Power levels:

F = The base value and it is estimated to be 10 times more powerful than an average human.

F+ = The base value and it is estimated to be 30 times more powerful than an average human/Low-Class Devils.

E = The base value and it is estimated to be 50 times more powerful than an average human/ Mid-Class devils.

D = high class devils = 4-6 winged angels

C = Ultimate Class / 8-10 winged angels/ Low-Class Dragon

B = Maou Class / 12 winged angels / Lower-Class gods / Mid-Class Dragon

A = Super Devil / higher Gods / Evil Dragons

Ex = The 'Ex' rank is applied when the power cannot be classified in the normal system and is in a league of its own. While it can be applied to extremely powerful creatures such as the Great Red, Ophis and Trihexia.

Sword Stages:

Sword apprentice: First time Using Sword.

Sword user: Can atleast do Sword


Sword Expert : Can Cut rock cleanly

Sword Master : Can cut Steel.

Sword Heart : Can Cut a person or Not,this stage can only be attained if you can reinforce you Will on the weapon.

Sword king : Can Cut a whole House clean.

Sword Emperor : Can cut moutains in half.

Sword God: Can cut Gods.