"Greetings, ancestor!"


Wasteland of Death...

As its name suggests, it's a dead wasteland. From the distance, the wasteland of death seemed to Kaido a wasteland swept by dry, withered grass, lined with rocks on the rugged terrain.

Even from a distance of tens of kilometers, Kaido could sense the terrible aura rising from the wasteland stretching for hundreds of kilometers.

Such a fierce environment is difficult to live in even for the fierce pirates from the New World.

The smile on the dragon's face widened as he was excited about approaching to obtaining a new inheritance, and perhaps a new subordinate.

Rias felt her master's excitement and couldn't help but show a helpless smile.

"I didn't expect that the master would have the ability to transform into a Primordial Azure Dragon, there is no doubt that the Primordial Azure Dragon God would be happy to give his entire inheritance to one of his direct descendants~"

"Do you think so too, Rias?"

"Sure! The Primordial Azure Dragon Clan became extinct a million years ago after the Primordial Dragon God's death! Just as his daughter disappeared after the Well of Reincarnation was destroyed, the world agreed that she was dead as well."

"In the current era, you are the last true member of the Primordial Azure Dragon Clan with very pure blood… This really shocked me so completely that I couldn't distinguish between reality and fantasy anymore."

"The Supreme Phoenix's reincarnated as a member of the Primordial Azure Dragon Clan…? This has never been heard before, sir~"

"We are going to glory again~"

Rias had no doubts about Kaido's high values ​​given that he was the reincarnation of the Phoenix, and the fact that he was reincarnated as a noble dragon from the noblest clan of the Age of Gods confirms this truth.

This only made her dream of sitting on top with her master more and more.

"But master… What are you now?! Is it a phoenix or a dragon?!"

Rias woke up from her sweet meditations and asked the question she had always wanted to know the answer to.

"I am Kaido... The King of Beasts."

"From now on, it doesn't matter how I appear… I might turn into a white tiger, a golden crow, or even a predatory ant… I will keep Kaido in my core… King of all the Beasts!"

A tyrannical aura emanated from Kaido at this moment, this supreme Conqueror Haki that had reached a level of mastery unparalleled even in the history of the Pirate World.

His soul strength had officially reached a higher realm! The Divine Soul Realm! Exceeded his body's strength.

At this point, Kaido had three paths to develop his power, all of which contribute to making him what he is now.

His body strength (Various Devil Fruits Powers).

His soul strength (Haki).

His profound energy (His cultivation base).

His cultivation base was already rapidly rising to catch up with the strength of his body and soul... The moment that happened, there was no doubt that the world would witness the birth of the highest genius in the history of Primal Chaos.

That's why it didn't matter what kind of beast he turned into.

Because that was basically the abilities of the Devil Fruits that he could borrow from the Devil Tree in his profound veins.

In his current state, the Oni race from the pirate world was dominant in his body, but after consuming the original blood of the Phoenix, his body started to change little by little toward the Phoenix Race.

He was the one who most understood the transformations going on within his body at this moment.

He had consumed 13 drops of phoenix blood!

This massive amount of phoenix blood had already begun to alter and mutate his bloodline.

This was reflected on his outer body as well, as his dark complexion became lighter and he began to become more handsome!

The powerful Female Yang in the phoenix's blood was turning him bit by bit into a damned feminine Kaido... That's why Kaido was so angry... So angry that he left everything in his hands and ran all the way to the wasteland of death in order to get the Primordial Azure Dragon God's bloodline and fix the error before he became worse.

He didn't want to turn into a jade Kaido!

Only the Male Yang of Primordial Dragon God could save him from this miserable fate.

"Master, you can transform into anything but not the Golden Crow! Ah~ You seem so impulsive… Why?!"

"Oh, it's only your imagination."

The blue dragon floated above the wasteland of death with an apocalyptic aura that made profound beasts of various levels kneel down to welcome the Monarch's arrival.

Kaido didn't care about the profound beasts that were trembling below, but after flying for several hours toward the center of the wasteland, two Flood Dragons with a size of just over 100 meters in size appeared in Kaido's field of vision.

"Dragon… A True Dragon!"

The Flood Dragons came out to see what kind of terrifying enemy it brought with it this hidden aura and they were shocked when they saw a majestic blue dragon, although his scarlet phoenix feather-like hair color didn't match its blue scales!

His gigantic size was 1,000 meters!

He has four strong limbs and four claws on each end!

He has two dragon horns on the side and two more branching from the head up twice!

He was surrounded by a dragon flame like a divine scarf showed up his mythical status!

This was undoubtedly a dragon! A true dragon even among true dragons!

"We salute the true dragon!!!"

The innate arrogance instilled in the Flood Dragon's bloodline disappeared the moment they saw a true dragon and they stooped to the dry ground at their full length to show their esteem.

Even their outrage at the humans who killed their child had been completely forgotten amid the torrent of terrible feelings they were feeling at this moment.

Kaido's eyes fell for a few seconds on the both of Flood Dragons, then no longer cared about them and looked toward the cave behind them.

This was the cave he came here for.

Kaido canceled his dragon form.


The ground shook as Kaido descended from the sky.

Kaido emerged from the dust and appeared to the Flood Dragons.

His size had shrunk slightly again due to his bloodline being modified by the phoenix's blood.

His hair turned completely fiery crimson, as his skin became light, wrinkles of anger disappeared from his face and he looked like a handsome man in his thirties.

Had it not been for the horns on his head and his long muscular body, he would have been linked to the Divine Phoenix Empire as one of their people.

Even as Kaido transformed into a human form, the Flood Dragons did not dare to raise their heads to take a look.

Kaido passed between them and before entering the cave...

"Guard the entrance for me and I will reward you later."

"With pleasure, true dragon!"

The both of Flood Dragons obediently nodded.

Thus, Kaido entered the Dragon God's legacy ground.

The moment he entered the dark cave, he sensed a different air than it was outside.

Kaido used the phoenix fire to light up the dark place.

But in the next moment, big blue eyes opened into the void above his head like bright bulbs.

Just like what happened earlier when he entered the Phoenix Trials.

At this moment, suddenly, an ancient voice slowly rang out from the air above Kaido.

"The fire of the Phoenix... So that's how it is. It seems I wasn't mistaken after all. Your body truly does have much of the blood of the Phoenix within it... For the Phoenix spirit to take care of a member of my clan l'île that... It's such a favor, I'm Long Yin, will not forget it even in my death."

Kaido raised his head towards the eyes of the dragon in the air above him and then extinguished the phoenix fire as it had already accomplished the true purpose of showing it.

"Greetings, ancestor."

Kaido showed an expression of endless nostalgia on his face as if he had truly met his ancestor's soul.
