The Primordial Azure Dragon Legacy!


A pair of mysterious eyes suddenly opened in the pitch-black space over Kaido's head. Those two eyes were huge, yet long and narrow. They were the same shape as human eyes... This scene resembled the phoenix eyes Kaido has seen in the phoenix trials grounds. What was different was that the phoenix's eyes were gold while these eyes were an azure blue color that was deeper than the color of the sky.

"Greetings, ancestor!"

An endless expanse of aura descended. In front of this aura field, even Kaido felt inferior. Even with his immense level of strength, he felt as small as a single grain of sand compared to a mountain as high as the skies.

The depth of this aura far exceeded the aura of the Phoenix.

Although both of them only had the strength of the Divine Origin Realm, the difference between them was fundamental.

Kaido was sure that he wouldn't lose if he chose to fight with the remaining soul of the Primordial Azure Dragon... But he wasn't sure that he would win either.

"'You are truly a member of the Primordial Azure Dragon race… And that's why you have every right to call me your ancestor. I am, of course, the ancestor of all Dragons, but I am a direct ancestor of Azure Dragons like you, but…'"

The ancient voice echoed in the dark space once again with confidence but ended with a tone of doubt and confusion.

'''The age of the Gods is long gone. And the Gods completely disappeared. But the Gods did not disappear on their own, within a few hundred years after the disappearance of the Gods, the direct individuals of the God races also disappeared and completely disappeared from the primal chaos. Only after the primal chaos finally settled, the humans appeared to take control of their places.'''

"'And here I am, looking directly at a living member of a Divine Clan who should have died a long time ago… Not only that but a member of my Divine Clan with an original bloodline.'"

'''Just what's going on here?!'''

In the dragon form...

Azure Dragon Form...

Kaido didn't know that he had the Primordial Azure Dragon aura, the most primal and prestige dragon aura in Primal Chaos history.

A venerable individual among the dragons... It might not be like that in other worlds and universes, but in this universe, it is.

This is because even though it is a Primordial Azure Dragon from another universe, it is still a Primordial Azure Dragon! The carp that jumped over the dragon gate!

The identity he can have here... and the identity he can have in the Pirate World are not the same at all.

"Ancestor… I know you're confused, but there's no need. I was fortunate to be frozen in an eternal coffin for hundreds of thousands of years under unknown circumstances. When I finally woke up I found myself on this lower plane."

"I always wanted to meet you, ancestor… Unfortunately, when I was born, it was near the end of our clan."

"But I know that I am not the only clan member left alive… There is still the Highness Princess that was sealed in the lost Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword."

The Primordial Azure Dragon's eyes twitched when he heard about his daughter... The only concern that remains in his heart.

'''After waiting all these years, I have finally found a fated person. Maybe between the past and the future generations I had an affinity with... You are the first.'''

"'After a thousand years of waiting for the next challenger, I never expected that my direct heir would be the one who's come.'"

"'Being my direct heir, you have every right to pass through the trial of my complete inheritance.'"

The Primordial Azure Dragon's Spirit was extremely excited, because not even in a million years had he expected that he would one day find a direct heir to give him his full inheritance.

Complete Inheritor for the Primordial Azure Dragon... According to the information Kaido had from the novel... No one had this honor... Not even Yun Che!

According to his information, Huo Poyun, Mu Xuanyin, and Feng Xue'er had all obtained full inheritances from the Divine Beasts they had their bloodlines.

But the Golden Crow, Ice Phoenix, and Phoenix were still lower-ranked than the Leader of the Divine Beasts of the Gods Age!

What does it mean to be a Complete Inheritor of the Divine Beasts' Head?

This means that even without the Devil Tree, Kaido can become the King of the Beasts in this universe very easily.

Just by playing small tricks.

The phoenix spirit easily believed Kaido to be the reincarnation of the Phoenix... Simply because the phoenix fruit could turn him into a true phoenix, even if she was suspicious, she couldn't deny her eyes and her senses.

The same for the Primordial Azure Dragon... He couldn't deny what he felt by his divine senses... Even if at his peak he couldn't associate Kaido with a race other than his race, because Kaido with the Devil Fruit (Azure Dragon) was truly a flawless Primordial Azure Dragon.

That's why he didn't find Kaido's story to be fake or unbelievable.

Perhaps Kaido was so favored by his parents who gave their lives to save him that they even went so far as to freeze him in an eternal coffin.

Didn't he do the same for his beloved daughter?

A look of nostalgia and longing appeared in the Primordial Azure Dragon's eyes when he remembered his daughter who must have been lonely in that damned sword.

'''It must be fate...'''

"'But before I allow you to enter the complete inheritance trial, you have to make a promise to me… As your ancestor, you know what this means right?'"

"Surely I know, ancestor!"

Kaido hid his excited smile and looked toward the azure blue eyes with unparalleled solemnity gazes.

'''I want you to promise me to search and find that sword... And free up my daughter.'''


Yun Che was currently riding on a Fierce Storm Hawk that he had forcibly taken from the branch of the Xiao Sect after he also stole its treasury.

Just like in the original novel, Yun Che clashed against the Xiao Sect's branch in various events but the result was still the same which ended in a fierce struggle between the two parties.

Yun Che finally emerged victorious and now he was on his way toward the Imperial Capital.

Unfortunately for him, his fate changed a lot.

But his sacred body had been giving him constant warnings lately... He only knew how to interpret them as a bad omen.

Fate was warning him... ''Hurry up and do something''... ''The destiny that prepared for you is being stolen bit by bit.''

Under the stifling pressure Kaido gave him, the Ancestral Sacred Body started to wake up little by little.

Although he didn't know why... But his cultivation speed had increased to an unprecedented degree!

Because right now he was already a powerful cultivator at the peak of the Spirit Profound Realm!

Just a step away from reaching the Earth Profound Realm.

"Hurry up! Fierce Storm Hawk! That damned tournament… I have to take part in it at all costs."
