The Benefits of Risking! Peak of the True Profound Realm!


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King Of Beasts In Against The Gods!


While thinking about what happened to him yesterday, Kaido's eyes were darkened the entire time. His pride as the King of Beasts was completely trampled on.

In this universe (ATG), his so-called terrible strength seemed like that of an ant when compared to a human.

For this reason, he began to review himself, and the mistakes he made.

He had made a mistake when he decided to appear in front of Yun Che and Jasmine before the latter had exhausted her power by dealing with the Scarlet Dragon... No, appearing on the radar of a powerful Divine Master like Jasmine was a big mistake in the first place.

"I need the power to resist as quickly as possible…" Kaido started to feel an intense urgency for strength... The power he was talking about was the power of the divine path... And the only way to gain it was through cultivation!

Although he felt anger and hatred towards his enemy, he felt an unparalleled activity to gain power, which was what this world had already given him the opportunity for.

Here. He could break his limits again and again, like in the previous confrontation against the slaughter aura...

Of course, he did not come out without benefits, the extreme danger he felt at that moment allowed him to surpass the limit he had been stuck in for years at mastering the haki… Because of the pressure of just the aura, his Conqueror Haki has reached the true peak...

A level that only two people in the previous world had reached, Roger and Shanks!

In other words, at his current level, his Conqueror Haki can destroy or kill rather than just frustrate the will or faint the conscious... This was the peak he'd always longed for, even in his dreams... At his current level, he would kill Luffy in Gear 5 form with one attack. And he would kill Shanks with only two attacks by his kanabo!

This is without using his profound energy, which was by no means weak if compared to his level a day ago.

Now, Kaido was sitting inside a cave in a rocky area behind New Moon City. A day had passed since that incident, after all, it took him a whole day to recover from his injuries and absorb all the energy from the Flame Dragon's flesh.

Beside him, the Scarlet Dragon's bones were piled up in several hills, he had already devoured all of his flesh and blood, unfortunately, he could not devour the bones, too. Since he started cultivating his appetite has ridiculously creased, which is weird, referring to his information on the cultivators of this world they don't care about food at all!

Perhaps his genes from the Pirate World made him eat food all the time, after all, as an ''Oni'' he ate a lot in the Pirate World, and that's what made him so strong.

In any case, Kaido didn't hate eating, the grilled dragon's meat was the most delicious meal he'd ever had, tastier even than a fish-flavored huge Sea King, though it contained a poison that seems like a spicy sauce.

The most important thing was that after absorbing all the energy from it, he broke through several realms and reached the Nascent Profound Realm level 10 in one go!

He ascended almost two great realms! This allowed him to gain a lot of experience in cultivation, and in particular about his unique veins which unlocked some hidden abilities by advancing to a new realm of cultivation...

Even the dragon's body poison didn't affect him, after all, it nearly killed Yun Che in the novel, all it did was cause him to have severe diarrhea. He didn't know why, but he tied it to his powerful body, after all, he wasn't a human like Yun Che, but a proud Oni... In this world, he would make his race regain its lost glory and this was one of his dreams he couldn't fulfill in the Pirate World.


Kaido's mood improved when he thought of his quick improvements, which weren't finished yet. The true improvements still hadn't even begun.

Kaido took out the Heretic God Seed from his pocket and looked at it carefully, he could sense an enormous and weird fire energy pressed into this bead... Incredibly high-level energy.

From his information, he knew that this was the energy of a Creation God.

Since he didn't burn while he hold it, he thought of a terrifying assumption... The ability he had obtained after raising his cultivation level to Nascent Profound Realm confirmed that assumption.

He was anxious when he removed this seed from the hand of its rightful owner. At that time, for just a moment, he felt a kind of weird danger that quickly disappeared when he took the fire seed in his mouth. He couldn't find an explanation for that feeling of danger. All he felt was a constriction of his heart as if an invisible hand grabbed it and was ready to crush it, but for some reason, it didn't.

"Was that... The consequences of breaking a Creation God's law... A planned fate he shouldn't have broken or interfered with it… Or something else?!"

Kaido shook his head out of his thoughts and took out a red bead larger than the Heretic God's seed.

"Let's give it a try... But first, I'll go with this..."

What he took out was the most important treasure out of the treasure pile of which only the bones remained. Yes, of course, the dead dragon's body was a pile of enormous treasure but he had already exhausted it, but the most important item was this.

The profound core!

It was for this precious item that Great Elder Fen Moli and his four followers from the Burning Heaven Clan sacrificed their lives!

What they wanted was a profound core of a Flame Dragon in the Sky Profound Realm… But what he had in his hand was one from the Emperor Profound Realm and was much more valuable!

"Would I possibly die by exploding my body if I refine and absorb the power of this thing? Heh~ What a joke… With my physical strength comparable to a half-step expert of the Divine Origin Realm… How am I going to explode from just the energy of a Profound Emperor Level 1?!"

"Let's see how I'll explode… I hope it will raise my cultivation by several realms~"

Kaido placed the Emperor Profound Core onto his lowest belly.


As soon as he said that word, he felt his profound veins heating up and melting as if they were pure magma, the part on which he had placed Emperor Profound Core transformed into magma and swallowed the core.

The [Smelting] ability was the second ability he unlocked after his cultivation level had increased, the first ability he unlocked after he started his cultivation path is [Logia Transformation].

If the [Logia Transformation] ability makes him immune to physical attacks, simply invincible in a physical fight. Then the [Smelting] ability allows him to melt anything containing fire energy no matter what type or level it is, once it is melted into his body it will become his fertilizer to become even stronger!

Just as expected of a unique profound veins that could rival the Heretic God's veins!

Very quickly, the emperor's profound core fused between the magma in his stomach that was quickly restored by his profound veins, not even a single strand of energy was allowed to come out, everything was melted.

At this moment, Kaido felt a frenzy of profound energy inside his profound veins!

This wonderful numbing and addictive feeling... As if he was being cumming inside the most beautiful woman in the world!

Yes, that was the correct definition of continuous breakthrough...

... Nascent Profound Realm level 10!

... True Profound Realm level 1!

... True Profound Realm level 2!

... True Profound Realm level 3!

... True Profound Realm level 4!



In a few seconds, he break through a whole great realm and the breakthrough was still continuous, it only stopped when it reached the peak of this realm.

... True Profound Realm level 10!


Like a flame dragon, Kaido breathed a breeze of fire when he sensed the exploding tide of profound energy within his profound veins.

This was the Scarlet Dragon's flame of the Emperor Profound Realm... Yes, this was how he obtained the Scarlet Dragon's flame and his life essence, too!

His life force climbed by a few hundred years, in an instant… Before he fused the flame dragon core into his body he only had a few dozen years to live, but once he did, that completely changed.

His average lifespan was now 1,000 years without even cultivating after this if he want, which made him laugh frantically.


The core of a Dragon Emperor was never an ordinary thing for the current Kaido... It was a precious treasure that would make him reborn as a regional power if he didn't have his strong body.

Kaido evaluated his cultivation and found it completely stable at the peak of the True Profound Realm, one of the benefits of [Smelting] is that it is an ability that strengthens the foundation rather than shakes it... This means that what is fused goes to strengthening the foundation before it begins to fortify profound energy... And that's what made Kaido so happy.

He would never fear that his foundation would shake due to his fast progress from now on. Whenever he encountered a rich and precious fire element, he would happily fuse it into his profound veins without fearing the instability of his foundation.

What he also discovered was that the [Smelting] not only strengthened his foundation and his profound veins but his body's strength as well. He could feel his blood, muscles, marrow, and even his cruciate ligaments becoming stronger and rich with the fire element, although the feeling seemed little, it was there... Now, even in his ordinary form, he looked like a crouching dragon!


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