First kill!


'evolution complete'


Name: Bib

Race: Zombie

Age: 3days

Level: 0

Skills: speech, intellect


Bib opened his eyes and looked at the pop-up in front of his eyes.



'All the zombies of this world can level up and evolve into stronger and more intelligent beings.'

"Cool shit, maybe turning into a zombie wasn't that bad." Bib said to himself while looking at all the disgusting and rotting zombies around him. "I hope there is a way to avoid looking like that."

Bib suddenly looked worried and then he quickly pushed his down to take a look at his thang and made sure if it was still there and to his relief, it was there, then the next thing he did was look for a female zombie and tried to have sex with her to see if he can still ejaculate and of course, the zombie screamed and tried to bite his thang off.

Bib looked concerned, "well forget about it, for now, I have got bigger problems to deal with, I feel hungry as fuck."


'Issuing the first task'

'Task: Kill a human to obtain a human brain'

'Task details: you are hungry and need to eat something soon and the human brain is the ideal food source for the zombies.'

Bib had a really ugly look on his face, I mean he already looked ugly because of being turned into a zombie but his face suddenly turned uglier, it was a look of terror and shock.

How can he eat a human, he was a human too.

"System are you kidding me?" Bib asked out loud.

"You want me to kill and eat a human.?"


'If you don't, you will die of hunger.'

'You are a zombie and not a human anymore.'

"-_-" "Fuck" Bib shouted and started to walk out of the destroyed nest.

As Bib walked out of the nest he found himself on a four-lane road dyed red by the blood of humans and zombies, The more he looked around the more he felt like puking.

Bib calmed his nerves and looked around again, there was a flyover in front of the nest, a cross-road on the left with a hotel named Jehangeer hotel on the corner opposing the nest, and a bridge going over the Jehlim river towards the Lal Chowk.

"Fuck, now this is too much, even after my death, I ended up in this shithole again, well at least I know where everything is located." Bib thought to himself.

"Turns out the nest was inside the high court."

"System where am I supposed to find humans?"


'I don't know' The system replied

"You are quite useless, well never mind, I will look for them myself." Bib said not caring about the system's reply.

"Is everyone ready to go?"


"Today is our chance to make this place safer for our kin, today we will get rid of that zombie nest completely." A middle-aged man shouted at top of his lungs, boosting the morale of dozens of men around him.


"Grrrrrrisofjsdjls" Bib's tummy made a loud sound.

Bib Sighed and kept walking on the four-lane road mindlessly.

After a while of walking around he saw a few humans standing on top of one of the few secretariat buildings, as Bib saw them he felt like he was gonna lose his mind, he started drooling like a pig.

Suddenly all of those humans one by one zip-lined down the roof of that building.

Bib looking at the humans getting down from the roof of the building got excited and he felt like his blood was boiling, He started walking towards those humans like an assassin thirsty for blood, and to his surprise, those humans were slowly moving towards the nest he just came out of a few hours ago.

"Let's kill them all." The middle-aged man shouted.

"Yeahhhhh." All the other men shouted in unison as they jumped off the top of the building and started walking towards the zombie nest. Killing hundreds of zombies on their way to the nest.

Just as they were about to enter the nest a big herd of zombies came out of the nest and attacked the humans and lurking in the shadows behind the humans was Bib looking for an opportunity to kill a human and eat its brain.

Bib's pov

I was walking down the four-lane road and I saw dozens of men jumping down from the top of a building and rushing towards the nest, I knew that I was no match for them so I start following them like an assassin lurking in the shadow.

I saw them kill hundreds of zombies as I followed them back to the nest, as they were about the enter the nest I felt a strange sound calling me to attack the men was it a coincidence or not I don't know but at the same time, a herd of zombies started running towards the men to kill them.

I knew this was my only chance to kill a human and eat its brain but I can't just kill a human and run, I need to make sure I at least take his head with me, so I started looking around and I found an old rusted sword on the ground next to a dead zombie, I picked that sword up and sneaked up on one of the injured men still fighting and lifting the sword as high as I was able to and bashed it on the side of his neck, but because the sword was old and rusted it didn't behead him in one go, he tried to shout but I had already destroyed his vocal cord and all he could do was watch helplessly as I started moving the sword in a back and forth motion to behead him, I am sure he felt a lot of pain.

After repeating the back-and-forth motion 6 times, his head was decimated from his body and I picked his head with my left hand and ran into the hotel to enjoy my meal.

Bib with a head in his left hand and a bloody sword in his right hand ran towards the hotel, quickly got in, and sat in a corner.

He looked at this head as if it was some kind of delicacy, He picked up his sword and started to cut this head open to get to the good stuff and started stuffing his mouth with the human brain.



Task complete

Achievement unlocked: first kill.

Task reward: 10 XP, weapon repair tool kit (one-time use only)


Level up

rewards: skill point +1


Bib Looked at the human head in his hands, with a look of horror, it was like he wasn't in control of his body when he killed this man ruthlessly, to him it felt like he was overtaken by his instincts when he killed this man, he completely forgot that he could communicate with these men and just ruthlessly killed one of them.

Bib knew he had no choice but to eat humans, so he quickly pushed the thoughts about what he had just done out of his mind, and surprisingly it was pretty easy for him to do so, maybe becoming a zombie changed how his brain functions, who knows?

He took a deep breath and said "stats"


Name: Bib

Race: zombie

Age: 4days

Level: 1

Skill points: 1