When Zazuza and Wang got out of the bedroom, they looked slightly disheveled and they began to

quickly prim themselves for the party.

„ Did you enjoy it? Am I marriage material now?"

„ Too soon to tell." She winked." Come on. Let us go dancing so that nobody suspects us."

At the table, Uluki told the Chieftan:

„There's the little love birds! What do you think? They look a little... ruffled, don't you think?"

„ Indeed they do. Let's spoil their fun." Said the Chieftan

„Ahem! A toast to the wonderful friendship between my daughter and Mr. Yao, Is there anything you wish to add, Yao?"

„ I hope it will continue."


„The friendship."

At that very moment, drums began to beat in a rhythmic manner and a large bell rang. Uluki looked

him in the eye and said, mockingly: wrong, answer.

„It is midnight, and I have another announcement to make: Uluki, I offer you, my daughter, in exchange for your loyalty, what do you say?"

„Yes. I accept you as my father-in-law and your daughter as my wife."

„ Hear that Zazuza? You're his problem now!" He was grabbing his belly and it looked like he was going to die from laughing and coughing.

„ What?! Father, what are you saying?"

„ This is your new future husband. Get along now."

„I can tell you are not a virgin anymore."

„ It's alright, you have me, brother-in-law, to defend the family honor." Joked Ziko." A toast to a happy marriage and strong union!"

„ Oh, I almost forgot, Wang, my friend, let's go. Choose a door from 1-3." The men took him in their arms and carried him in front of the cesspool doors. Uluki opened the door and let them throw him in the gutters. As soon as he could escape, Wang made a run for it while the crowds were laughing at the whole situation.

Uluki grabbed a bottle of wine and began to cheer, at that moment he felt like the lord of this small

corner of the world, everything in it seemed to be his for the taking.

Uluki woke up in a room he didn't remember staying in. He heard a knock on the door. It was Zazuza.

„We need to talk about tonight. I have some potions you can use."

„What are you on about?"

„ Our enemies can be defeated if we use this invincibility potion. It makes the user able to tolerate and great physical pain."

„Man... never-ending your stupid potions! We're warriors. You saying use a potion is just plain insulting to us."

A group of men arrived in front of the tent. They glanced at each other before greeting the Chief.

„Good evening, sir. How has the weather been affecting your crops?"

„It's been terrible, just terrible."

„We hope to see you do something about it."

„Oh, we will gentlemen."

There was such silence at that table... Outside: the sound of the scribes was hauntingly amplified and the tension brought on the worst inside them.

„Gentlemen, we have a surprise for you. This is Uluki, he has arrived to know you better. „ Said the


Uluki bowed and leaning forward told them:

„ Because we are.... connected."

„Uluki has just arrived from the Maris river, I have told him about our situation... and he said Yes."

„ Yes to what?"

„ My idea: that he should stop and join our ranks.. that în these uncertain Times.. our priority is

safety. Isn't it gentlemen?"

„Why are you telling us this?" inquired one of the men.

„Because I want my future son-in-law to go through the initiation."

„ Are you out of your mind? He won't make it."

„ He had to be born like us, to do it." Said another

An old man lifted his palm, calmly and simply asked „When?"

„ As soon as possible." Said the Chief.

„Is now a good time?" asked the wise man.

„Sure, what do we need?"

„ Bring me a staff, a pillow, and a tray with a comb, coins, a broom, a pipe, a book, and a mask. And it will be over in three days."

„ Pardon sirs, but we came here to solve more pressing issues. We can't put everything else on hold."

„I'm going to die soon." Said the Chieftan. „ Before I go, I want to see my daughter married to someone who has her back and respects her."

„This will be a very short initiation." The wise man said. „ You'd better listen carefully to what I'm about to teach you, got it?" he pats Uluki on the forehead.

„ He doesn't speak our language, we need to make an arrangement."

The translator Offered his services... everyone was curious to see this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of how Hotnik would fare.

„ Beware, if you fail you will pay the ultimate price.".

„ I'm ready."