Destroying the New Moon Profound Palace!


"What's going on here!!! How dare you enter the New Moon Palace, kidnap the disciples and leave as you want!!!!"

Just when Kaido wanted to leave, several angry elders intercepted his way.

They were led by a forties elder with brown hair and a typical Chinese robe, with a small thin beard and thin mustaches, his expression looking very angry and he put his hand on his sword ready to pull it out at any moment.

This man was Palace Chief Qin Wuyou beside him stood five Peak Spirit Profound Realm elders, and the Great Elder, Sikong Han.

They all surrounded Kaido and didn't give him the slightest chance to leave.

"..." Kaido just looked at this expressionlessly.

He didn't even bother himself replying to them.

In his eyes, they were less than insects.

But at this moment, before the angry palace masters, a scene occurred that made them retreat in fear.

Kaido's body started to swell, and an extremely large blue dragon soon appeared above New Moon City, but above New Moon Profound Palace directly.

The dragon seemed to be about a kilometer in his size, if he only swiped his tail, that was enough to flatten New Moon Profound Palace and erase them from New Moon City.

Scarlet flames and molten lava surrounded the back and shoulders of the dragon's limbs in an eye-catching sight.

But to the citizens of New Moon City in general and the masters and disciples of New Moon Profound Palace In particular, this dragon seemed like a Hell God himself!

Sensing the beast's aura, the disciples started screaming madly and ran to escape, most of them fell unconscious or drowned under the feet of their terrified comrades in the stampede.

The aura that Kaido released after transforming made the six elders who had blocked his path earlier shiver like little rabbits.

Kaido appeared out of nowhere in the center of New Moon City, terrifying everyone within New Moon City and causing an inexplicable panic.

From afar, the masters and disciples of the other sects watched this scene with amazement and fear after that.

In the Xiao clan branch, from the balcony of his house, Xiao Tannan, the master of the Xiao clan branch saw the gigantic blue dragon and got up from his seat. The fear in his expression made his son shiver.

"W-What's that!! Profound Beast?! Dragon!!"

Beside him, his son Xiao Luocheng urinated in fright and fainted.

Almost the same thing happened in the Burning Heaven Clan Branch, Cloudy Sun Sect, Iron Spear Clan, Profound Heart Sect, Seven Deadly Sword Pavillion, and Stormy Profound Palace.

All of the 7 sects scattered in New Moon City felt the same oppression from afar, except for the New Moon Profound Palace which faced this oppression directly.

Because the fearsome dragon was right above their palace.


Kaido felt a familiar feeling at this moment, haven't the people of Wano country been terrorized in this way for 20 years?!

As soon as they saw him, the inhabitants of Wano were shivering with fear. Even the samurai and the ninja among them would put their tails between their legs and shrink in fear.

Isn't this feeling of being the strongest... So refreshing?!

Where no one can challenge your authority and harm you in any way...?

Although Kaido died miserably due to the backlash caused by his heinous actions, he attributed the biggest reason to his weakness... Because he was weak, he deserved to die, there is no room for discussion on this.

But in this world, with a new identity and rich knowledge from the novel, Kaido will not fall easily.

His flaming tail swirled in the air and fell like a huge whip.

The dragon's tail whip swept through the New Moon Profound Palace and destroyed half of the palace in one fell swoop!

Many died and were buried under the rubble.

Upon seeing this scene that seemed like the end of the world, the color from Qin Wuyou and Sikong Han's faces disappeared.

Being in charge of the New Moon Profound Palace they had been appointed by the empire, their greatest responsibility was to protect the palace!

The two men and the rest of the dazed elders quickly woke up and ran to protect as many disciples as possible.

While Sikong Du ran to rescue their princess in order to escape from here by the orders of his father, Sikong Han.

Kaido didn't plan to kill everyone, he only wanted to strike with an iron fist anyone who dared to block his way, this was a habit from Pirate World, and habits were hard to forget.

When he was going to fly away after he got what he came here for (Xia Yuanba), he caught a glimpse of something interesting.

(I almost forgot she was here.)


"Let's get out of here, princess! We don't have time to save anyone!"

Sikong Du ran towards Princess Cang Yue who was trying to rescue a certain boy from under the rubble.

"Save me… Xueruo~ Argh...!"

"Young Brother Ye...!"

Although she found this boy who was chasing her everywhere so annoying, seeing him die under the rubble made her feel very sad... After all, she was supposed to be the one under the rubble right now.

However, Murong Ye pushed her away and was trapped under the rubble instead.

But in fact, out of extreme fear, Murong Ye tried to escape when he saw the gigantic dragon attacking with his tail, but without noticing he hit Cang Yue's shoulder and fell to the ground while Cang Yue fell away.

In a panic, the mayor's son forgot how to stand, and a lot of heavy rubble fell on him, breaking his spine and his bones.

Even a Nascent Profound expert like him couldn't escape all these heavy rocks. And now, he is simply dying.

Princess Cang Yue had yet to comprehend what had happened on this day that was supposed to be ordinary.

"Big Brother Du please save Little Brother Ye!"

"We don't have time, I have to save you first, that dragon is a Monarch Beast—"

Before Sikong Du could finish his words, an enormous suction force pulled Princess Cang Yue toward the dragon's mouth in the sky.

Sikong Du, Murong Ye who was stuck in the rubble, and some nearby disciples too flew away, but Kaido grabbed Cang Yue and threw the rest away with a single puff.

Cang Yue fainted and he put her in his dragon's hair beside Yuanba.

For him, Yun Che's future wife was a valuable catch.

Although as a person she is not really valuable.

However, her identity as the princess and the future empress of the Blue Wind Empire had some value.

Although it does not reach the value of Xia Yuanba.

After making his mark in New Moon City as a terrifying guest Kaido left for his new target.

Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range.

Exactly. The Phoenix Clan who lives in the middle of the mountain range.
