The Decision!


At this moment, Jasmine was already unconscious in Yun Che's arms. Her face, neck, and limbs were all a pale white, without a trace of color. Yun Che immediately squatted down while holding her in his arms. He placed his left hand on her skinny shoulder and with all his power, used the Sky Poison Pearl's purification on Jasmine's body. However, the deadly poison inside Jasmine's soul was simply too terrifying, even with the Sky Poison Pearl's purification speed, her body gradually became ice-cold and slowly became more and more transparent, illusive...

"This time… ought to… really… die…"

Jasmine softly moaned. Her voice was as light as a gentle breeze, and the normally cold and proud eyes at this moment, were only filled with a heartbreaking dullness and distress…

"Jasmine... Jasmine...!!"

Yun Che's heart was tightly cramped. The degree of the severity of this time's deadly poison break-out was more than twenty times stronger than the break-out four months ago. After all, last time, she only settled down two Spirit Profound Realms, and that already made her writhe in agony. This time, however, she had killed a true dragon of the Emperor Profound Realm and she tried to kill another one scarier. A real dragon of the Sovereign Profound Realm, in a flash! The intensity of the profound strength she had to utilize was simply as different as heaven and earth.


Kaido in dragon form arrived above the Scarlet Dragon Cave.

The Scarlet Dragon Cave was so large that he could enter it even in his enormous size.

Even with the huge dragon's body, Kaido seemed to be in an extremely miserable state, his blood was dripping from all over his body, and he even turned some parts of his body into magma-element to avoid losing too much blood (N/B: Logia transformation).

This was only the result of an attack that didn't hit him... If that attack hit him, he would have suffered the fate of the Flame Dragon in front of him.

"Sigh… It would have been a good subordinate in my crew if you hadn't killed him..."

Kaido sighed as he saw the corpse of the first dragon partner he saw in this world.

Yun Che shivered as he saw the terrifying Magma Dragon above his head... He felt death itself staring at him.

He pressed the unconscious Jasmine in his arms and looked at the dragon in fear... Yun Chen was confused, not knowing how to act in this situation to save his life and Jasmine's life.

Jasmine's eyes twitched and opened in the next moment, the expression on her face looking conflicted.

This showed her extreme suffering with the deadly poison consuming her soul.

"You tried to kill me… Star God Princess, right?"

A frown appeared in Kaido's eyes as he looked at the most dangerous being he had encountered in his life so far, but in her current state she looked like a tiger without fangs, helpless and weak, seems as if she was going to die at any moment.

When she heard him call her the "Star God Princess", her body trembled intensely and nearly coughed up blood.

"Cough! Who… who're… you?!"

"How… do you know… the identity… of this princess?!"

If it wasn't for the intense pain she was feeling right now, she would logically think, she would immediately connect the identity of the huge dragon above her head with the Dragon God Realm from the Western God Region!

And that's exactly what Kaido wanted to engrave in the mind of this scary girl.

In fact, he wished that he could kill her here and now, but he wasn't a fool who wished to die, such an existence would definitely wipe him out before she died... This fact Kaido was 100% sure about. She would kill him even in her helpless state... Kaido didn't want to gamble with his life.

"I'm afraid that you don't deserve to know the identity of this king… But since you are the venerable Heavenly Slaughter Star Goddess of the Eastern Divine Region, let me tell you this, if you had success killed me a moment ago, you would have caused your Divine Realm a true disaster… I know you don't care about the Star God Realm, but that doesn't mean you don't care about your sister, Princess Xing Wu... Right?"

Jasmine's body shook heavily when she heard her sister's real name from this dragon.

"So… you're… from the God Realm… no wonder… heh~!"

Kaido used his knowledge from the novel to give Jasmine the constant impression that he was from the God Realm and not someone to be messed with, despite his poor cultivation, Kaido gives the impression that he had a formidable presence behind his back... Just not knowing of his existence before, made Jasmine wake up to a frightening truth even in her semi-dead state.

"Heh, isn't that Absolute God Slaying Poison…? It seems Nan Wansheng didn't hesitate in trying to kill you… Let me guess... Is it another evil ploy of the Goddess Qianye against you?"

"I don't know what's been going on in the God Realm lately, but from your state, it seems like a lot of interesting things have happened—"

Yun Che felt Jasmine's body tremble in his arms, he tried to calm her down while absorbing all of this strange information Kaido had said.

But Jasmine's terrifying killing intent silenced him and kaido, too.

Kaido sweated buckets when he sensed an intent to kill that seemed even more terrifying than Shanks' conqueror haki.

He instantly used his own Conqueror Haki which collided with her bloody killing intent and kept it away from him.

Kaido's hardened expression returned to what it was before.

"Don't try to scare me away, Princess Jasmine... Don't worry, I won't kill you, I was not going to kill the kid next to you, too. I'm a proud dragon. As a proud dragon, I will not bully the weak, and in your current state, you're too weak to resist, it's none of my traits. I wouldn't come here if you didn't injure me so badly... But, heh~ It looks like you have suffered enough because of it..."

Jasmine seemed to relax when she heard that from him, but her great pride prevented her from apologizing or thanking him, it was just that she carved the dragon shape in her mind to research his origin in the future, this person was a variable. Maybe no one knew his existence in the God Realm.

Perhaps he's a son of the Dragon Monarch who was being secretly nurtured on this remote planet!

That's exactly what he wanted Jasmine thought about when he said all that nonsense.

"But I'll take that thing from you... Hand it to me, or just die...!!"

Kaido's expression quickly turned into that of a vicious beast, he opened his mouth and seemed ready to send out a devastating dragon breath.

He didn't give Yun Che a chance to argue.

Fearing for Jasmine's safety, Yun Che threw the red bead in the direction of the dragon without thinking.

"Good! You're a smart kid..."

The red bead entered Kaido's mouth but he didn't swallow it but rather kept it in a safe place under his tongue, due to its small size in comparison to his enormous size, this was the best way to hold it.

At this point, Kaido has decided not to enter into direct conflict with the protagonist of this universe who has the Heavenly Slaughter Star Goddess behind his back, It was best not to get himself into trouble more than that, all he could do right now was obtain the Fire Seed and other Heretic God Seeds and prevent Yun Che from becoming stronger while simultaneously strengthening himself… Only in this way could he ensure his safety for a long time...

Kaido looked at the duo for one last time, then grabbed the corpse of the Scarlet Dragon and flew away from the cave.

From now on, he had to steal all the opportunities of the protagonist and strengthen himself with them, or else he wouldn't have a place in this world, because the first person the protagonist would kill if he became strong was Kaido.

As for Jasmine, even when she regains her power, she won't kill him as long as she doesn't solve the mystery of his identity.


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