„ The Chief will be pleased to accept your generous gift. Wait... is that who I think it is? Put her down."

Two men assisted Zazuza and released her from her bondage.

„ It is you. Uluki, tell your men to drop their weapons, they will receive them after the trial if the Chief deems it necessary." Said their leader and the translator repeated every word.

„...Fine." He dropped his weapon.

„ And you..." he turned to his daughter Zizina and looked furiously at her.

„ Mind telling me how you two got separated?"

„I'm sorry dad, I didn't know what was going to happen." Zizina began to panic.

„ I'm fine, sir." Said Zazuza. „Nothing bad happened."

„What happened, exactly?"

„ I asked Zizina to come with me to the market, but I changed my mind and asked her to get some time

off. I met up with an old friend, and while returning home I ran into a band of bandits and was saved by

the very men you seek to stand trial."

„But look how they treated you like a bag of potatoes."

„ I'm alive, aren't I?"

„ This isn't reasonable. Why were you gagged?"

„ It's because they didn't know who I was." Said Zazuza.

„ I know who you are, and I disapprove of this. Make them stand trial."

„Sir, they saved my life without even knowing who I was. That's fate. Do you know what was the last thing one of the men told me before Uluki saved me?

It was „

„Listen here, I will return, and when I return you will obey, or else you won't see daylight. Guess

he was wrong, huh."

„ You. You're too much. But you are right. If it wasn't for them who knows what would of

happened? What's important is that you returned safely."

Uluki looked confused until the translator told them to follow them.

The tension was rising, the translator felt how you could cut it with a knife. He slowed his pace and

looked at the advisor, and gave him two thumbs up and a smile. The advisor made a gesture with his

hand as if asking what. The translator made a cutthroat gesture and waved his hand as if to say we

won't kill you. The advisor looked pleased about it and gestured an ok.

„ What's that all about?" Asked Uluki.

„They won't kill us, I think they're happy we returned that woman." Answered the advisor. „ Play it


„Thanks for the advice, sheesh."

When they arrived in front of the largest wooden building, there were preparations for a festival going

on. A large man with a big beer belly and cheerful disposition welcomed them.

„We're happy to have you in Horde, we are looking forward to a fruitful friendship. I see you've already met my daughter, Zazuza, and right-hand man, Zolf. We hope tonight's festivities will be to your liking."

„What festival is it?"

„A fish festival. It's the end of fasting. Three more months until the Harvest, At dawn, we are allowed to eat all the fish we want."

„Greetings, sir Zepat." Said Uluki in the worst accent he could.

„Wow! You're such a fast learner! I like this one!" Said the Chief while his son Zico laughed at his

father's enthusiasm. It was his ability to connect with people of every status which made him a likable leader. Language barriers weren't obstacles for him, he saw them as a wonderful challenge.

Darkness fell over the Horde, the great fire pit in the middle of the courtyard was the only source of

light. Despite not being fishermen, the Chief made a show of opulence and excess: there was food

served wherever you turned your head. The teenagers were dancing like lunatics, with a passion that could only be matched by the flames they were surrounding.

Uluki, despite his sober appearance, was a happy drunk: the Chief's unfunny jokes were comedy gold for him.

A man arrived to announce the presence of a skilled scientist and friend of the court. Wang came into the room, glancing nervously for Zazuza.

When their eyes met, he smiled but she looked away, snubbing him.

„ Wang, how are you, we haven't seen you in such a long time! Have you been too busy to check on us?" asked the Chief, puzzled.

„What? Of course not."

„I heard otherwise... would it have killed you to walk her home?"

„ I asked her and she said-„

„ And you believe her? You let her decide for you? Well, it's dark and there are bandits but I guess my 120-pound girlfriend is no match for killers and thieves. See this man? You owe him a thank you for doing your job."

„Thank you, sir...?" Wang was embarrassed by the Chief's pushy words.

„ Uluki, I was young and stupid in love before but I sober up the morning after."

„That's supposed to be funny, in your country I imagine."

„It was funnier in yours, actually."

When Zazuza got up from her chair to go to the bathroom, Wang went toward her to tell her something important:

„I asked you if you wanted me to come with you. What is this about? Now I even have your father bad-mouthing me. „

„I just wanted to see you and spend time together. I was not expecting to find out you were trying to make monsters of all of us."

„What do you mean?"Wang asked.

„I mean you wanted to give me that mask... don't you get it, Wang? I'm supposed to wear a mask which keeps falling off my face in my everyday life... . When you visited, those few moments are all I had as a means to feel better. I was happy just being myself with you..but you've hidden far too much from me. If you intend to carry on with your proposal, tonight I advise you don't. I don't think you'll be successful."

Zazuza walked away and he grabbed her by the hand:

„Wait, what are you saying?"

„I am saying do your best, I've already seen your worst."

„ You're wrong!"

„ So now I don't even know right from wrong anymore. Geez, I really am a lost cause if I need your


„You just said you did. Which one is it?"

„I just wanted you to be honest from the start ... if you didn't want me, why did you keep me hanging in there for 100 years?"

„All this hiding and secrecy and arguments and for what? I've told my father that we were together all this time."

„Figured that much."

„Well, aren't you smart? This isn't only about you, Wang. Start thinking about that, for a change."

„Come with me, I want to show you something."

„OH no, I am not falling for THAT again."

„ Aren't you...curious?" He went in for a hug and covered her in kisses. „ You know, in the name of

science, we have to make a massive discovery... a place neither of us has been to before."

Her heart began to race... what had gotten into him?! They had had occasional tender moments

before... but nothing this...passionate. Her cheeks were burning and she wanted to slap him for what he did yesterday... but what if they...did... that. She turned to him and him:

„Alright, but just this once." And they raced to one of the guestrooms, trying to look as deadpan as they could with stupid grins on their faces.

At the chief's table...

„So tell me about the council, when are they coming?" said Uluki.

„ Later, you'll recognize them instantly when you see them." Said the Chief.

„Tell us more about them." Inquired the advisor.

„ They've been eyeing this area for a long time... I haven't told a soul... but maybe it wasn't one of my men who did this, and they're looking for a scapegoat. One chief's son will be initiated soon in the ways of the Hydra. They see me weak because of my stupid offspring."

„They're still young, sir. They'll learn." The advisor tried to calm him down, he could feel the tension.

„This one here drinks us all under the table and the other one is a liar and a moron. She's had good men wanting to marry her but she rejected all of them for some lousy scientist who doesn't give half a toss about her. That's why we're having these problems now, she was supposed to marry the eldest son of Zelout. He died in battle, but now we would of all been taken care of and I wouldn't have to deal with this mess."

„We, sir. Do not worry, we'll f*** them up for you, you're in good hands." Reassured Uluki with a pat on the shoulder and a clenched fist.

„ I can't believe that shifty guy did this to you, sir. We'll deal with him afterward, we'll make sure

he never returns to these parts when we're done with him." Uluki was eager to punch him around a

bit, especially since he got an excuse to do it.

„ I cringe at the word science, now." Admitted the Chief

„How did you come into contact with him?"

„ He was the one who thought of the dam. Since we need repairs, we called him over."

„Ah.. I see... what a pity. I have an idea: if he doesn't propose to your daughter by midnight, we throw

him down the cesspool." Uluki had a glint in his eyes as he was saying this.

The Chief stopped for a moment, looked sober and serious, and told Uluki with upmost sobriety:

„ I'll make a lot of enemies if I allow you to do that. As a Chief, I am appalled by your chaotic leadership...still...I do want to see that so, as a father... you have my blessing!" and they toasted to that, excited for midnight.

„So you're saying that she rejected all the Chieftan's sons? Geez, what makes her so special?"

„Mind your manners, she's my daughter, after all. By the way, after midnight you can have her if he

doesn't ask for her hand in marriage. I will give you a plot of land and you can retire here. What do you say?"

„ Yes, I will do it."


„ Where is your daughter? I haven't seen her anywhere."

„Whatever she's doing, I hope she isn't talking to that moron of a scientist."