
"Bib, Unfortunately, your story has ended because you died. It wasn't all that long, but your life has come to an end. You died in a spaceship accident at the age of 20."

Someone told Bib.

Bib was perplexed as to what had killed him until this mysterious voice informed him that he had died in a spaceship accident. Bib thought to himself, "What a way to go; at least I didn't die in pain and boredom."

Bib looked around and realised he was floating in space, unable to locate the source of that mysterious voice. Then he tried to look at himself and said, "Fuck, I'm a star."

"You're not a star, dumbass; you're just a small blob of soul on your way to reincarnation." Said the enigmatic voice.

"Reincarnation, eh?" "Can I choose the world in which I want to be reincarnated?" Bib responded with zeal.

"No, but I can tell you about the world into which you will be reincarnated."

"It's a post-apocalyptic world, and you'll die quickly lol."

The blob of light began to flicker, and laughter echoed throughout the universe, "post-apocalyptic you say, I couldn't have asked for anything better. Hahahaha."

The mysterious voice's owner smirked and thought to himself, "This kid sure is interesting; perhaps I should give him a gift, time to reconstruct his body."

Bib was bored to death being a blob of light floating in the cosmos for who knows how long, but as they say, what is dead may never die, and that was the only reason he didn't die of boredom.

"What the fuck are you doing? You stated that I would be reincarnated. Just get it done already."

"Kid, you're too impatient, I just felt like giving you a gift, and I won't give it to you if you keep shouting at me like that," a mysterious voice replied.

"It's about time you get reincarnated."

Bib became extremely tired and felt as if he was about to pass out; he did not fight the sensation and allowed himself to pass out completely.


Starting the fusion of soul with the body.







Fusing the system with the soul








Trying again








Trying again

Trying again


Transporting the host to the new world…


A biological war broke out between the various countries of the world in a world that looked a lot like Earth in 2022.

This universe's India was working on a super soldier project when there was an accident and the liquid from the lab got mixed in the Jehlim river, contaminating the water consumed by people on the Indian side of Kashmir.

Nothing happened for the first three months, but on November 10, 2022, people began to get sick and their muscles and skin began to rot; by the time the government realised what was going on, it was too late because the virus had already spread throughout the entire world.

The Governments from the whole world tried to fight against the out break but they failed to do so, one by one all the governments fell and now the world was ruled by the human warlords fighting against the zombies everyday for their survival.


Our protagonist, who was covered in light, was flying through an interdimensional bridge when it opened right above a zombie nest, and he fell through the sky like a meteorite into the nest, destroying it.

Zombies Looking at their destroyed nest, they began running towards it, where they discovered a human standing.


bib's Pov

"What the fuck am I doing falling through the sky?"


"That hurts, but how am I still alive? after falling from such a great height?"


'There was a slight fluctuation in the space around this world, and the bridge opened in an unexpected place.'

'I gave you a temporary power boost to ensure you don't die.'

A robotic voice resounded..

"That's mad fam, I have system!"

"lets goooooo!"


Side effect: temporary paralysis

Time: 1 day

The robotic voice resounded again.


"what? you throw me in a post apocalyptic world and paralyse me? Are you out of your mind?"


'rest assured host during the time you are paralysed you are immortal/unkillable '

the vice resounded again..


so i have a system, so there should be stats and more.

"system what can you do?"


'I can give you tasks and you will get rewarded for completing those tasks.'

'You can check your stats by asking about it.'

'You can trade through the system.'

Said the system in a robotic voice.


"I see."

"can you do something about those zombies coming towards me?" I said while looking at hundreds or maybe even thousands of zombies coming towards me.



'but rest assured you are un-killable for today'

said the system

"seems like i am fucked, sigh."



Name: Bib

Race: Human

Age: 2 days

Temporary boost: Immortality, Paralysis

A pop up appeared out of thin air.

"I see." I read the stats as the zombies were trying to eat me, but all they were able to do to me was scratch me.


"A nest collapsed unexpectedly, and all the zombies in the area are rushing towards the centre of the nest." A human said to another human while peering through his telescope from the top of a skyscraper.



'you are turning into a zombie'

"wtf" Bib thought to himself as he looked at all the zombies trying to eat him.

'starting the evolution'

"so seems like i will turn into a mindless zombie, what a bummer." Bib thought to himself as he felt tired and passed out.





'evolution complete'