Chapter 18

DEAR Elizabeth,

I am pleased to announce that a wedding is now arranged between my eldest grandson, Alessandro, and Gina Terlizzi, a young woman who has my warmest approval. She is from a good Italian family, a widow with a child, who is the dearest little boy you could imagine. His name is Marco and Alessandro is soon to adopt him legally so I am almost a very delighted great-grandmother already.

You must be wondering how this has all come about since Alessandro was planning to marry that other woman when you were here with us.

Following your very good advice, I proceeded to engineer a meeting between Gina and Alessandro, and a most fortuitous meeting it turned out to be.

As you so wisely said, nothing more could be controlled. Yet it is quite eerie, seeing them together, how right they are for each other. I am reminded so strongly of how it was with Edward and myself all those years ago. I feel very sure this will be a good and fruitful marriage, the kind of marriage I wished for Alessandro.

I hope you will be able to come to the wedding. I enclose a formal invitation for you and Rafael. I will also be sending invitations to your three sons and their families. Perhaps their successful marriages will inspire my other grandsons, Antonio and Matteo, to think seriously of finding themselves a wife who will bring the gift of love into their lives.

It's been brought home to me that it really is a gift, and one that cannot be ordered or chosen. It simply happens when the right people come together. Nevertheless, in future, I shall certainly be on the lookout for any young women who could be right for my other grandsons. Having found Gina for Alessandro, I cannot be too far wrong in my judgement.

Thank you once again for your very good advice.

With sincere respect and affection, Isabella Valeri King.