Chapter 19

JOB day!

Hannah O'Neill rolled out of her bunk in the youth hostel, collected the necessities and raced for the shower block, needing an early start this morning. She had to prime herself up for the interview which would win her the job she wanted. Of course, there were probably other jobs she could get, and certainly her financial situation demanded that she snag one this week, but chef on board a luxury catamaran doing day-trips to The Great Barrier Reef was definitely a plum position.

It was to be hoped that whoever was doing the hiring had been so impressed by her brilliant resume of previous experience, they hadn't checked every minute detail. Not that she'd actually lied. Kitchen hands did assist chefs so saying she'd been an assistant chef was a perfectly reasonable statement. And a take-away fish and fries shop was a seafood restaurant—more or less.

All she needed was the chance to talk her way into being given the opportunity to prove she was as good as her word. It was her one great talent—convincing people she could do anything. Lots of zippy energy and confidence—that was all it took. Plus being a nice person to have around; cheerful disposition, ample tolerance, ready smile, never too proud to appeal for help.

On her two-year journey of discovery around Australia, these well- developed qualities had won her work whenever she had needed to replenish her bank balance. There was only the east coast left to explore now. She'd come across The Top End to Cooktown and down the Bloomfield Track to Cape Tribulation. Next stop, Port Douglas, where she hoped to stay for the main tourist season—May to November—provided she got a job.

The job, if luck was with her.

As she showered and washed her hair, Hannah gave herself the pleasure of remembering the wonderful days she'd had here at Cape Tribulation; hiking through the fantastic Daintree Forest which was as primeval in its own way as the ancient Kimberley Outback, then the incredible contrast of Myall Beach, surely the most beautiful beach in the world with its brilliant white sand and turquoise water.

It was sad to be leaving, but needs must, she told herself. Her shoestring budget was running out of string. Besides, Port Douglas and The Great Barrier Reef would undoubtedly prove a great new adventure. And it was time to get in touch with her family again to let them know she was still alive. Not that they worried overmuch about her. All the O'Neills had been brought up to be resourceful. But it was always nice to call in and catch up on the family gossip.

It would be interesting to find out if the faithless Flynn was still happily married to her ex-best friend, for whom he'd virtually jilted Hannah at the altar.

Two years on...the honeymoon period would definitely be over by now.

Some darkly malevolent thoughts skated through Hannah's mind. It was easy to say forgive and forget, move on. She'd certainly moved on, and on, and on, but forgiving and forgetting... not easy at all!

Nevertheless, today was a day for looking ahead and that was what she was going to do. The past was gone. No changing the Flynn-and-Jodie blot on the landscape of her life but it was a long way behind her now and she'd enjoyed a lot of bright and shiny days, weeks, months, since then. And if she got the job on Duchess, that would be as good as being a duchess.

Having towelled herself dry, she pulled on her clean jeans and the stretchy, no-wrinkle midriff top striped in green and blue and black and lipstick pink. It was a brilliant little top. Not only did it go with everything she carried with her, it showed off the great tan she'd acquired and picked up the green in her eyes.

Her long, crinkly blonde hair always took ages to dry, but the road trip to Port Douglas would probably consume the whole morning. She would have plenty of time to put it into a neat plait before the interview, which wasn't until three o'clock this afternoon. Couldn't have lots of hair flying around if she was to look like a professional chef.

Having checked that she'd packed everything into her bag, Hannah said goodbye to her fellow backpackers and headed off to The Boardwalk Cafe, needing to pick up some breakfast and hoping to beg a lift from someone going her way. One good thing about being on the tourist track. People were usually generous about giving help. It was fun chatting about where you'd been and what lay ahead.

Optimism put a happy smile on Hannah's face. Today was going to be a great day. It was lucky she'd seen the job advertisement in the Cairns newspaper two weeks ago, lucky her resume had won her an interview. If her luck held good—and why wouldn't it?—by tonight she would be the new chef on the top cat of the Kingtripper line.

"The phone. It is Antonio. For you," Rosita announced, carrying the cordless telephone to where Isabella Valeri King was enjoying morning tea by the fountain in the loggia.

Yesterday Isabella had celebrated her eightieth birthday. She did not feel eighty. Her hair was white, her skin more wrinkled than she cared to notice, but she could still sit with a straight back and her dark eyes missed very little of what was going on around her. Rosita, who had taken care of her needs for the past twenty years, had insisted she rest today, but Isabella's mind never rested.

Antonio...her second eldest grandson, thirty-two years old and too footloose and fancy-free for Isabella's liking. Something had to be done about that and soon. Time was the enemy as one got older. The young thought they had all the time in the world, but it wasn't so. It had to be used wisely and well, not frittered away.

"Thank you, Rosita." She smiled at her most trusted confidante and lifted the telephone to her ear. "What is the problem, Antonio?"

A call during the day invariably heralded a problem. "Nonna, I need your help."

"Of course."

"I'm at Cape Tribulation. There's a management hitch at the tea plantation here. I'll have to fly down to the other plantation at Innisfail and fix things at that end. The problem is, I had today earmarked to interview three people who've applied for the job of chef on Duchess.

Isabella's interest was instantly sparked. "And you would like me to do that for you and select the best?"

A huge sigh of relief. "Can do? I'll have them redirected from the office at the marina up to the castle for you."

"It will fill in my day very nicely, Antonio." "Great! They're all young women..."

Splendid, Isabella thought. Perhaps one might be a possible wife.

Antonio would need someone who liked being on a boat.

"...and according to their resumes, which I'll have brought up to you, they've had years of experience in the catering business. What I specifically need is a chef who can cook fish really well. That's expected on Duchess.

So make sure you question them on that, Nonna. Test them out."

She smiled at his confidence in her ability to do so. And why shouldn't he respect her judgement? She'd been supervising the catering for the weddings at the castle for many years and never had there been a complaint about the food served. Isabella had always insisted on the best and knew how to get it.

"You can safely leave this matter in my hands, Antonio. Go and sort out your management problem with a clear mind."

"Thanks, Nonna. I'll catch up with you this afternoon."

"Hannah O'Neill?" Speculative interest in the receptionist's eyes. "Lucky you're early. Unfortunately, Mr King is tied up with other business so I'm to redirect you to King's Castle where Mrs King will conduct the interview."

"Fine!" Hannah flashed an agreeable smile. "If you'll just point the way..."

Surprise in the receptionist's eyes. "You don't know King's Castle?"

Was she supposed to know? "I only arrived in Port Douglas a couple of hours ago. Still getting my bearings," Hannah quickly explained, throwing in an apologetic shrug. "Must say I headed straight for this marina. Great place..."

"Oh! Well, keep going along Wharf Street, on up the hill and you can't miss it. You'll see the visitors' parking area. The steps there will lead you to..."

A real castle! Hannah could hardly believe her eyes as she reached the top of the steps some fifteen minutes later. It even had a tessellated tower! Positively medieval! Although the colonnaded loggia that fronted the massive building could have been lifted straight from ancient Rome. A simply amazing place, set here overlooking the ocean in far North Queensland. A very commanding place, too.

Hannah's curiosity was instantly piqued. What kind of people owned it, lived in it? Only great wealth could maintain it like this, she decided, eyeing the manicured lawns and magnificent tropical gardens. There had to be some really interesting history behind it all, too. Maybe she could winkle some of it out of Mrs King during the interview. People did enjoy talking about themselves and the less talk focused on Hannah, the better.