In a room, there's a two people playing Video games on TV, the young man was playing the game like a mad man. While the young lady is just smiling without difficulty.
[ Game Over You lose ] the game screen showed.
" Ugh... I lost again?" The young man said with tired expression.
" hahaha, Tsukasa You suck nyaa~" The young lady said pointing fingers at the young man while laughing.
" Ugh....I don't suck, your just good at it kuroka." The Tsukasa said.
" Hmm~ Yup I'm good at it nyaa~!" Kuroka said with a smug plastered on her face.
" Sigh, Why did I challenge you again?" Tsukasa ask with sigh.
" Hmm~, You said to me that you are good with games, you also said that no one can beat you on games and so I insulted you by saying that All you say is lies with no truth and you suck at games.
Hearing that you challenge me into a game." Kuroka said reminiscing about what happened. .
It's been over 7 hours since Kuroka and Tsukasa have been playing. And over that span of time Tsukasa lost 200 times and won 0 times.
After they played they relaxed a bit to releave the fatigue from playing games.
" Tsukasa nya~I'm going now Vali called me and it looks like we have a mission tonight." Kuroka said before standing up.
" What kind of mission?" Tsukasa is curious to know about it. Tsukasa had an agreement with Vali that he is only helping them if it's emergency or something that I am needed so he did not join the gang for most of their missions.
" I don't know nyaa~ he just sends me a telepathic message." Kuroda said with a shrugg.
" Hm, Anyway good luck and stay safe." Tsukasa did not question her anymore.
" Yeah and good luck on your dinner tonight nyaa~ and I love you" Kuroka said then kissing me on my cheek before teleporting away.
" Sheesh, That girls, but it's not like I hate it." Tsukasa said rubbing his cheeks where kuroka kissed him.
Tsukasa checked the time, it's still 5:00PM, Tsukasa is very excited to introduce Kuromi as his girlfriend to his parents, he started to imagine their reaction and thought it will be funny.
He looks at his room and saw its messy again, ' I didn't notice that my room just became messy again after cleaning it!!! Is this an anime clinch? ' I thought looking at my room.
A minute later tsukasa finished cleaning again and looked pretty satisfied with his work. There's no trash, his consoles and games are neatly arranged, there is no spec of dust and his room is literary shining right now.
When tsukasa was about to go out of his room he suddenly, received a telepathic message from kuroka.
" Kuroka!! What are you facing and where are you right now." Tsukasa said as hurriedly returned into his room and quickly wear his Equipment.
< we are currently at Kouh town Park near the bridge nya!!! hurry!! > kuroka said.
" Yeah I'm going to teleport on your location wait a bit." Tsukasa said then activated a teleportion circle then disappeared.
" Hey kuroka did you call Tsukasa already?" Bikou asked while making his staff larger.
" Yeah I already called him and he will be coming any second now." Kuroka said as she keep firing her senjutsu and Mana.
" I hope Vali or Tsukasa come any time now or not the Gogmagogs will rampage here on earth." Arthur said swinging his sword with holy aura.
Currently They are facing Gogmagog a Golem that were created by Ancients gods to be used as Mass-produced weapon of destruction and it is currently sealed in the Dimention Gap.
But due to some things. Their team need a the gogmagog for their plans so they opened the the Dimension Gap to capture at least One of them.
But the plan failed because they didn't expect to have many gogmagog coming out from the dimension Gap.
Although they can face 10 or more Gogmagogs they can't face hundreds off Gogmagog planning to enter the earth.
Fun fact, If Gogmagog we're to be released in earth then without a doubt, its going to be end of the world.
After a second a silver white Magic circle appeared then a Familiar person come from it with 2 big sword on his back.
" Tsukasa Just on time!!" Bikou yelled in happiness.
" Tsukasa nya!! Hurry. " Kuroka shouted.
"Yeah, Anyways what do you guys plan on doing with it"Tsukasa asked.
" Get one and then close the Gap" Arthur said.
" Then don't mind if I cut them" Tsukasa said with a smirk on his face.
" Yeah just leave some." Bikou said.
" All right" Then Tsukasa grabbed the twin sword on his back and took a stance.
* Inhale* * Exhale* * Inhale*
Then white energy began swirling on his hands then the sword and his Arms became White.
"Sound breathing: First form: Roar + Armament." He said in a low voice.
Then he slamed the Two swords on the Golem who was about to come out from the Gap then a loud Roar was heard by everyone.
The attack deals a lot of damage to the gogmagog and it's another kind killing 15 in one attack.
" Oh~ so Tough, Then let's see test it again." Tsukasa said then look at the Gogmagog as if it was a game that he needed to be cleared.
" Then Let's try it again." Tsukasa said then slammed the Golem at the gap once again but this time he did not hit one of them and just killed the others.
After tsukasa smashed his sword they heard a loud Roar again killing all of the Another golems and leaving only 1 of them behind.
More golems came after another, and after an hour of fighting they finally manage to stop the Gogmagogs.
" Nice tsukasa!! Arthur close the gap!!" Bikou exclaimed with excitement as he knock the last golem down.
Arthur just nodded then raised his Excalibur Ruler closing the Dimension gap.
"'"' Nice """"" They all exclaimed.
They talked for a while thanking Tsukasa for his work and kuroka the usual flirted a little with him after they return home.
After that tsukasa realized that it's already night so instead of going home directly he decided to escort his girlfriend on their home.
Arriving at the apartment tsukasa knocked the door.
* Knock* * Knock*
" Kuromi? Are you home? It's me tsukasa" after that tsukasa heard his girlfriend voice and opened the door for him.
" Let's go im ready. " Kuromi said holding his hands.
Tsukasa is taken back by her girlfriend, he was still stunned by her appearance the only thing he can say is." Beautiful "
Hearing tsukasa, Kuromi can't help but to blush and be happy of his complement.
"W-well I'm going to meet your parents so, I dressed a little but thank you. " she was nervous meeting his parents, she wants them to accept her as their sons girlfriend.
" Well lets go. "
" Yeah. "
Tsukasa had to admit his nose almost spurt blood from the cuteness of his girlfriend.
What the two didn't know that a certain cat is currently watching them from afar.
" Hmm~ so that's her, well I am excited to meet my sister nyaa~"
After this Chapter it's going to be the start of Canon so don't worry.
Sorry if this is the only chapter I released, I'm really busy with my studies.
I hope you understand.