black wig and glasses so I can hide my true face as my face can be considered devilishly handsome. During my elementary days there are many confessions not just elementary there are also middle schooler but I rejected them all and yes I'm happy there are many that Confessed to me but I'm still not ready.

In these 4 years I became strong and I mastered Breathing technique and I also mastered Total Concentration breathing: Constant and Recreated my favorite Breathing techniques and mastered them such as Thunder Breathing, Flame breathing and Sound breathing. And Currently learning Moon Breathing but it's still on basic.

" Hey Tsukasa is it really okay if you wear wig and glasess i mean your ruining your Handsome face." my dad said.

" Nope i decided to wear a wig because of my hair, and its not like i hate my hair its just annoying to be swarmed my people" i said

" Yes dear i also agree with this as one time me and Tsu-chan whent on a shopping and All of the women are looking at my Tsu-chan like he was a delicasy those Bitches" said my mom hatefully.

" Dear language" my dad premanded.

" What im just protecting my son and if someone wants to be my Tsu-chans girlfriend then she has to be Examined by me first." My mother said.

And i just laughed as a comment.

Now Me and My parents are currently walking as today is the first day of school. During these years Issei and I began to grow distant since Irina and her family left Japan to go to England During that time Issei also became a pervert and I also transferred school so we rarely see each other as I'm mostly busy.

Walking towards the gate of the school and sakura tree standing everywhere

" Okay Tsu-chan Lets take picture first" my mom said as she take a camera out of her bottomless little Pouch.

And we took many pictures and after that they said goodbye as the Entrande Ceremony is going to start in a dew minutes.

I saw many students walking towards the big building And I followed them as that is the building where the Entrance Ceremony

Is holding.

After that we formed a Straght line by Year and Began the ceremony with a message of the principal Blah blah blah.

After that I began to find my Classroom and thankfully I found it easily.

And sat on the 'protagonist seat' beside the window.

After waiting for a while many students began to enter classroom and a minute later our teacher arrived.

" Okay I am your home room teacher for the whole entire year My name is Isayoi Miyabi you can just call be Miyabi Sensei or Sensei it's up to you. Now introduce yourself name, age, and likes, what you want to become lets start with the front" he said and my classmates began to introduce themselves until it's my time.

" Hello My name in Yuuki Tsukasa I'm 11 nothing particularly I dislike and I want to become nothing particularly yet that's all thank you" I said.

' You just said your name and age. ' all of them thought the same thing.

" O-okay now-" then the class started and Because of my remark earlier I have no friends and it's not like I want them to be my friend I just don't want fake friends.


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