What's this world, I wonder?


A small black hole opened up over a huge mountain and the body of a small giant fell from it.


The sharp rocks he fell on shattered and turned into flat dust beneath his massive body.

If an ordinary human fell in such a place, he would turn into a bloody pulp among the sharp mountain rocks.

The horned giant lay on the rocky ground for a while without moving.

Suddenly, his sharp eyes opened! He has yellow pupils with slits similar to dragon eyes!

For the first time, he opened his eyes to this world. he saw a sky full of stars and cosmic dust mixed with some wonderful aurora borealis.

It was such a wonderful sight. Anyone who saw it would be glad to be alive.

He was the King of Beasts, Kaido, who had returned from the cusp of death!

Or perhaps, Andrew, the successful young man who was deceived and murdered by his fiance?

Did not matter. Whichever. The important thing is that he is alive now. He came back from Hell crawling, whether it was luck from heaven, or a God controlling his destiny, it didn't matter.

The important thing is that he is alive and kicking.

No! He has to thank the great God who brought him back to life!

"We may not be able to communicate anymore, but thank you for giving me this chance!"


His famous laughter spread across the mountain and the forest below, terrifying the profound beasts below to run away after they heard his loud laughter that resembled the roar of an angry dragon.

"I won't wonder why you gave me this chance. You had got me out of a boring world, and then transmigrate me to the corpse of a dead guy I respect so much in a world I've always dreamed of living in… Even if it was your fault, I'm so grateful! "

"Although I wish I had stayed in the wonderful pirate world, I wouldn't complain like a bitch…"

"Thank you for giving me this chance. Whether you're a God or a Devil God, I don't care."

After saying all that nonsense, Andrew stood up, stretched out his huge body, and touch his gorgeous two horns and more adorable mustaches…

He had the body of Kaido... The most badass man in the pirate world!

The horn and teeth that Luffy broke with the size-of-an-island fist attack, as were his broken bones and the sunken wound Oden had caused 20 years ago.

Thanks to the mysterious life energy that cured him he was truly restored to his best condition, even his clothes were fixed!

Like this, who would dare insult him on the way?

No, who would dare even breathe in his presence?

"Wororororo! I wonder if that bitch would dare to assassinate me if I were Kaido?"

"Sigh~ Who was Andrew?"

"He was a fool, with a pure heart, he loved a prostitute and sacrificed everything to make her stand in a similar place as him…"

"Worororo... He hadn't even touched her and enjoyed her body before. But when she took the initiative to ask him fuck her, she killed him in cold blood!"

An angry expression appeared on Andrew's face at this moment...

"Why that? Of course, because Andrew was the perfect fool for her... At her request, they even went to a country where there is no security under the pretext of tourism, and thus she succeeded in assassinating him with impunity.. ."

"Okay. I've decided. I'll give up this useless identity... I won't be the idiot Andrew anymore. From now on I'll only be Kaido...!"

"I took your body, your memories, your strength, and everything from you, in return I will not allow the prestige of the King of Beasts and the strongest creature to fall into another world!"

"I'll live this new life as the King of Beasts, Kaido!!"

"I'll wreak chaos on this land, Wororororo!"

The ground under his feet shattered and a fissure began to spread along the mountain, the moment he jumped, a massive explosion occurred at the top of the mountain.

Kaido's body started to expand and his complexion turned into blue dragon scales.

In less than a second, Kaido transformed into a giant eastern blue dragon.

"It's a good thing that the devil fruit didn't disappear after Kaido's death and just kept waiting for me~"

Kaido felt great excitement boiling inside him, after all, he wasn't the real Kaido, just a few minutes ago he was just an ordinary human... He never even imagined that he would die and become Kaido!

Who would ever imagine such a thing?

After experiencing flying in circles like an oriental dragon soaring into the sky, Kaido was very satisfied.

"It's time to find out what world this is… I just hope it's not the Xianxia World... Those worlds are very OP! Or even I, the King of Beasts, will have to act low for a while..."

Kaido was very confident in his strength. The Yonko was so powerful that even Joy Boy didn't manage to bring him down easily. But also since he was in the past Andrew who read countless fantasy novels, and many fanfics, and watched a lot of animes that have many strong characters that were more terrifying than Kaido, he could say that he wasn't the strongest.

The most terrifying is the Xianxia universes... In these universes, if he encounters a strong elder or a young master from the upper world, he may be turned into cattle or a vehicle, if not the worst, and turn to dust.

His tall body trembled at the thought of it.

The Azure Dragon soared from the mountain along the dark forest below and saw more trees on the horizon, the huge forest seemed to be endless.

So he decided to go down and check out the small beasts that running between the trees trying to escape from him.

Without canceling the majestic dragon's form, Kaido settled on the ground, destroying many strange black trees.

The first thing he saw was a group of green wolves running frightfully away from the terrifying dragon.

Kaido's gaze focused on the larger wolf that was over five meters in size and spread out from him as a center of invisible enormous pressure.

As soon as the pressure wave passed over the fleeing flock of wolves they started to fall like flies as foam came out of their mouths.

It was undoubtedly a Conqueror Haki attack.

(Great! My abilities are all well, I feel so good... I feel so invincible that if I came back now I would crush Joy Boy in a one-on-one battle!)

His dragon-shaped smile could terrify anyone lucky enough to see it now.

In the dragon form, he was the size of half a small town, his length from head to tail was more than 900 meters while his height from claws to dragon hair was more than 40 meters. In his current form, he was a truly terrifying beast.

It was a real dragon that could destroy an entire country. Kaido didn't realize it yet, but even in the Xianxia realms, he could gain a foothold provided he was on a lower-level planet far from those existences of divine levels.

He was at the peak of the power that humans could obtain... Neither Golden Core, Nascent Soul, nor Sovereign Realm could harm him.

Only cultivators who ascended to the divine path and whose souls and bodies were transcendental to the stage of the divine path could kill him.

This is what his current strength is.

After all, the Pirate World could be considered an incredibly high-level martial arts world (Wuxia), even comparable to the low-level Xianxia realms!

And what was Kaido in the Pirate World? It was an existence that reached its peak!

Kaido who was ignorant of his circumstances looked at the flock of fainted wolves and transformed into his human form again.

With every step, the ground under his feet shook, it was obvious how heavy his body was, he was 710 cm tall in his normal form!

More than 7 meters!

Not to mention that he weighs hundreds of tons!

In addition to his sublime physique, his weight and height were factors in his overwhelming strength.

Kaido approaches the biggest wolf in the group.

"This must be an alpha wolf. Hmm, given its light green color must have something to do with the wind element, I think this is a herd of wind wolves… Have I transported to a high magical world?"

Kaido grabbed the five-meter wolf by the neck and carried him as if he was carrying a kitten.

If one of the locals saw this scene, their eyes would fall from their sockets because of the horror of the scene.

This is because what Kaido was holding in his hand like a kitten was the king of this region, the Azure Wind Profound Wolf…

A horrible beast from the Sky Profound Realm!


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