Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range


When Princess Cang Yue woke up. The first thing that appeared in her field of vision was a blue sky overcast with some clouds.

The clouds were quickly moving and disappearing from her field of vision. No, after a few seconds she realized that she's the one who was moving.

Even though she couldn't even move her body... She found herself trapped inside what seemed like black-scarlet hair...?

Her current appearance looked very tempting, with dragon hair encircling her body from every part of it. Kaido's hair obliquely tied her from the breast and across the butt so tightly that she could even feel the solid hair running through her backside piercing the banks of her pussy!

This made her meat treasures stand out properly...

"Senior Sister Xueruo… Are you awake?!"

When Cang Yue recalled the last memories in her mind and was about to go into another panic state, she heard a boy's voice not far from where she was.

Although she did not see the person who called her, she felt somewhat familiar.

"... You...? Junior Brother Yuanba?"

Yuanba was famous in New Moon Profound Palace for his huge and useless physique, he was easy to bully and has a weak's character, his name even reached the hidden princess in the palace, so she talked to him before and got to know his circumstances and they became semi acquaintances.

After all, she was playing the gentle older sister role in order to bring the best talents to her side.

This way she got to know Yuanba.

"Ah… Yes, Senior Sister Xueruo! This is Yuanba… I am really… So glad you're fine!"

"Where are we…? What is this place… Weren't we in the New Moon Profound Palace a moment ago… Ah…!The Profound Palace…!! That huge Dragon!"

Cang Yue's eyes turned red after recalling the scenes of destruction caused by the colossal blue dragon in New Moon Profound Palace... It was like the apocalypse... The most dangerous thing she'd faced in her 18-year lifetime.

She'd never seen such a horrible thing before, a single tail to destroy the New Moon Profound Palace and kill countless people.

Although most of them are palace disciples and she had nothing to do with them, during the time she lived with them, all her memories came back there causing her to cry tears of sadness.

Even her senior brother Sikong Du has been sent flying like a kite broken with one puff from the dragon and she did not know his fate, whether he was dead or still alive, and this is almost impossible.

"I'm sorry to tell you this… But, we're on the back of a huge dragon, Senior Sister…"

"Hmm!? Enough gossip you two!"

The dragon's voice sounded so frightening that it made the blood in their bodies freeze, causing them to instinctively shut up.

Kaido's gaze turned downward again. At this point, he had entered an endless forest stretching into the horizon some time ago after he had left New Moon City, he had been flying for several hours.

Getting here wasn't a problem, he had obtained the Blue Wind Empire's map from the Black Moon Merchant Guild and he studied it before... At first, he wanted to get the entire Profound Sky Continent's map, but unfortunately, he did not find it there. He could only obtain it from the grand branch located in the Blue Wind Capital.

He not only bought a map, but also a large capacity spatial ring and some necessary supplies like good quality wines, spices, and some clothes from the cultivation world.

After following the path shown on the map, he was now above the so-called Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range although he hadn't seen any mountain range yet, all he could see so far were extremely huge trees stretching endlessly.


Suddenly, Kaido sensed the appearance of a new living being above his head, his right eye turned up and he saw a small white eagle trying to bite and tear off his hair that was besieging Cang Yue.

"Little Snow! What are you doing? Get back to the beast mark quickly!!!" Cang Yue cried out in fear when all of this suddenly happened without reacting.

When Cang Yue regained consciousness, her contracted profound beast suddenly came out and started trying to save her, but he couldn't even rip the dragon's hair.

She felt warm as she sensed her contracting beast's anxious feelings for her safety, but this soon turned into fear, horror, and then collapse.

In less than a second Kaido's hair turned into pure lava and swallowed up the snow eagle, not even issuing its last shriek.

Not even its ashes remain...

"No!!! Little Snow!!!!"

After feeling the contract cutted between her and the giant snow eagle, Cang Yue almost went crazy. After not shedding a single tear in over 10 years, the tears she was shed today are enough to form a small stream of water.

Even Yuanba couldn't calm her down.

Cang Yue had suffered a lot in her life and had seen enough of the world's hypocrisy and cruelty, however, for the first time she knew the meaning of despair that has no way out. In order to find the slightest trace of hope, she left her home to navigate through seven profound palaces within two years, but she didn't know that at the end of this search, she would find the claws of an evil dragon waiting for her instead of Yun Che's warm embrace. She didn't even know why such a high and mythical beast would care about someone like her.


Kaido snorted in annoyance... That profound beast was like a pesky mosquito trying to suck his blood... It wasn't a sin to crush a mosquito, was it?!

He didn't care about the princess's cries and continued to delve deeper into the forest of Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range.

He soared for several hours over the forest that stretched hundreds of kilometers until the sky was already darkened.

He noticed countless profound beasts below. And the deeper it went, the stronger and more territorial profound beasts became.

But all of them without exception hid away when they sensed the presence of the dragon above their heads.


Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range. Black Demon Mercenary Group House;

"Are you sure about that, Black Tiger?"

"Are you sure that this clan they guard something?!"

"Yes, Boss… Had it not been for the fearsome profound beasts living around that place, I would have been able to enter their clan… From what I and the Black Devil have seen... They all have similar cultivation bases at the peak of the Elementary Profound Realm and also have a flame-like dark mark on their foreheads."

"I'm sure they are guardians and protectors of a treasure mine or perhaps… The legendary inheritance land!"

"Oh my God! So what are you waiting for, bastards? Let's go and storm that place!"


"Boss… There are Earth Profound Beasts surrounding their clan's location… We couldn't enter, we have to grab a member of their clan in order to find out a safe way to enter—"

Before the Black Tiger could finish his words, the darkened sky instantly lit up, and the last thing he and the others heard in their life was the sound of a massive explosion.



At 6000 meters above the ground, the lights of flames shining in the darkness attracted Kaido's attention in the dragon form.

When his observation Haki focused on the place, he found that there were more than 100 mercenaries all gathered there.

Without a second thought, he opened his mouth and sent out a Bolo Breath.

The existence of humans who are of no use other than causing a mess in this land of beasts is unacceptable.

With one attack, everything related to the Black Demon Mercenary Group was destroyed.

Their dreams, ambitions, and lives, even their corpses were not delivered.

Kaido's hover speed slowed down for a while as he finally determined where he came here.

Phoenix Clan.

He could finally start devouring this delicious cake.

The Legendary Phoenix Bloodline!
