Magma Profound Veins!


Kaido was studying the ferocious wolf in his hand with a thoughtful expression. he wanted to get enough information up close, that's the reason why he attack this group of beasts.

The alpha wolf seemed like a really powerful beast. From this beast, he could sense a kind of formidable aura that didn't exist in the pirates' world, he could bet that such a powerful beast didn't exist in his previous world.

The pressure he releases is comparable to Tobi Roppo of his subordinates or a Vice-Admirals of the Navy!

Which really surprised him, could a beast of this level be found randomly anywhere here? Even the alpha wolf subordinates were by no means weak, this small group of wolves could prey on dozens of pirate groups worth 500 million berries in the New World!

Suddenly, the unconscious wolf started to regain consciousness and shook between his hands, which knocked Kaido out of his thoughts.

Kaido didn't hesitate to strangle it to death and throw its corpse away, a beast of this level would be a bother to kill quickly if it regained consciousness.

After that, he turned around and unleashed another powerful wave of heavy conqueror haki...

This time he shattered the consciousness of the profound wolves that were awakening and then took the kanabo from his belt and smashed the remaining wolves into a bloody paste. (Note: God helped him bring his kanabo with him since it also fell into the lava with him.)

"Raimei Hakke!" Red lightning sparks of conqueror haki scattered from his kanabo and turned the wolves on his attack path into mush.

After killing a total of 54 wind wolves, Kaido stared at their corpse intently. their blood appeared bright red and their density varied from one wolf to another, even the meat of the larger wolfs seemed lighter and tastier than the meat of the smaller wolves in terms of size.

All this information allowed him to assume that the smaller wolves were inferior to the larger wolves, by feeling the strange energy in this world Kaido started to think that he had moved to a magical world where he could train mana or spiritual power.

"Well, looks like I need to understand this world's training system before taking any extra step…"

"Wait! The owner of the voice said he left one last gift for me… Hmm, a spiritual devil fruit that can fit into any world's training system? Where is it?"

Kaido looked at the lower half of his body and found his kanabo in his waist as well as his clothes intact. even his feathers-like coat was still intact behind his back. Inside his coat pocket he caught a glimpse of something interesting.

A red-color devil fruit!

He held it in his big hand and study it with excitement on his face, it looked like any ordinary devil fruit with spiral swirls, but Kaido could tell that it was not an ordinary devil fruit at all.

"Is it really safe to eat it? I've already eaten one..."

Kaido remembers from the words of the owner of the dream-like voice that it is a devil fruit without any defects and made of lava, the sole purpose of which is to modify his body to fit the energy system in his new world.

Kaido didn't hesitate any more and threw it in his mouth, although it didn't taste good he didn't even blink, he soon felt an intense heat burning his internal organs, he felt as if he had returned to the bottom of the lava again.

But just as he felt despair, the feeling of burning disappeared and was replaced by a strange feeling.

He felt as if a new organ was forming inside his body at this moment.

When this weird state ended, some strange information appeared in his head. When he ate the Azure Dragon Fruit, he obtained its information as well... He was familiar with this state of enlightenment...

{Profound Magma Veins: Unique Profound Veins...}

{Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins: All 54 profound entrances are opened...}

{Magma element control (Fire element control)}

{Cultivate the profound energy for transcendence...}



"Profound magma veins?! Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins? Profound energy?"

"Why do I find these things so familiar?"

Kaido was not surprised by the appearance of information in his head after eating the devil fruit. After eating the devil fruit, it is normal for its user to obtain information about it in form of a revelation but rather he's surprised more by the content of those pieces of information...

"Maybe I've transported to a Chinese cultivation novel?"

"The novel: Against The Gods...?!"

Kaido wasn't sure about it but this was the closest to the truth after relating the information he had obtained to his current situation.

After all, his original soul from Earth was an avid reader of cultivation novels. One of the famous cultivation novels that were so good he remembered many things about it is Against The Gods!

Profound Energy Veins...

Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins...

These things are only found in Against The Gods among the many cultivation novels he has read.

He didn't want to rush out and celebrate early, but he felt very excited about it, what was the cultivation world?!

Here he can cultivate, grow and thrive and live very long!

This was a world where he could live for hundreds of thousands of years and even immortality was not far away. A world where real dragons and real gods live!

A world where only the strong people can live as kings. A world where no disgusting celestial dragons rule the world without real power.

A world where an eastern dragon like Kaido can truly spread its wings and soar! (Although he doesn't have wings since he is an eastern dragon)

With his unique veins, he even had nothing to fear from those divine beings in the upper realms.

After all, the protagonist's Heretic God's veins were considered unique too!

His current age was 59 years old and he was nearing the end of his life, without a life-extending profound strength he could live to 100 or 120 years at most, but once he started cultivating in this world his life would really fly through the ceiling!

He really wanted to thank the god or devil god who had given him the magma vein devil fruit as the last gift!

In addition to Kaido's raw strength, he would be a beast unparalleled in this world, although he is very far from the likes of Long Bai from this universe at the moment, with his knowledge of the novel and his unique veins, it wouldn't be long before he became a true dragon that surpasses the likes of Long Bai and even Yun Che! The protagonist of this novel who's backed by the creator of this universe.

Finally, he can advance in this world!

All he had to do was start cultivating!


It was night time so he found a clean place and sat under a huge tree.

He closed his eyes and began examining his new internal organ, he had a feeling he could do it easily.

And as he expected, the picture of the new organ was reflected within his perception, he saw deep dark red veins branching out inside his stomach between his internal organs like a tree that appeared out of nowhere, he could see the veins wrapped around the branches of the main vein pulsing with what looked like magma!

There are 54 branches spread across 54 different acupuncture points, and each of them is an entrance to profound energy.

What surprised him was the shape in the center of his veins, the same devil fruit he had eaten a moment ago was at the center of his profound veins and connected to all 54 branches... At this moment, he doesn't know what that means.

Now, if he wanted to start cultivating, all he had to do was gather profound energy and condense it within his profound veins by absorbing it through the 54 profound entrances.

All he had to do was start absorbing this strange energy that surrounded him from everywhere.

From the information, he obtained after eating the devil fruit, the method of channeling profound energy through his profound veins and raising the level… Simply, how to cultivate.

He didn't forget to unleash his Observation Haki who was powerful enough to notice everything within an island.

In an area with a radius of two kilometers, nothing could escape from his senses.


But before that, he had to eat!

His body had just come out of a bitter battle against Joy Boy and his allies. He died and came back to life and almost died again and was transported to another world, so it is understandable to starve.

He still had dozens of delicious wolves' corpses so finding no shortage of food, he immediately breathed fire and lit a short tree before skinning the wind wolves and throwing them on the fire.

All night long he had enjoyed grilled wolf meat.


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