The Arrogant Kaido!


"Are you the manager here?"

Kaido looked at the petite elderly man.

"I am Pu He, the manager of the Black Moon Merchant Guild the branch of the New Moon City, you can call me Elder Pu as everyone calls me, the esteemed customer."

Elder Pu's eyes were gentle yet full of vitality... But Kaido could sense his caution about him when he spotted the dragon bones containing the dragon's marrow.

When Kaido nodded, Elder Pu walked calmly, but proudly and peeked at the dragon bones closely.

"This is an important business matter."

Contrary to what appeared in the novel when Elder Pu screamed out in shock when he discovered the Emperor Profound Dragon Core. At this moment, although he looked excited, he didn't show any crazy reaction.

Kaido didn't care about this nonsense... He wanted to leave this place, he still had a lot to do.

"Give me a deal... I don't have time for you, guys."

When he said that, he showed some strong pressure using Haki.

Sensing the pressure equivalent to a Sovereign Cultivator, Elder Pu's back dipped in a cold sweat.

Elder Pu and the employee's legs became soft, to the point where they were unable to stand so they had to prostrate... Although they were both Earth Profound cultivators, they couldn't even breathe at this moment.

It was as if the temperature inside the guild hall instantly became scorching.

Elder Pu's heart rate jumped as he broke out in cold sweat, throughout his years in New Moon City, this was the first time he had encountered such a situation and dealt with such a peak expert.

In a split second his mind struggled to save him from this life and death situation.

"5 million! 5 million purple profound coins! I'll present an additional 1 million coins as appreciation and goodwill from our branch to the senior!"

At this point, Elder Pu didn't care about anything, he just wanted to avoid any potential inconvenience to this formidable customer... Fortunately, if the item offered was only the bone marrow of a Dragon Emperor, he could still afford to buy ... If he presented his dragon's profound core, he might even if he sold all the items in the New Moon City's branch, not even a fifth of its value would suffice!

Fortunately for him, he could give a superb display of this Dragon Emperor's bone marrow.

5 million purple profound coins was an astronomical shocking amount of money, but for a Dragon Emperor's bone marrow, that was barely worth its value.

Only after he added a million more as a token of respect, did he feel the scorching air in the guild hall lighten, and his body stopped sweating.

When he stood up, Elder Pu and the other employee found pools of sweat beneath their feet.

"Hmph… This is hardly enough. But I'll accept your token of appreciation. I accept this deal."


After he emptied the Black Moon Merchant Guild's treasury, Kaido left with 6 million purple profound coins with him.

Once again, his appearance caused a great uproar, but this time Kaido left his brutal pressure behind causing everyone who passed by to fall silent.

Only when Kaido got far enough away that people could breathe... Undoubtedly caused a chain of reactions that made everyone, whether they entered or exit New Moon City, know that currently there is a dangerous expert in the city. It is said that maybe... Maybe he's a strong cultivator of the Emperor Profound Realm!

This was their wildest expectation... No one dared to imagine an expert stronger than this realm, because one stronger than that had never been seen before in this empire.

Only Elder Pu and his subordinate knew the true level of this expert with weird horns.

When he heard the rumor that a Profound Emperor was here, Elder Pu laughed at their ignorance.


With his towering height, Kaido walked along the shops unaware of how much fear he had caused people.

Even when he wanted to pay for the barrel of profound wine he had bought, the salesman flatly refused, saying shiveringly, "This...t This is a gift for the senior!"


"Okay, thanks."

It's not like Kaido is someone who refuses gifts.

Kaido enjoyed drinking the Sake from this world, although he was unfamiliar with it, the wine fermented with profound energy was light years beyond the quality of ordinary wine from the Pirate World.

Kaido felt that transporting into this universe, maybe not be bad... That's because he inherited Kaido's drunken habits as well.

But as the profound energy continued to change his physiology, it seemed as if this low-grade wine no longer affected him at all even though drinking a barrel of it could make a Nascent Profound cultivator unconscious for a month.

Suddenly, Kaido stopped in front of what appeared to be a vast palace.

New Moon Profound Palace!


"I-I'm sorry, sir… Only disciples of the palace are allowed in"

The guard wanted to stop Kaido from entering, but before he got close, the last thing the Senior Brother Zhan saw in his sight was a thorny Kanabo that ripped his body off before sending him flying.

The guard was sent flying to the sky and his fate is unknown.

Everyone who saw the Senior Brother Zhan being crushed shivered with fear.

Kaido continued his way toward the palace.

The disciples pointed at him in confusion but the savage aura from his body prevented anyone from approaching him.

Although today was just an ordinary day in New Moon Palace, Kaido's appearance here today made this day extraordinary.

Suddenly, Kaido's gaze stopped at the person for whom he had come to this place.

Although he was just a kid of 15 years old, his 230-centimeter height and muscular physique made him look like a tiny Kaido without horns.

"I think it's him..."


"Hey, You're Xia Yuanba?"


When a man or a monster with ox horns and dragon whiskers stood before him Yuanba felt his heart almost stop. He had a body much larger than him and he was extremely muscular than him, too.

In his entire life, he had never seen someone huge than him... Let alone a horned monster standing on two legs.

"Heh~ What are you afraid of?"

Kaido's hoarse voice made him regain his senses once again after he had drowned in fear of the unknown previously.

He didn't know why this ox-horns man was looking for him. But he didn't feel comfortable near him, especially when he saw the bloody kanabo on his shoulder.

Kaido looked like someone who had just come out of the crime scene.

"Yes… I am Xia Yuanba… What do you want?!"

"Heh~ You can speak then."

"Try this…" Kaido focused a little of his Conqueror Haki into a directed attack, his eyes flashed with spirit power, and a frightening Haki wave spread out that directly hit Yuanba's soul.

Yuanba felt as if someone had smashed his head with a hammer, he felt nauseous and started reeling like a drunk before his eyes turned white and he lost the ability to stand.

Before he fell to the ground, Kaido grabbed him and placed him on his shoulder. Then he turned to leave.

Such a talented kid would be a good subordinate if he could tame him.

Kaido is still a man who likes talents, since he knows about Yuanba there is no way for him to let him out of his grasp.

"What's going on here!!! How dare you enter the New Moon Palace, kidnap the disciples and leave as you want!!!!"

Just when Kaido wanted to leave, several angry elders intercepted him.
