King Of Beasts In The Hell!



"Too hot!!"


Andrew felt his body burning.

He was unable to move. As if he was sinking in a swamp of scorching and sticky lava.

He couldn't open his eyes, but he felt a kind of protection on his skin that kept the deadly heat unable to burn him into ashes.

He didn't know what was protecting him, but even so, that didn't stop him from feeling that his body is burning. This situation reminded him of sleeping naked on the highway leading to Texas at the height of the scorching summer in a stupid challenge with his friends on Tik Tok.

On that day he caused third-degree burns to his back and buttocks.

(Am I dreaming? Why is this dream so real?!)

(Damn it! How did I sleep in the first place?)

(Wasn't I at my peak on my fiancée's bed? Wasn't I about to send the snake into the hole for the first time?!)

(Argh! Ahh! F*ck!!!)

When he screamed, he felt his jaw open but he didn't hear any sound, the longer he stayed in this dream the more he felt as if he was sinking downwards.

To a hotter deep place.

He also felt that the protection protecting his skin was constantly weakened and eroded by the heat.

(What would happen if I'll die in the dream?! Will I wake up?)

(What a bad dream!)

(Why do I go to Hell even in a dream?!)

He thought it was very weird that he could think so clearly and feel pain in the dream... No, it wasn't a dream, it was definitely a nightmare.

Until now, he was convinced that he was only dreaming.

But this changed with the feeling of burning alive and his inability to breathe.

He started to struggle more and more. and a frightening thought popped up in his head...

Could I have already died?! No, no... Did I go to hell?!

{🎭Oh...? You have miserable luck, kid. You've been transmigrated into the corpse of someone who just lost his final battle and has fallen into the lava... I'm sad for you.🎭}

{🎭In this case... Maybe you'll die in 5 minutes.🎭}

Suddenly, as he struggled to catch a few breaths, he heard a dream-like voice in his head with a tone filled with lamentation.

Andrew's heart trembled after hearing that, he even couldn't get a moment to be happy with his transmigrating to another world and he was already going to die within 5 minutes!

What's this shit luck?!


Who is this he just talked to him? Is he the God responsible for his incarnation? He read so many novels and clichés that he didn't count how many... Was he facing the same situation? Has luck finally smiled at him?! No, he hasn't had any luck yet...

Does this mean he is really dead?

(Argh! Damn you bitch! Then you killed me?! Argh!!!)

His thoughts turned chaotic after a series of damaged memory fragments entered his head. In these memories, he saw a face of a beautiful woman smiling coldly as she held a knife stained with his blood.

She killed him in cold blood after he contributed to almost all of her successes... But why was this, wasn't he her fiance, and the man she loves?!

He doesn't know... He really didn't know... What matters now is that he would have died right after being transmigrated into someone else's body... He might not have had another chance at life if he really died this time.

(Oh my God... Please save me!)

Andrew tried to appeal to the dream-like voice he had heard in his head, it was his only hope because he couldn't move an inch out of the lava swamp he was sinking in.

He could feel his broken body being disintegrated by the lava that had burned his encapsulation and also his skin and started to burn his internal organs...

How did he know he was inside the lava? Well, he knew before the owner of the voice even tells him... You'll definitely know it without seeing it if you find yourself in the same situation... Trust me, my friend.

He didn't even realize why he lived until now without turning to ashes within the lava.

But what he knew very well was that he would really die if he didn't get out of this place even without the owner of the voice telling him so.

{🎭Oh... Kid... I'm really sorry, you were supposed to be in your mother's arms right now in a wonderful world of sword and magic but a sudden accident happened and you were brought here by my mistake.🎭 }

{🎭Since the transmigration or reincarnation process cannot be undone and due to your good karma... I'll make an exception only this time.🎭}

{🎭I'll cure your body and I'll transport you to another world because this world strongly rejects your existence.🎭}

{🎭Oh… You are lucky! Your current universe coincided with a nearby universe. There are plenty of chances of creating a stable cosmic portal...🎭}

{🎭I don't know what kind of universe you're going into and I don't have any authority over that universe but it seems absurdly high-level one, so I'm going to give you one last gift, and no need to thank me for it later, all thanks to your good karma.🎭}

Andrew felt as if he had been pulled out of Hell and placed in a cool, refreshing spring instead.

In an instant, his critical condition was reversed and he began to feel as if a terrifying beast was awakening within him...

Weird life energy enveloped him out of nowhere and healed all his injuries, even recovering the damaged memories, which was why he felt confused when the remnants of the previous soul appeared.

Andrew did not know what had happened to him at this moment but he felt a strange affinity with the soul remnants that had temporarily occupied his body.

A moment later, a batch of weird and suspiciously familiar memories of him appeared in his head.

His eyes widened and his breathing intensified as he remembered who the person who was the previous owner of this body was.

For a few seconds, the remnants of the dead man's soul returned to control the body and Andrew remained in the spectator position.

A man or maybe a beast?!

The beast jumped out of the clouds in an attempt to commit suicide... Or perhaps to catch some of the new generation brats.

In his memories, his free fall from the heights of the sky caused a bottomless hole to form on the small island below.

The moment he stepped out of the hole, his presence caused the group of brats on the island to shiver.

"Why did he have to die, that old man, Whitebeard…!"

"I don't have a choice now, do I?"

Andrew watched these familiar memories as if he was watching a movie... Speechless, he couldn't help but stifle his excitement and keep watching.

"Damn it! Hurry up, Joker! Make preparations for the final battle!"

"I don't care if this world is destroyed! Let's start with the greatest war this world has ever seen!"

Andrew's eyes widened as he recalled this legendary scene... Was he the one saying these familiar lines?

Suddenly, other very familiar memories appeared.

(Isn't this Wano-Kuni?)

A great blue dragon opened his mouth and released a fiery beam that destroyed the entire top of the mountain.

In another memory, the King of Beasts stood beside a familiar fat woman against the new generation brats in a fierce battle under the moonlight.

In the end, the King of Beasts was alone with the most dangerous brat from the new generation in one to one fight.

He struck him with his kanabo the first time and succeeded in sending him to sleep in Udon Prison.

He smash him with his kanabo a second time and succeeded in sending him to sleep again.

He slapped him with his kanabo for the third time and succeeded in sending him into the depths of the sea.

He hit him with his kanabo for the fourth time and succeeded in killing him this time... But why did the brat rise again and again even after he succeeded in killing him?

Ah... That's how it was then...

So... He was the awaited one... Joy Boy...

It wasn't me, right?...

He was Joy Boy after all...

A savage smile appeared on his face, and right after that, a black hole appeared within the lava just below his body.

{🎭Heh~... Shocked, right? I am also honestly shocked, your luck or perhaps your misfortune is so ridiculous that it exceeded my divine vision… I never expected it… Interesting, I can't wait to know what you would do with the body of the King of Beasts in your new world… Well, the cosmic portal is already opened up.🎭}

{🎭I have turned the magma you sinking in into a flawless spiritual devil fruit, it will automatically transform into a dantian or something else to harmonize with the power system of your new world so that you can train and advance.🎭}

{🎭I won't be able to communicate with you in your new world, but don't make a mess. Live your life the way you want.🎭}

The King of Beasts' body started to sink into the black hole that was under his body and leave the lava.

Right before his huge body disappeared into the black hole...

"Joy Boy! You have to keep your promise this time!!"

"Don't lose!!"

"Yamato... I'm sorry!!! Alber... I'm sorry!!!"


After the King of Beasts Kaido fell into the lava, it seemed as if Wano had entered a moment of eternal calm.

In this peaceful moment, the terrifying voice of the King of Beasts returned from the bottom of Hell and spread throughout Wano country, causing confusion and trembling to every living member of the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance.

Everyone around Wano heard it!

The noisy celebration of the people of the flower capital stopped and they started shivering in fear... O'toko dropped her tea cup and Kozuki Sukiyaki's hand shivered onto his sword (Hiding behind his mask).

Luffy's body which had fallen exhausted after an extremely fierce battle, hardened after hearing this voice, he relaxed again with a soft smile appearing on his face and he lost consciousness completely.

"Shishishi! I won't... I won't lose to anyone..."


"Yamato... I'm sorry!!!"

Yamato was holding Luffy with a happy smile, the smile on her face froze and tears started falling from her eyes.

She began to cry and laugh as she remembered all the suffering she had tasted from her undeserved father's kanabo.

In the end, she couldn't escape the grief of losing the evil father who had tormented her all her life to make her what she is today... He was her biological father after all.

The pink dragon beside her couldn't manage to calm her down after that.


Elsewhere among the wrecks of Onigashima, after a brutal battle he lost against Zoro, the light returned to the eyes of Alber, the last member of the Lunarian tribe, after hearing his leader's apology and silently smiling, he tried to move his broken body to save him but he couldn't. Zoro cut many veins in his body.

Although even if he could move his body, he wouldn't find Kaido's body anywhere inside the lava, he would probably find the remains of Bigmom instead.

Kaido is not a part of this world anymore.

As a huge fan of the King of Beasts... Andrew didn't like that Kaido left the story without last words, it was the author's worst mistake ever made against a great character.

So he summoned every bit of his newly restored strength and sent a mighty blast of wind through the lava, carrying the last words of the legend, the words that the last remnants of the soul could not say.

Words that Joy Boy, his crew, the residents of Wano, and his daughter will never forget.

These words will be the conclusion of the tale of Kaido, the king of beasts.

"Open up Wano Country!!!"

These were the last words of the King of Beast that the delayed wind blast had sent out.

With these words, the festival of fire is over.

Before Kaido's soul completely disappeared, Andrew felt great gratitude from the soul remnants.

It was this gratitude from the true Kaido to Andrew who allowed his existence to regain a bit of consciousness and say his last words.



It's the first chapter, guys!

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